外国经济与管理 2006 年 第 28 卷第 09 期, 页码:59 - 65
[1]D inan,TerryM.Econom ic efficiency aspects of alternative policies for reducing waste d isposal[J].Journal of Environm ental E-conom ics and Managem ent,1993,25:242-256.
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[3]Jenk ins,Rob in R.The econom ics of solid waste reduction:the impact of user fees[M].Cheltenham,UK:Edward Engar,1993.
[4]Fu llerton,Don,and K innaman,Tom.Household response to pricing garbage by the bag[J].Am erican Econom ic Review,1996,86(4):971-984.
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[6]Chakrabarti,S,and Sarkhel,P.Econom ics of solid waste managem ent:a survey of existing literature[EB/OL].Kolkata:Eco-nom ic Research Un it,Ind ian Statistical Institute,www.isical.ac.in/~eru,2003.
[7]Turner,Pearce.Environm ental econom ics:an elem entary introduction[M].New York:HarvesterW heatsheaf,1994.
[8]M ied ima,A llen K.Fundam ental econom ic comparisons of solid waste policy options[J].Resources and Energy,1983,5:21-43.
[9]Ackerman,Frank.W hy do we recycle?[M].W ash ington D.C.:Island Press,1997.
[10]Palm er,Karen,and W alls,Margaret.Material use and solid waste:an evaluation of policies[R].Resources of the Future D is-cussion Paper No.95-05,October,1994.
[11]Fu llerton,Don,and K innaman,Tom.Garbage,recycling,and illegal burn ing or dump ing[J].Journal of Environm ental Eco-nom ics and Managem ent,1995,29:78-91.
[12]Palm er,Karen,and W alls,Margaret.Optimal policies for solid waste d isposal and recycling:taxes,subsid ies,and standards[J].Journal of Pub lic Econom ics,1997,65(2):193-205.
[13]S igman,H ilary A.A comparison of pub lic policies for lead recycling[J].RAND Journal of Econom ics,1995,26(3):452-478.
[14]Anderson,RobertC,and Sp iegelman,R ichard D.Tax policy and secondary material use[J].Journal ofEnvironm ental Econom-ics and Managem ent,1997,4:68-82.
[15]Palm er,Karen,S igman,H ilary,andW alls,Margaret.The cost of reducingmun icipal solid waste[J].Journal ofEnvironm entalEconom ics and Managem ent,1997,33(2):128-150.
[16]Dobbs,Ian M.L itter and waste managem ent:d isposal taxes versus user charges[J].Canad ian Journal of Econom ics,1991,24(1):221-227.
[17]Zoboli,R.The integrated use of econom ic instrum ents in the policy ofmun icipal solid waste[A].The managem ent ofmun icipalsolid waste in Europe:econom ics,technological and environm ental respective[C].D evelopm ents in Environm ental Econom ics-5 M ilan,1993.
[18]Calcott,Pau l,andW alls,Margaret.Can downstream waste d isposal policies encourage upstream“design for environm ent?”[J].Am erican Econom ic Review:Papers and Proceed ings,2000,90:233-237.
[2]W ertz,L Kenneth.Econom ic factors influencing household’s production of refuse[J].Journal of Environm ental Econom ics andManagem ent,1976,2:263-272.
[3]Jenk ins,Rob in R.The econom ics of solid waste reduction:the impact of user fees[M].Cheltenham,UK:Edward Engar,1993.
[4]Fu llerton,Don,and K innaman,Tom.Household response to pricing garbage by the bag[J].Am erican Econom ic Review,1996,86(4):971-984.
[5]K innaman,Thomas C,and Fu llerton,Don.The econom ics of residential solid waste managem ent[EB/OL].National Bureau ofEconom ic Research,W ork ing Paper 7326,http://www.nber.org/w7326,1999.
[6]Chakrabarti,S,and Sarkhel,P.Econom ics of solid waste managem ent:a survey of existing literature[EB/OL].Kolkata:Eco-nom ic Research Un it,Ind ian Statistical Institute,www.isical.ac.in/~eru,2003.
[7]Turner,Pearce.Environm ental econom ics:an elem entary introduction[M].New York:HarvesterW heatsheaf,1994.
[8]M ied ima,A llen K.Fundam ental econom ic comparisons of solid waste policy options[J].Resources and Energy,1983,5:21-43.
[9]Ackerman,Frank.W hy do we recycle?[M].W ash ington D.C.:Island Press,1997.
[10]Palm er,Karen,and W alls,Margaret.Material use and solid waste:an evaluation of policies[R].Resources of the Future D is-cussion Paper No.95-05,October,1994.
[11]Fu llerton,Don,and K innaman,Tom.Garbage,recycling,and illegal burn ing or dump ing[J].Journal of Environm ental Eco-nom ics and Managem ent,1995,29:78-91.
[12]Palm er,Karen,and W alls,Margaret.Optimal policies for solid waste d isposal and recycling:taxes,subsid ies,and standards[J].Journal of Pub lic Econom ics,1997,65(2):193-205.
[13]S igman,H ilary A.A comparison of pub lic policies for lead recycling[J].RAND Journal of Econom ics,1995,26(3):452-478.
[14]Anderson,RobertC,and Sp iegelman,R ichard D.Tax policy and secondary material use[J].Journal ofEnvironm ental Econom-ics and Managem ent,1997,4:68-82.
[15]Palm er,Karen,S igman,H ilary,andW alls,Margaret.The cost of reducingmun icipal solid waste[J].Journal ofEnvironm entalEconom ics and Managem ent,1997,33(2):128-150.
[16]Dobbs,Ian M.L itter and waste managem ent:d isposal taxes versus user charges[J].Canad ian Journal of Econom ics,1991,24(1):221-227.
[17]Zoboli,R.The integrated use of econom ic instrum ents in the policy ofmun icipal solid waste[A].The managem ent ofmun icipalsolid waste in Europe:econom ics,technological and environm ental respective[C].D evelopm ents in Environm ental Econom ics-5 M ilan,1993.
[18]Calcott,Pau l,andW alls,Margaret.Can downstream waste d isposal policies encourage upstream“design for environm ent?”[J].Am erican Econom ic Review:Papers and Proceed ings,2000,90:233-237.
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