外国经济与管理 2006 年 第 28 卷第 09 期, 页码:38 - 44
[1]D erek C Bok,and John T Dun lop.Labor and the Am erican commun ity[M].New York:S imon and Schuster,1970:260.
[2]Slichter,Summ er,Jam es JHealy,and E R L ivernash.The impact of collective bargain ing on managem ent[M].W ash ington,D.C.:B rook ings Institution,1960.
[3]Freeman,R ichard,and Jam esM edoff.W hat do un ions do?[M].New York:Free Press,1984.
[4]Kochan,Thomas A.Collective bargain ing and industrial relations[M].Hom ewood:R ichard D.Irw in,1980.
[5]Hamm er,Tove,and RobertN Stern.A Yo-Yo model of un ion-managem ent cooperation[J].Industrial and Labor Relations Re-view,1986,39(3):337-349.
[6]G ittell,Jody Hoffer.The SouthwestA irlines way:using the power of relationsh ips to ach ieve h igh performance[M].New York:M cG raw-H ill,2003.
[7]Ichn iowsk i,Casey,Thomas A Kochan,David Levine,C raig O lson,and George Strauss.W hatworks atwork:overview and as-sessm ent[J].Industrial Relations,1996,25(3):356-374.
[8]Katz,Harry,T Kochan,and K Gobeille.Industrial relations performance,econom ic performance,and the effects of quality ofwork ing life efforts:an interplant analysis[J].Industrial and Labor Relations Review,1983,37(1):3-17.
[9]C lark,K im.The impact of un ion ization on productivity:a case study[J].Industrial and LaborRelations Review,1980,33(4):451-469.
[10]Ichn iowsk i Casey.Industrial relations and econom ic performance:grievances and productivity[R].NBER W ork ing Paper No.1367,1984.
[11]Lazear,Edward.Personnel econom ics[M].Cambridge,Mass.:M IT Press,1995.
[12]MorrisM K leiner,Jonathan S Leonard,and Adam M P ilarsk i.How industrial relations affects plant performance:the case ofcomm ercial aircraftmanufacturing[J].Industrial and Labor Relations Review,2002,55(2):195-218.
[13]Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld.The impact on econom ic performance of a transformation in workplace relations[J].Industrial and La-bor Relations Review,1991,44(2):241-260.
[14]Jody Hoffer G ittell,Andrew von Nordenflycht,and Thomas A Kochan.Mutual gains or zero sum?labor relations and firm per-formance in the airline industry[J].Industrial&Labor Relations Review,2004,57(2):11-25.
[15]Cappelli,Peter,and David Neumark.Do h igh performance work practices improve estab lishm ent-level outcom es?[R].Cam-bridge Mass.:National Bureau of Econom ic Research,W ork ing Paper No.7374,Oct.1999.
[16]K leiner,Morris,Gerald N ichelsburg,and Adam P ilarsk i.Mon itoring,grievances,and plant performance[J].Industrial Rela-tions,1995,34(2):169-189.
[17]Buchele,R Christiansen.Employm ent and productivity growth in Europe and North Am erica:the impact of labormarket institu-tions[J].International Review ofApplied Econom ics,1999,13:313-332.
[18]Mark W ooden,Joanne Loundes,and Y i-P ing Tseng.Industrial relations reform and business performance:an introduction[R].M elbourne Institute W ork ing Paper,No.2/02,2001.
[19]Akerlof,George A.Labor contracts as partial gift exchange[J].Quarterly Journal of Econom ics,1982,97:543-569.
[20]Summ ers,Lawrence H.Relative wages,efficiency wages and Keynesian unemploym ent[J].Am erican Econom ic Review,1988,78:383-388.
[21]Akerlof,George A,and Janet L Yellen.The fair wage-effort hypothesis and unemploym ent[J].Quarterly Journal of Econom ics,1990,105:255-283.
[22]Fehr,Ernst,Georg K irchsteiger,and Arno R ied l.Does fairness prevent market clearing?an experim ental investigation[J].Quarterly Journal of Econom ics,1993,108:437-459.
①参见W ong,Edward.Bankruptcy H int by Un ited A irlines.New York Tim es,August 15,2002:A1.
③参见The New Industrial Relations.BusinessW eek,May 11,1981:85-98。
[2]Slichter,Summ er,Jam es JHealy,and E R L ivernash.The impact of collective bargain ing on managem ent[M].W ash ington,D.C.:B rook ings Institution,1960.
[3]Freeman,R ichard,and Jam esM edoff.W hat do un ions do?[M].New York:Free Press,1984.
[4]Kochan,Thomas A.Collective bargain ing and industrial relations[M].Hom ewood:R ichard D.Irw in,1980.
[5]Hamm er,Tove,and RobertN Stern.A Yo-Yo model of un ion-managem ent cooperation[J].Industrial and Labor Relations Re-view,1986,39(3):337-349.
[6]G ittell,Jody Hoffer.The SouthwestA irlines way:using the power of relationsh ips to ach ieve h igh performance[M].New York:M cG raw-H ill,2003.
[7]Ichn iowsk i,Casey,Thomas A Kochan,David Levine,C raig O lson,and George Strauss.W hatworks atwork:overview and as-sessm ent[J].Industrial Relations,1996,25(3):356-374.
[8]Katz,Harry,T Kochan,and K Gobeille.Industrial relations performance,econom ic performance,and the effects of quality ofwork ing life efforts:an interplant analysis[J].Industrial and Labor Relations Review,1983,37(1):3-17.
[9]C lark,K im.The impact of un ion ization on productivity:a case study[J].Industrial and LaborRelations Review,1980,33(4):451-469.
[10]Ichn iowsk i Casey.Industrial relations and econom ic performance:grievances and productivity[R].NBER W ork ing Paper No.1367,1984.
[11]Lazear,Edward.Personnel econom ics[M].Cambridge,Mass.:M IT Press,1995.
[12]MorrisM K leiner,Jonathan S Leonard,and Adam M P ilarsk i.How industrial relations affects plant performance:the case ofcomm ercial aircraftmanufacturing[J].Industrial and Labor Relations Review,2002,55(2):195-218.
[13]Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld.The impact on econom ic performance of a transformation in workplace relations[J].Industrial and La-bor Relations Review,1991,44(2):241-260.
[14]Jody Hoffer G ittell,Andrew von Nordenflycht,and Thomas A Kochan.Mutual gains or zero sum?labor relations and firm per-formance in the airline industry[J].Industrial&Labor Relations Review,2004,57(2):11-25.
[15]Cappelli,Peter,and David Neumark.Do h igh performance work practices improve estab lishm ent-level outcom es?[R].Cam-bridge Mass.:National Bureau of Econom ic Research,W ork ing Paper No.7374,Oct.1999.
[16]K leiner,Morris,Gerald N ichelsburg,and Adam P ilarsk i.Mon itoring,grievances,and plant performance[J].Industrial Rela-tions,1995,34(2):169-189.
[17]Buchele,R Christiansen.Employm ent and productivity growth in Europe and North Am erica:the impact of labormarket institu-tions[J].International Review ofApplied Econom ics,1999,13:313-332.
[18]Mark W ooden,Joanne Loundes,and Y i-P ing Tseng.Industrial relations reform and business performance:an introduction[R].M elbourne Institute W ork ing Paper,No.2/02,2001.
[19]Akerlof,George A.Labor contracts as partial gift exchange[J].Quarterly Journal of Econom ics,1982,97:543-569.
[20]Summ ers,Lawrence H.Relative wages,efficiency wages and Keynesian unemploym ent[J].Am erican Econom ic Review,1988,78:383-388.
[21]Akerlof,George A,and Janet L Yellen.The fair wage-effort hypothesis and unemploym ent[J].Quarterly Journal of Econom ics,1990,105:255-283.
[22]Fehr,Ernst,Georg K irchsteiger,and Arno R ied l.Does fairness prevent market clearing?an experim ental investigation[J].Quarterly Journal of Econom ics,1993,108:437-459.
①参见W ong,Edward.Bankruptcy H int by Un ited A irlines.New York Tim es,August 15,2002:A1.
③参见The New Industrial Relations.BusinessW eek,May 11,1981:85-98。
谢海东. 国外劳资关系对企业绩效的影响研究述评[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2006, 28(9): 38–44.