外国经济与管理 2006 年 第 28 卷第 04 期, 页码:40 - 47
[1](美)Von Hippel,E著(1988);柳卸林译.技术创新源泉[M].北京:科学技术文献出版社,1997:1-2,75-77.
[2]Knight,K E.A study of technological innovation:the evolution of digital computers[D].Ph.D.Dissertation,Carnegie In-stitute of Technology,1963.
[3]Enos,J L.Petroleum progress and profits:a history of process innovation[M].Cambridge,MA:MIT Press,1962.
[4]Freeman,C.Chemical process plant:innovation and the world market[J].National Institute Economic Review,1968,45:29-57.
[5]Lionetta,W G.Sources of innovation within the pultrusion industry[R].S.M.thesis,MIT Sloan School of Management,1977.
[6]Von Hippel,E.The dominant role of users in the scientific instrument innovation process[J].Research Policy,1976,5:212-239.
[7]Von Hippel,E.The dominant role of users in the semiconductor and electronic subassembly process innovation[J].Transactions on Engineering Management,1977,5:60-71.
[8]Shah,S.Sources and patters of innovation in a consumer products field:innovations in sporting equipment[R].WorkingPaper No.4105,MIT Sloan School of Management,2000.
[9]Urban,G L,von Hippel,E.Lead user analyses for the development of new industrial products[J].Management Science,1988,34:569-582.
[10]Herstatt,C,and von Hippel,E.Form experience:development new product concept via the lead user method:a casestudy in a“low tech”field[J].Journal of Product Innovation Management,1992,9:312-222.
[11]Morrison,P D,Roberts J H,von Hippel,E.Determinants of user innovation and innovation sharing in a local market[J].Management Science,2000,46:1513-1527.
[12]Lüthje,C.Customers as co-inventors:empirical analyses in the field of medical equipment[R].Proceedings from the 32thEMAC Conference,Glasgow,2003.
[13]Franke,N,von Hippel,E.Satisfying heterogeneous user needs via innovation toolkits:the case of Apache security soft-ware[J].Research Policy,2003,32:1199-1215.
[14]Lüthje,C.Characteristics of innovation users in a consumer goods field an empirical study of sport-related product con-sumers[J].Technovation,2004,24:683-695.
[15]Franke,N,Shah,S.How communities support innovation activities:an exploration of assistance and sharing among end-users[J].Research Policy,2003,32:157-178.
[16]Lüthje,C.The dominant role of local information in user innovation:the case of mountain biking[R].Working Paper No.4377,MIT Sloan School,2002.
[17]Von Hippel,E.Lead users:a source of novel product concept[J].Management Science,1986,32:791-805.
[18]Von Hippel,E.Sticky information and the locus of problem solving:implication for innovation[J].Management Science,1994,40:429-439.
[19]Morrison,P D,Rorbert,J H,Midgley,D F.The nature of lead users and measurement of leading edge status[J].Re-search Policy,2004,33:351-362.
[20]Franke,N,Piller,F.Value creation by toolkits for user innovation and design:the case of the watch market[J].Journal ofProduct Innovation Management,2004,21:401-415.
[2]Knight,K E.A study of technological innovation:the evolution of digital computers[D].Ph.D.Dissertation,Carnegie In-stitute of Technology,1963.
[3]Enos,J L.Petroleum progress and profits:a history of process innovation[M].Cambridge,MA:MIT Press,1962.
[4]Freeman,C.Chemical process plant:innovation and the world market[J].National Institute Economic Review,1968,45:29-57.
[5]Lionetta,W G.Sources of innovation within the pultrusion industry[R].S.M.thesis,MIT Sloan School of Management,1977.
[6]Von Hippel,E.The dominant role of users in the scientific instrument innovation process[J].Research Policy,1976,5:212-239.
[7]Von Hippel,E.The dominant role of users in the semiconductor and electronic subassembly process innovation[J].Transactions on Engineering Management,1977,5:60-71.
[8]Shah,S.Sources and patters of innovation in a consumer products field:innovations in sporting equipment[R].WorkingPaper No.4105,MIT Sloan School of Management,2000.
[9]Urban,G L,von Hippel,E.Lead user analyses for the development of new industrial products[J].Management Science,1988,34:569-582.
[10]Herstatt,C,and von Hippel,E.Form experience:development new product concept via the lead user method:a casestudy in a“low tech”field[J].Journal of Product Innovation Management,1992,9:312-222.
[11]Morrison,P D,Roberts J H,von Hippel,E.Determinants of user innovation and innovation sharing in a local market[J].Management Science,2000,46:1513-1527.
[12]Lüthje,C.Customers as co-inventors:empirical analyses in the field of medical equipment[R].Proceedings from the 32thEMAC Conference,Glasgow,2003.
[13]Franke,N,von Hippel,E.Satisfying heterogeneous user needs via innovation toolkits:the case of Apache security soft-ware[J].Research Policy,2003,32:1199-1215.
[14]Lüthje,C.Characteristics of innovation users in a consumer goods field an empirical study of sport-related product con-sumers[J].Technovation,2004,24:683-695.
[15]Franke,N,Shah,S.How communities support innovation activities:an exploration of assistance and sharing among end-users[J].Research Policy,2003,32:157-178.
[16]Lüthje,C.The dominant role of local information in user innovation:the case of mountain biking[R].Working Paper No.4377,MIT Sloan School,2002.
[17]Von Hippel,E.Lead users:a source of novel product concept[J].Management Science,1986,32:791-805.
[18]Von Hippel,E.Sticky information and the locus of problem solving:implication for innovation[J].Management Science,1994,40:429-439.
[19]Morrison,P D,Rorbert,J H,Midgley,D F.The nature of lead users and measurement of leading edge status[J].Re-search Policy,2004,33:351-362.
[20]Franke,N,Piller,F.Value creation by toolkits for user innovation and design:the case of the watch market[J].Journal ofProduct Innovation Management,2004,21:401-415.
高忠义, 王永贵. 用户创新及其管理研究现状与展望[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2006, 28(4): 40–47.