外国经济与管理 2012 年 第 34 卷第 08 期, 页码:73 - 81
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[3]Carol X O and Choon L S.To trust or to distrust,that is thequestion-Investigating the trust-distrust paradox[J].Com-munications of the ACM,2009,52(5):135-139.
[4]Chen S C and Dhillon G S.Interpreting dimensions of con-sumer trust in e-commerce[J].Information Technology andManagement,2003,4(2/3):303-318.
[5]Cho J.The mechanism of trust and distrust formation andtheir relational outcomes[J].Journal of Retailing,2006,82(1):25-35.
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[7]Dimoka A.What does the brain tell us about trust and dis-trust?Evidence from a functional neuroimaging study[J].MIS Quarterly,2010,34(2):373-396.
[8]Hoffman D L,et al.Building consumer trust on line[J].Communications of the ACM,1999,42(4):80-85.
[9]Jarvenpaa S L,et al.Consumer trust in an internet store[J].Information Technology and Management,2000,1(1):45-71.
[10]Koufaris M and Hampton-Sosa W.The development of ini-tial trust in an online company by new customers[J].Infor-mation and Management,2004,41(3):377-397.
[11]Lee J and Huynh M Q.An integrative model of trust on IToutsourcing:From the service receiver’s perspective[J].In-formation Systems Frontiers,2008,10(2):145-163.
[12]McKnight H D,et al.Whoops…did I use the wrong conceptto predict e-commerce trust?Modeling the risk relatedeffects of trust versus distrust concepts[R].Proceedings ofthe 36th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sci-ences,Waikoloa,Hawaii,2003
[13]McKnight H D,et al.Dispositional trust and distrust distinc-tions in predicting high and low-risk internet expert advicesite perceptions[J].E-Service Journal,2004,3(2):35-58.
[14]McKnight D H and Choudhury V.Distrust and trust in B2Ce-commerce:do they differ?[R].Proceedings of the EighthInternational Conference on Electronic Commerce Associa-tion for Computing Machinery,2006:482-491.
[15]Shankar V,et al.Online trust:A stakeholder perspective,concepts,implications,and future directions[J].Journal ofStrategic Information Systems,2002,11(3/4):325-344.
[16]Schoorman F D,et al.An integrative model of organizationaltrust:Past,present and future[J].Academy of ManagementReview,2007,32(2):344-354.
[17]Schul Y,et al.The value of distrust[J].Journal of Experi-mental Social Psychology,2008,44(5):1293-1302.
[18]Sirdeshmuk D,et al.Consumer trust,value and loyalty in re-lational exchanges[J].Journal of Marketing,2002,66(1):15-37.
[19]Tomlinson E C,Mayer R C.The role of causal attributiondimensions in trust repair[J].Academy of Management Re-view,2009,34(1):85-104.
[20]Willson T D,et al.A model of dual attitudes[J].PsychologicalReview,2000,107(1):101-126.
[2]Benamati J and Serva M A.Trust and distrust in online bank-ing:Their role in developing countries[J].Information Tech-nology for Development,2007,13(2):161-175.
[3]Carol X O and Choon L S.To trust or to distrust,that is thequestion-Investigating the trust-distrust paradox[J].Com-munications of the ACM,2009,52(5):135-139.
[4]Chen S C and Dhillon G S.Interpreting dimensions of con-sumer trust in e-commerce[J].Information Technology andManagement,2003,4(2/3):303-318.
[5]Cho J.The mechanism of trust and distrust formation andtheir relational outcomes[J].Journal of Retailing,2006,82(1):25-35.
[6]Darke P R,et al.The defensive consumer:Advertising deception,defensive processing,and distrust[J].Journal of Marketing Re-search,2007,45(2):114-27.
[7]Dimoka A.What does the brain tell us about trust and dis-trust?Evidence from a functional neuroimaging study[J].MIS Quarterly,2010,34(2):373-396.
[8]Hoffman D L,et al.Building consumer trust on line[J].Communications of the ACM,1999,42(4):80-85.
[9]Jarvenpaa S L,et al.Consumer trust in an internet store[J].Information Technology and Management,2000,1(1):45-71.
[10]Koufaris M and Hampton-Sosa W.The development of ini-tial trust in an online company by new customers[J].Infor-mation and Management,2004,41(3):377-397.
[11]Lee J and Huynh M Q.An integrative model of trust on IToutsourcing:From the service receiver’s perspective[J].In-formation Systems Frontiers,2008,10(2):145-163.
[12]McKnight H D,et al.Whoops…did I use the wrong conceptto predict e-commerce trust?Modeling the risk relatedeffects of trust versus distrust concepts[R].Proceedings ofthe 36th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sci-ences,Waikoloa,Hawaii,2003
[13]McKnight H D,et al.Dispositional trust and distrust distinc-tions in predicting high and low-risk internet expert advicesite perceptions[J].E-Service Journal,2004,3(2):35-58.
[14]McKnight D H and Choudhury V.Distrust and trust in B2Ce-commerce:do they differ?[R].Proceedings of the EighthInternational Conference on Electronic Commerce Associa-tion for Computing Machinery,2006:482-491.
[15]Shankar V,et al.Online trust:A stakeholder perspective,concepts,implications,and future directions[J].Journal ofStrategic Information Systems,2002,11(3/4):325-344.
[16]Schoorman F D,et al.An integrative model of organizationaltrust:Past,present and future[J].Academy of ManagementReview,2007,32(2):344-354.
[17]Schul Y,et al.The value of distrust[J].Journal of Experi-mental Social Psychology,2008,44(5):1293-1302.
[18]Sirdeshmuk D,et al.Consumer trust,value and loyalty in re-lational exchanges[J].Journal of Marketing,2002,66(1):15-37.
[19]Tomlinson E C,Mayer R C.The role of causal attributiondimensions in trust repair[J].Academy of Management Re-view,2009,34(1):85-104.
[20]Willson T D,et al.A model of dual attitudes[J].PsychologicalReview,2000,107(1):101-126.
贾雷, 周星, 朱晓倩. 不信任研究脉络梳理与未来展望[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2012, 34(8): 73–81.