外国经济与管理 2012 年 第 34 卷第 07 期, 页码:25 - 34
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[9]Hitt M A and Ireland R D.The intersection of entrepreneur-ship and strategic management research[A].Sexton D L and Landstrom H(Eds.).Handbook of entrepreneurship[C].Oxford,UK:Blackwell publishers,2000:46-63.
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[12]Ireland R D,et al.Integrating entrepreneurship and strategic management actions to create firm wealth[J].Academy of Management Executive,2001,15(1):49-63.
[13]Ireland R D and Webb J W.Strategic entrepreneurship:Cre-ating competitive advantage through streams of innovation[J].Business Horizons,2007,50(1):49-59.
[14]Ireland R D,et al.A model of strategic entrepreneurship:The construct and its dimensions[J].Journal of Manage-ment,2003,29(4):963-989.
[15]Ireland R D,et al Conceptualizing corporate entrepreneurship strategy[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2009,33(1):19-46.
[16]Luke B and Verreynne M L.Exploring strategic entrepre-neurship in the public sector[J].Qualitative Research in Ac-counting&Management,2006,3(1):4-26.
[17]Luke B.Uncovering strategic entrepreneurship:An examina-tion of theory and practice[D].Master paper of Auckland U-niversity of Technology,2005.
[18]Lumpkin G T and Dess G G.Clarifying the entrepreneurial ori-entation construct and linking it to performance[J].Academy of Management Review,1996,21(3):135-72.
[19]Meyer G D,et al.The entrepreneurship,strategic manage-ment interface[A].Hitt M A,et al(Eds.).Strategic entre-preneurship:Creating a new mindest[C].(1st Ed.).Oxford,UK:Blackwell,2002.
[20]Shane S A.A general theory of entrepreneurship:The indi-vidual-opportunity nexus[M].Cheltenham,UK:Edward El-gar,2003.
[21]Shane S A.Finding fertile ground:Identifying extraordinary opportunities for new venture[M].New Jersey:Wharton School Publishing,2005.
[22]Shane S A and Venkataraman S.The promise of entrepre-neurship as a field of research[J].Academy of Management Review,2000,25(10):2172-2176.
[23]Teece D j.Explicating dynamic capabilities:The nature and micro-foundations of(sustainable)enterprise performance[J].Strategic Management Journal,2007,28(8):1319-1350.
[24]Teece D J,et al.Dynamic capabilities and strategic manage-ment[J].Strategic Management Journal,1997,18(7):509-533.
[25]Timmons J A.New venture creation:Entrepreneurship for the21st century[M].New York:McGraw-Hill/Irwin,2004.
[26]Zahra S A,et al.Technological resource leveraging and the internationalization of new ventures[J].Journal of Interna-tional Entrepreneurship,2003,1(2):163-186.
[2]Barney J.Resource-based theories of competitive advantage:A ten year retrospective on the resource-based view[J].Jour-nal of Management,2001,27(1):643-650.
[3]Bygrave W D.The portable MBA in entrepreneurship[M].New York,NY:John Wiley and Sons,Inc.,1997.
[4]Chandler G N,et al.Antecedents,moderators and perform-ance consequences of membership change in new venture teams[J].Journal of Business Venturing,2005,20(5):705-725.
[5]Choi Y R and Shepherd D.Entrepreneurs’decisions to exploit opportunities[J].Journal of Management,2004,30(3):377-395.
[6]Davidsson P and Wiklund J.Levels of analysis in entrepre-neurship research:Current research practice and suggests for the future[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2001,25(4):81-100.
[7]Eisenhardt K M,et al.Competing on the entrepreneurial edge[A].Meyer G D and Heppard K A(Ed.).Entrepreneurial as strategy[M].Thousand Oaks:Sage Publications,Inc.,2000.
[8]Foss N J,et al.Entrepreneurship,subjectivism,and the re-source-based view:Toward a new synthesis[J].Strategic En-trepreneurship Journal,2008,2(1):73-94.
[9]Hitt M A and Ireland R D.The intersection of entrepreneur-ship and strategic management research[A].Sexton D L and Landstrom H(Eds.).Handbook of entrepreneurship[C].Oxford,UK:Blackwell publishers,2000:46-63.
[10]Hitt M A,et al.Strategic management:Competitiveness and globalization,[M]..(4th Ed.)Cincinnati,OH:South-West-ern College Publishing,2001.
[11]Hitt M A,et al.Strategic entrepreneurship creating new mindset[M].Oxford,UK:Blackwell Publishers,2002.
[12]Ireland R D,et al.Integrating entrepreneurship and strategic management actions to create firm wealth[J].Academy of Management Executive,2001,15(1):49-63.
[13]Ireland R D and Webb J W.Strategic entrepreneurship:Cre-ating competitive advantage through streams of innovation[J].Business Horizons,2007,50(1):49-59.
[14]Ireland R D,et al.A model of strategic entrepreneurship:The construct and its dimensions[J].Journal of Manage-ment,2003,29(4):963-989.
[15]Ireland R D,et al Conceptualizing corporate entrepreneurship strategy[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2009,33(1):19-46.
[16]Luke B and Verreynne M L.Exploring strategic entrepre-neurship in the public sector[J].Qualitative Research in Ac-counting&Management,2006,3(1):4-26.
[17]Luke B.Uncovering strategic entrepreneurship:An examina-tion of theory and practice[D].Master paper of Auckland U-niversity of Technology,2005.
[18]Lumpkin G T and Dess G G.Clarifying the entrepreneurial ori-entation construct and linking it to performance[J].Academy of Management Review,1996,21(3):135-72.
[19]Meyer G D,et al.The entrepreneurship,strategic manage-ment interface[A].Hitt M A,et al(Eds.).Strategic entre-preneurship:Creating a new mindest[C].(1st Ed.).Oxford,UK:Blackwell,2002.
[20]Shane S A.A general theory of entrepreneurship:The indi-vidual-opportunity nexus[M].Cheltenham,UK:Edward El-gar,2003.
[21]Shane S A.Finding fertile ground:Identifying extraordinary opportunities for new venture[M].New Jersey:Wharton School Publishing,2005.
[22]Shane S A and Venkataraman S.The promise of entrepre-neurship as a field of research[J].Academy of Management Review,2000,25(10):2172-2176.
[23]Teece D j.Explicating dynamic capabilities:The nature and micro-foundations of(sustainable)enterprise performance[J].Strategic Management Journal,2007,28(8):1319-1350.
[24]Teece D J,et al.Dynamic capabilities and strategic manage-ment[J].Strategic Management Journal,1997,18(7):509-533.
[25]Timmons J A.New venture creation:Entrepreneurship for the21st century[M].New York:McGraw-Hill/Irwin,2004.
[26]Zahra S A,et al.Technological resource leveraging and the internationalization of new ventures[J].Journal of Interna-tional Entrepreneurship,2003,1(2):163-186.
董保宝, 向阳. 战略创业研究脉络梳理与模型构建[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2012, 34(7): 25–34.