外国经济与管理 2013 年 第 35 卷第 03 期, 页码:22 - 27
[1]Argyres N S,et al.Complementarity and evolution of contrac-tual provisions:An empirical study of IT services contracts[J].Organization Science,2007,18(1):3-19.
[2]Badawi A B.Relational governance and contract damages:Evi-dence from franchising[J].Journal of Empirical Legal Studies,2010,7(4):743-785.
[3]Bercovitz J,et al.The antecedents and performance implications of cooperative exchange norms[J].Organization Science,2006,17(6):724-740.
[4]Bozovic I and Hadfield G K.Scaffolding:Using formal contracts to build informal relations to support innovation[J].Working Paper,USC Law School and Department of Economics,2012.
[5]Brown J R,et al.The effects of transaction-specific invest-ments in marketing channels:The moderating role of relational norms[J].Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice,2009,17(4):317-333.
[6]Dietz T.Contract law,relational contracts and reputational networks in international trade:An empirical investigation in-to cross-border contracts in the software industry[J].Law and Social Inquiry,2012,37(1):25-57.
[7]Goffin K,et al.An exploratory study of‘close’supplier-manu-facturer relationships[J].Journal of Operations Management,2006,24(2):189-209.
[8]Hendrikse G and Windsperger J.Determinants of contractual com-pleteness in franchising[A].Tuunanen M,et al.New developments in the theory of networks:Franchising,alliances and cooperatives[C].Berlin Heidelberg:Physica-Verlag,2011.
[9]Johnson J L and Umesh U N.The interplay of task allocation patterns and governance mechanisms in industrial distribution channels[J].Industrial Marketing Management,2002,31(8):665-678.
[10]Lee Y and Cavusgil S T.Enhancing alliance performance:The effects of contractual-based versus relational-based go-vernance[J].Journal of Business Research,2006,59(8):896-905.
[11]Li S.The impact of information and communication techno-logy on relation-based governance systems[J].InformationTechnology for Development,2005,11(2):105-122.
[12]Li Y,et al.Formal control and social control in domestic and in-ternational buyer-supplier relationships[J].Journal of Ope-rations Management,2010,28(4):333-344.
[13]Lumineau F and Quelin B V.An empirical investigation of in-terorganizational opportunism and contracting mechanisms[J].Strategic Organization,2012,10(1):55-84.
[14]Lumineau F and Henderson J.The influence of relational expe-rience and contractual governance on the negotiation strate-gy in buyer-supplier disputes[J].Journal of Operations Management,2012,30(5):382-395.
[15]Malhotra D and Lumineau F.Trust and collaboration in the aftermath of conflict:The effects of contract structure[J].Academy of Management Journal,2011,54(5):981-998.
[16]Mellewigt T,et al.Trust and formal contracts in interorganiza-tional relationships—Substitutes and complements[J].Manage-rial and Decision Economics,2007,28(8):833-847.
[17]Meryem B.Governance mechanisms and buyer-supplier rela-tionship:Static and dynamic panel data evidence from Tuni-sian exporting SMEs[J].International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues,2011,1(3):88-98.
[18]Poppo L and Zenger T.Substitutes or complements?Explo-ring the relationship between formal contracts and relational governance[J].Working Paper,2000.
[19]Poppo L and Zenger T.Do formal contracts and relational governance function as substitutes or complements?[J].Strategic Management Journal,2002,23(8):707-725.
[20]Puranam P and Vanneste B.Trust and governance:Untang-ling a tangled web[J].Academy of Management Review,2009,34(1):11-31.
[21]Rokkan A,et al.Specific investments in marketing relation-ships:Expropriation and bonding effects[J].Journal of Mar-keting Research,2003,40(2):210-224.
[22]Ryu S,et al.The relationship between unilateral and bilate-ral control mechanisms:The contextual effect of long-term orientation[J].Journal of Business Research,2007,60(7):681-689.
[23]Shi L and Susarla A.Relationships,reputation capital and formal contracts in procurement:Evidence from IT outsour-cing[J].Working Paper,2011.
[24]Vanneste B S and Puranam P.Repeated interactions and con-tractual detail:Identifying the learning effect[J].Organiza-tion Science,2010,21(1):186-201.
[25]Weber L and Mayer K J.Designing effective contracts:Ex-ploring the influence of framing and expectations[J].Acade-my of Management Review,2011,36(1):53-75.
[26]Yu C,et al.Formal governance mechanisms,relational governance mechanisms,and transaction-specific investments in supplier-manu-facturer relationships[J].Industrial Marketing Management,2006,35(2):128-139.
[27]Zenger T,et al.Informal and formal organization in new in-stitutional economics[J].Advances in Strategic Management,2002,19(1):277-305.
[28]Zukowski R.Historical path dependence,institutional per-sistence,and transition to market economy:The case of Poland[J].International Journal of Social Economics,2004,31櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒(10):955-973.
[2]Badawi A B.Relational governance and contract damages:Evi-dence from franchising[J].Journal of Empirical Legal Studies,2010,7(4):743-785.
[3]Bercovitz J,et al.The antecedents and performance implications of cooperative exchange norms[J].Organization Science,2006,17(6):724-740.
[4]Bozovic I and Hadfield G K.Scaffolding:Using formal contracts to build informal relations to support innovation[J].Working Paper,USC Law School and Department of Economics,2012.
[5]Brown J R,et al.The effects of transaction-specific invest-ments in marketing channels:The moderating role of relational norms[J].Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice,2009,17(4):317-333.
[6]Dietz T.Contract law,relational contracts and reputational networks in international trade:An empirical investigation in-to cross-border contracts in the software industry[J].Law and Social Inquiry,2012,37(1):25-57.
[7]Goffin K,et al.An exploratory study of‘close’supplier-manu-facturer relationships[J].Journal of Operations Management,2006,24(2):189-209.
[8]Hendrikse G and Windsperger J.Determinants of contractual com-pleteness in franchising[A].Tuunanen M,et al.New developments in the theory of networks:Franchising,alliances and cooperatives[C].Berlin Heidelberg:Physica-Verlag,2011.
[9]Johnson J L and Umesh U N.The interplay of task allocation patterns and governance mechanisms in industrial distribution channels[J].Industrial Marketing Management,2002,31(8):665-678.
[10]Lee Y and Cavusgil S T.Enhancing alliance performance:The effects of contractual-based versus relational-based go-vernance[J].Journal of Business Research,2006,59(8):896-905.
[11]Li S.The impact of information and communication techno-logy on relation-based governance systems[J].InformationTechnology for Development,2005,11(2):105-122.
[12]Li Y,et al.Formal control and social control in domestic and in-ternational buyer-supplier relationships[J].Journal of Ope-rations Management,2010,28(4):333-344.
[13]Lumineau F and Quelin B V.An empirical investigation of in-terorganizational opportunism and contracting mechanisms[J].Strategic Organization,2012,10(1):55-84.
[14]Lumineau F and Henderson J.The influence of relational expe-rience and contractual governance on the negotiation strate-gy in buyer-supplier disputes[J].Journal of Operations Management,2012,30(5):382-395.
[15]Malhotra D and Lumineau F.Trust and collaboration in the aftermath of conflict:The effects of contract structure[J].Academy of Management Journal,2011,54(5):981-998.
[16]Mellewigt T,et al.Trust and formal contracts in interorganiza-tional relationships—Substitutes and complements[J].Manage-rial and Decision Economics,2007,28(8):833-847.
[17]Meryem B.Governance mechanisms and buyer-supplier rela-tionship:Static and dynamic panel data evidence from Tuni-sian exporting SMEs[J].International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues,2011,1(3):88-98.
[18]Poppo L and Zenger T.Substitutes or complements?Explo-ring the relationship between formal contracts and relational governance[J].Working Paper,2000.
[19]Poppo L and Zenger T.Do formal contracts and relational governance function as substitutes or complements?[J].Strategic Management Journal,2002,23(8):707-725.
[20]Puranam P and Vanneste B.Trust and governance:Untang-ling a tangled web[J].Academy of Management Review,2009,34(1):11-31.
[21]Rokkan A,et al.Specific investments in marketing relation-ships:Expropriation and bonding effects[J].Journal of Mar-keting Research,2003,40(2):210-224.
[22]Ryu S,et al.The relationship between unilateral and bilate-ral control mechanisms:The contextual effect of long-term orientation[J].Journal of Business Research,2007,60(7):681-689.
[23]Shi L and Susarla A.Relationships,reputation capital and formal contracts in procurement:Evidence from IT outsour-cing[J].Working Paper,2011.
[24]Vanneste B S and Puranam P.Repeated interactions and con-tractual detail:Identifying the learning effect[J].Organiza-tion Science,2010,21(1):186-201.
[25]Weber L and Mayer K J.Designing effective contracts:Ex-ploring the influence of framing and expectations[J].Acade-my of Management Review,2011,36(1):53-75.
[26]Yu C,et al.Formal governance mechanisms,relational governance mechanisms,and transaction-specific investments in supplier-manu-facturer relationships[J].Industrial Marketing Management,2006,35(2):128-139.
[27]Zenger T,et al.Informal and formal organization in new in-stitutional economics[J].Advances in Strategic Management,2002,19(1):277-305.
[28]Zukowski R.Historical path dependence,institutional per-sistence,and transition to market economy:The case of Poland[J].International Journal of Social Economics,2004,31櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒(10):955-973.
万俊毅, 敖嘉焯. 企业间交易治理机制研究述评与展望[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2013, 35(3): 22–27.