外国经济与管理 2013 年 第 35 卷第 01 期, 页码:29 - 36
[1]Berthon P,et al.Does brand meaning exist in similarity or sin-gularity?[J].Journal of Business Research,2009,62(3):356-361.
[2]Devasagayam P R and buff C L A.Multidimensional conceptualiza-tion of brand community:An empirical investigation[J].Sport Marketing Quarterly,2008,17(1):20-29.
[3]Fournier S and Lee L.Getting brand communities right[J].Harvard Business Review,2009,87(4):105-111.
[4]Fuller J.Virtual co-creation of new products and its impact on consumers’product and brand relationships[R].Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings,Montreal,2010.
[5]Gregory A.Involving stakeholders in developing corporate brands:The communication dimension[J].Journal of Marke-ting Management,2007,23(1/2):59-73.
[6]Harwood T and Garry T.‘It’s Mine!’—Participation and ownership within virtual co-creation environments[J].Journal of Marketing Management,2010,26(3/4):290-301.
[7]Hatch M and Schultz M.Of bricks and brands:From corporate to enterprise branding[J].Organizational Dynamics,2009,38(2):117-130.
[8]Hatch M and Schultz M.Toward a theory of brand co-creationwith implications for brand governance[J].Journal of Brand Management,2010,17(8):590-604.
[9]Helm C and Jones R.Brand governance:The new agenda in brand management[J].Journal of Brand Management,2010,17(8):545-547.
[10]Helm C and Jones R.Extending the value chain—A concep-tual framework for managing the governance of co-created brad equity[J].Journal of Brand Management,2010,17(8):579-589.
[11]Iansiti M and Levien R.Strategy as ecology[J].Harvard Business Review,2004,82(3):68-78.
[12]Ind N and Bjerke R.The concept of participatory market ori-entation:An organisation-wide approach to enhancing brand equity[J].Journal of Brand Management,2007,15(2):135-145.
[13]Ind N and Bjerke R.Branding governance[M].London:Wiley&Sons,2007.
[14]Jurgens M,et al.Stakeholder theory and practice in Europe and North America:The key to success lies in a marketing ap-proach[J].Journal of Industrial Marketing Management,2010,39(5):769-775.
[15]Kolk A and Pinkse J.Stakeholder mismanagement and corpo-rate social responsibility crises[J].European Management Journal,2006,24(1):59-72.
[16]McAlexander J H,et al.Building brand community[J].Jour-nal of Marketing,2002,66(1):38-54.
[17]Merz A M,et al.The evolving brand logic:A service-domi-nant logic perspective[J].Journal of Academy of Marketing Science,2009,37(3):328-344.
[18]Monga A B and John D R.Cultural differences in brand ex-tension evaluation:The influence of analytic versus holistic thinking[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2007,33(4):529-536.
[19]Nyadzayo M W,et al.Brand relationships and brand equity in franchising[J].Journal of Industrial Marketing Management,2011,40(7):1103-1114.
[20]Ramaswamy V and Gouillart F.The power of co-creation:Build it with them to boost growth,productivity and profits[M].New York:The Free Press,2010.
[21]Schau H J,et al.How brand community practices create va-lue[J].Journal of Marketing,2009,73(5):30-51.
[22]Torres A,et al.Generating global brand equity through cor-porate social responsibility to key stakeholders[J].Interna-tional Journal of Research in Marketing,2012,29(1):13-24.
[23]Tsai H T,et al.Brand community participation:Examining the roles of individual-,group-,and relationship-level antece-dents[J].Journal of Business Research,2012,65(5):676-684.
[24]Vargo S L and Lusch R F.Evolving to a new dominant logic for marketing[J].Journal of Marketing,2004,68(1):1-17.
[25]Vargo S L and Lusch R F.Service-dominant logic:Continuing the evolution[J].Journal of the Academy of Marketing Sci-ence,2008,31(1):1-10.
[26]Woisetschlager D,et al.How to make brand communities work:Antecedents and consequences of consumer’s participa-tion[J].Journal of Relationship Marketing,2008,7(3):237-256.
[2]Devasagayam P R and buff C L A.Multidimensional conceptualiza-tion of brand community:An empirical investigation[J].Sport Marketing Quarterly,2008,17(1):20-29.
[3]Fournier S and Lee L.Getting brand communities right[J].Harvard Business Review,2009,87(4):105-111.
[4]Fuller J.Virtual co-creation of new products and its impact on consumers’product and brand relationships[R].Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings,Montreal,2010.
[5]Gregory A.Involving stakeholders in developing corporate brands:The communication dimension[J].Journal of Marke-ting Management,2007,23(1/2):59-73.
[6]Harwood T and Garry T.‘It’s Mine!’—Participation and ownership within virtual co-creation environments[J].Journal of Marketing Management,2010,26(3/4):290-301.
[7]Hatch M and Schultz M.Of bricks and brands:From corporate to enterprise branding[J].Organizational Dynamics,2009,38(2):117-130.
[8]Hatch M and Schultz M.Toward a theory of brand co-creationwith implications for brand governance[J].Journal of Brand Management,2010,17(8):590-604.
[9]Helm C and Jones R.Brand governance:The new agenda in brand management[J].Journal of Brand Management,2010,17(8):545-547.
[10]Helm C and Jones R.Extending the value chain—A concep-tual framework for managing the governance of co-created brad equity[J].Journal of Brand Management,2010,17(8):579-589.
[11]Iansiti M and Levien R.Strategy as ecology[J].Harvard Business Review,2004,82(3):68-78.
[12]Ind N and Bjerke R.The concept of participatory market ori-entation:An organisation-wide approach to enhancing brand equity[J].Journal of Brand Management,2007,15(2):135-145.
[13]Ind N and Bjerke R.Branding governance[M].London:Wiley&Sons,2007.
[14]Jurgens M,et al.Stakeholder theory and practice in Europe and North America:The key to success lies in a marketing ap-proach[J].Journal of Industrial Marketing Management,2010,39(5):769-775.
[15]Kolk A and Pinkse J.Stakeholder mismanagement and corpo-rate social responsibility crises[J].European Management Journal,2006,24(1):59-72.
[16]McAlexander J H,et al.Building brand community[J].Jour-nal of Marketing,2002,66(1):38-54.
[17]Merz A M,et al.The evolving brand logic:A service-domi-nant logic perspective[J].Journal of Academy of Marketing Science,2009,37(3):328-344.
[18]Monga A B and John D R.Cultural differences in brand ex-tension evaluation:The influence of analytic versus holistic thinking[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2007,33(4):529-536.
[19]Nyadzayo M W,et al.Brand relationships and brand equity in franchising[J].Journal of Industrial Marketing Management,2011,40(7):1103-1114.
[20]Ramaswamy V and Gouillart F.The power of co-creation:Build it with them to boost growth,productivity and profits[M].New York:The Free Press,2010.
[21]Schau H J,et al.How brand community practices create va-lue[J].Journal of Marketing,2009,73(5):30-51.
[22]Torres A,et al.Generating global brand equity through cor-porate social responsibility to key stakeholders[J].Interna-tional Journal of Research in Marketing,2012,29(1):13-24.
[23]Tsai H T,et al.Brand community participation:Examining the roles of individual-,group-,and relationship-level antece-dents[J].Journal of Business Research,2012,65(5):676-684.
[24]Vargo S L and Lusch R F.Evolving to a new dominant logic for marketing[J].Journal of Marketing,2004,68(1):1-17.
[25]Vargo S L and Lusch R F.Service-dominant logic:Continuing the evolution[J].Journal of the Academy of Marketing Sci-ence,2008,31(1):1-10.
[26]Woisetschlager D,et al.How to make brand communities work:Antecedents and consequences of consumer’s participa-tion[J].Journal of Relationship Marketing,2008,7(3):237-256.
王彦勇, 徐向艺. 国外品牌治理研究述评与展望[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2013, 35(1): 29–36.