财经研究 2015 年 第 41 卷第 08 期, 页码:
[1]杜恂诚.货币, 货币化与萧条时期的货币供给——20世纪30年代中国经济走出困局回顾[J]. 财经研究,2009,(3):46-56.
[2]管汉晖. 20世纪30年代大萧条中的中国宏观经济[J].经济研究,2007,(2):16-26.
[10]孙建华.近代中国金融发展与制度变迁:1840-1945[M].北京:中国财政经济出版社 ,2008.
[19]Acharya V V, Gale D, Yorulmarez T. Rollover Risk and Market Freezes[J].Journal of Finance, 2012, 66(4): 1177-1209.
[20]Acharya V V, Anginer D, Warburton A J. The end of market discipline? Investor expectations of implicit government guarantees[R].Working Paper,2013.
[21]Acharya V V, Kulkarni N. Government guarantees and bank vulnerability during the Financial Crisis of 2007-09: Evidence from an emerging market[R]. Working Paper, 2014.
[22]Beyhaghi M, D’Souza C, Roberts G S. Funding advantage and market discipline in the Canadian banking sector[J]. Journal of Banking and Finance, 2014,48: 396-410.
[23]Brandt L, Sargent T. Interpreting new evidence about China and U.S. silver purchases[J].Journal of Monetary Economics, 1989,23(1): 31-52.
[24]Brean D J S, Kryzanowski L, Roberts G S. Canada and the United States:Different roots, different routes to financial sector regulation[J].Business History, 2011,53 (2): 249-269.
[25]Burdekin R C K . US pressure on China: Silver flows, deflation, and the 1934 Shanghai credit crunch[J].China Economic Review, 2008,19(2): 170-182.
[26]Diamond D, Dybvig P. Bank runs, deposit insurance, and liquidity[J].Journal of Political Economy,1983,91(3):401-419.
[27]Diamond D W. Financial intermediation and delegated monitoring[J].The Review of Economic Studies, 1984,51(3): 393-414.
[28]Flannery M J. Using market information in prudential bank supervision: A review of the U.S. empirical evidence[J].Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 1998 30(3):273-305.
[29]Friedman M, Schwartz A J.A monetary history of the United States,1867-1960.[M].Princeton :Princeton University Press,1971.
[30]Friedman M,Franklin D. Roosevelt, silver, and China[J].Journal of Political Economy,1992,100(2): 62-83.
[31]Gropp R, Vesala J, Vulpes G. Equity and bond market signals as leading indicators of bank fragility [J].Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 2006,38(2): 399-428.
[32]Gropp R, Gruendl C, Guettler A. The impact of public guarantees on bank risktaking: Evidence from a natural experiment[J].Review of Finance,2014,18(2):457-488.
[33]Iyer R,Puri M. Understanding bank runs: The importance of depositorbank relationships and networks[J]. American Economic Review, 2012,102(4): 1414-1445.
[34]Karas A, Pyle W, Schoors K. Deposit insurance, banking crises, and market discipline: Evidence from a natural experiment on deposit flows and rates[J] Journal of Money, Credit and Banking,2013,45(1):179-200.
[35]Keeley M C. Deposit insurance, risk, and market power in banking[J].American Economic Review, 1990,80(5):1183-1200.
[36]Opiela T P. Was there an implicit full guarantee at financial institutions in Thailand? Evidence of risk pricing by depositors[J].Journal of Comparative Economics,2004,32(3):519-541.
[37]Schnabel I. The role of liquidity and implicit guarantees in the German twin crisis of 1931[J].Journal of International Money and Finance,2009,28(1):1-25.
[38]Schumacher L. Bank runs and currency run in a system without a safety net: Argentina and the ‘tequila’ shock[J].Journal of Monetary Economics,2000,46(1): 257-277.
[39]Sironi A. Testing for market discipline in the European banking industry: Evidence from subordinated debt issues[J].Journal of Money, Credit and Banking,2003,35(3):443-472.
[2]管汉晖. 20世纪30年代大萧条中的中国宏观经济[J].经济研究,2007,(2):16-26.
[10]孙建华.近代中国金融发展与制度变迁:1840-1945[M].北京:中国财政经济出版社 ,2008.
[19]Acharya V V, Gale D, Yorulmarez T. Rollover Risk and Market Freezes[J].Journal of Finance, 2012, 66(4): 1177-1209.
[20]Acharya V V, Anginer D, Warburton A J. The end of market discipline? Investor expectations of implicit government guarantees[R].Working Paper,2013.
[21]Acharya V V, Kulkarni N. Government guarantees and bank vulnerability during the Financial Crisis of 2007-09: Evidence from an emerging market[R]. Working Paper, 2014.
[22]Beyhaghi M, D’Souza C, Roberts G S. Funding advantage and market discipline in the Canadian banking sector[J]. Journal of Banking and Finance, 2014,48: 396-410.
[23]Brandt L, Sargent T. Interpreting new evidence about China and U.S. silver purchases[J].Journal of Monetary Economics, 1989,23(1): 31-52.
[24]Brean D J S, Kryzanowski L, Roberts G S. Canada and the United States:Different roots, different routes to financial sector regulation[J].Business History, 2011,53 (2): 249-269.
[25]Burdekin R C K . US pressure on China: Silver flows, deflation, and the 1934 Shanghai credit crunch[J].China Economic Review, 2008,19(2): 170-182.
[26]Diamond D, Dybvig P. Bank runs, deposit insurance, and liquidity[J].Journal of Political Economy,1983,91(3):401-419.
[27]Diamond D W. Financial intermediation and delegated monitoring[J].The Review of Economic Studies, 1984,51(3): 393-414.
[28]Flannery M J. Using market information in prudential bank supervision: A review of the U.S. empirical evidence[J].Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 1998 30(3):273-305.
[29]Friedman M, Schwartz A J.A monetary history of the United States,1867-1960.[M].Princeton :Princeton University Press,1971.
[30]Friedman M,Franklin D. Roosevelt, silver, and China[J].Journal of Political Economy,1992,100(2): 62-83.
[31]Gropp R, Vesala J, Vulpes G. Equity and bond market signals as leading indicators of bank fragility [J].Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 2006,38(2): 399-428.
[32]Gropp R, Gruendl C, Guettler A. The impact of public guarantees on bank risktaking: Evidence from a natural experiment[J].Review of Finance,2014,18(2):457-488.
[33]Iyer R,Puri M. Understanding bank runs: The importance of depositorbank relationships and networks[J]. American Economic Review, 2012,102(4): 1414-1445.
[34]Karas A, Pyle W, Schoors K. Deposit insurance, banking crises, and market discipline: Evidence from a natural experiment on deposit flows and rates[J] Journal of Money, Credit and Banking,2013,45(1):179-200.
[35]Keeley M C. Deposit insurance, risk, and market power in banking[J].American Economic Review, 1990,80(5):1183-1200.
[36]Opiela T P. Was there an implicit full guarantee at financial institutions in Thailand? Evidence of risk pricing by depositors[J].Journal of Comparative Economics,2004,32(3):519-541.
[37]Schnabel I. The role of liquidity and implicit guarantees in the German twin crisis of 1931[J].Journal of International Money and Finance,2009,28(1):1-25.
[38]Schumacher L. Bank runs and currency run in a system without a safety net: Argentina and the ‘tequila’ shock[J].Journal of Monetary Economics,2000,46(1): 257-277.
[39]Sironi A. Testing for market discipline in the European banking industry: Evidence from subordinated debt issues[J].Journal of Money, Credit and Banking,2003,35(3):443-472.
刘 冲, 周瑾芝. 金融危机、政府担保与储户挤兑——来自中国“白银风潮”的历史证据[J]. 财经研究, 2015, 41(8): 0.