财经研究 2015 年 第 41 卷第 08 期, 页码:
[8]李文星,徐长生,艾春荣. 我国人口年龄结构和居民消费:1989—2004[J].经济研究,2008,(7):118-129.
[17]Benito A, Thompsom J, Waldron M, et al. House prices and consumer spending[R]. Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin, 2006.
[18]Benito A. Housing equity as a buffer: Evidence from UK households[R]. Working Paper No.324, Bank of England, 2007.
[19]Browning M, Lusardi A. Household saving: Micro theories and micro facts[J]. Journal of Economic Literature, 1996, 34(4):1797-1855.
[20]Campbell J Y, Cocco J. How do house prices affect consumption? Evidence from micro data[J]. Journal of Monetary Economics, 2007, 54(3): 591-621.
[21]Caner M, Hansen B E. Instrumental variable estimation of a threshold model[J]. Econometric Theory, 2004, 20(5): 813-843.
[22]Carroll C D, Otsuka M, Slacalek J. How large are housing and financial wealth effects? A new approach[J]. Journal of Money,Credit and Banking, 2011, 43(1):55-79.
[23]Case K E, Quigley J M, Shiller R J. Comparing wealth effects: The stock market versus the housing market[J]. Advances in Macroeconomics, 2005, 5(1):1-32.
[24]Chamon M, Prasad E. Why are saving rates of urban households in China rising?[J]. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2010, 2(1): 93-130.
[25]Chen J. Reevaluating the association between housing wealth and aggregate consumption: New evidence from Sweden[J]. Journal of Housing Economics, 2006, 15(4): 321-348.
[26]Chen N K, Chen S S, Chou Y H. House prices, collateral constraint, and the asymmetric effect on consumption[J]. Journal of Housing Economics, 2010, 19(1): 26-37.
[27]Cho S. Housing wealth effect on consumption: Evidence from household level data[J]. Economics Letters, 2011, 113(2): 192-194.
[28]Ciarlone A. Housing wealth effect in emerging economies[J]. Emerging Markets Review, 2011, 12(4): 399-417.
[29]Christensen I, Corrigan P, Mendicino C, et al. Consumption, housing collateral, and the Canadian business cycle[R]. Working Paper No.26, Bank of Canada, 2009.
[30]Gan J. Housing wealth and consumption growth: Evidence from a large panel of households [J]. Review of Financial Studies, 2010, 23(6): 2229-2267.
[31]Hansen B E. Threshold effects in nondynamic panels: Estimation, testing, and inference[J]. Journal of Econometric, 1999,93(2):345-368.
[32]Iacoviello M. Consumption, house prices, and collateral constraints: A structural econometric analysis[J]. Journal of Housing Economics, 2004,13(4): 304-320.
[33]Lehnert A. Housing, consumption and credit constraints[R]. FEDS Working Paper No.63, 2004.
[34]Lustig H, Van Nieuwerburg S. How much does household collateral constraint regional risk sharing?[R]. NBER Working Paper No.10505, 2004.
[35]Miller N, Peng L, Sklarz M. House prices and economic growth[J]. Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 2011, 42(4): 522-541.
[36]Peltonen T A, Sousa R M, Vansteenkiste I S. Wealth effects in emerging market economies[J]. International Review of Economics and Finance, 2012, 24: 155-166.
[37]Sousa R M. Financial wealth, housing wealth, and consumption[J]. International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 2008, 19: 167-191.
[38]Veirman D E, Dunstan A. Does wealth variation matter for consumption?[R]. Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper No.02, 2010.
[8]李文星,徐长生,艾春荣. 我国人口年龄结构和居民消费:1989—2004[J].经济研究,2008,(7):118-129.
[17]Benito A, Thompsom J, Waldron M, et al. House prices and consumer spending[R]. Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin, 2006.
[18]Benito A. Housing equity as a buffer: Evidence from UK households[R]. Working Paper No.324, Bank of England, 2007.
[19]Browning M, Lusardi A. Household saving: Micro theories and micro facts[J]. Journal of Economic Literature, 1996, 34(4):1797-1855.
[20]Campbell J Y, Cocco J. How do house prices affect consumption? Evidence from micro data[J]. Journal of Monetary Economics, 2007, 54(3): 591-621.
[21]Caner M, Hansen B E. Instrumental variable estimation of a threshold model[J]. Econometric Theory, 2004, 20(5): 813-843.
[22]Carroll C D, Otsuka M, Slacalek J. How large are housing and financial wealth effects? A new approach[J]. Journal of Money,Credit and Banking, 2011, 43(1):55-79.
[23]Case K E, Quigley J M, Shiller R J. Comparing wealth effects: The stock market versus the housing market[J]. Advances in Macroeconomics, 2005, 5(1):1-32.
[24]Chamon M, Prasad E. Why are saving rates of urban households in China rising?[J]. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2010, 2(1): 93-130.
[25]Chen J. Reevaluating the association between housing wealth and aggregate consumption: New evidence from Sweden[J]. Journal of Housing Economics, 2006, 15(4): 321-348.
[26]Chen N K, Chen S S, Chou Y H. House prices, collateral constraint, and the asymmetric effect on consumption[J]. Journal of Housing Economics, 2010, 19(1): 26-37.
[27]Cho S. Housing wealth effect on consumption: Evidence from household level data[J]. Economics Letters, 2011, 113(2): 192-194.
[28]Ciarlone A. Housing wealth effect in emerging economies[J]. Emerging Markets Review, 2011, 12(4): 399-417.
[29]Christensen I, Corrigan P, Mendicino C, et al. Consumption, housing collateral, and the Canadian business cycle[R]. Working Paper No.26, Bank of Canada, 2009.
[30]Gan J. Housing wealth and consumption growth: Evidence from a large panel of households [J]. Review of Financial Studies, 2010, 23(6): 2229-2267.
[31]Hansen B E. Threshold effects in nondynamic panels: Estimation, testing, and inference[J]. Journal of Econometric, 1999,93(2):345-368.
[32]Iacoviello M. Consumption, house prices, and collateral constraints: A structural econometric analysis[J]. Journal of Housing Economics, 2004,13(4): 304-320.
[33]Lehnert A. Housing, consumption and credit constraints[R]. FEDS Working Paper No.63, 2004.
[34]Lustig H, Van Nieuwerburg S. How much does household collateral constraint regional risk sharing?[R]. NBER Working Paper No.10505, 2004.
[35]Miller N, Peng L, Sklarz M. House prices and economic growth[J]. Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 2011, 42(4): 522-541.
[36]Peltonen T A, Sousa R M, Vansteenkiste I S. Wealth effects in emerging market economies[J]. International Review of Economics and Finance, 2012, 24: 155-166.
[37]Sousa R M. Financial wealth, housing wealth, and consumption[J]. International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 2008, 19: 167-191.
[38]Veirman D E, Dunstan A. Does wealth variation matter for consumption?[R]. Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper No.02, 2010.
李 剑. 住房资产、价格波动与我国城镇居民消费行为——基于传导渠道的分析[J]. 财经研究, 2015, 41(8): 0.