财经研究 2007 年 第 33 卷第 09 期, 页码:89 - 101
[10]Acemoglu D,P Aghion,F Zilibotti.Distance to frontier,selection and economic growth[D].NBER Working paper No.9006,2002.
[11]Acemoglu D,F Zilibotti.Productivity differences[R].NBER Working Paper No.6879,1999.
[12]Aghion P,P Howitt.Endogenous growth theory[M].The MIT Press,1999.
[13]Basu,Susanto,David N Weil.Appropriate technology and growth[J].Quarterly Jour-nal of Economics,1998,113:1025~1054.
[14]Grossman G,E Helpman.Innovation and growth in the global economy[M].The MITPress,1991.
[15]Hall R,Jones C.Why do some countries produce so much more output per workerthan others?[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1999,114:83~116.
[16]Jones,L E Manuelli R E.A convex model of equilibrium growth:Theory and policyimplications[J].Journal of Political Economics,1990,98(2):1008~1038.
[17]Leon-Ledesma,M A.Accumulation,innovation and catching-up:An extended cumu-lative growth model[J].Cambridge Journal of Economcs,2002,26:201~216.
[18]Lucas R E.On the mechanics of economic development[J].Journal of Monetary Eco-nomics,1998,22(1):3~42.
[19]Lucas R E.Making a miracle[J].Econometrica,1993,61:251~272.
[20]Mankiw N G.The growth of nations[D].Brookings Papers on Economic Activity,1995,25:275~310.
[21]Mankiw N G,Romer D,Weil D N.A contribution to the empirics of economic growth[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1992,107(2):407~437.
[22]Mansfeild,Edwin,M Schwartz,S Wagner.Imitation costs and patents:An empiricalstudy[J].Economic Journal,1981,91:907~918.
[23]Sala-i-Martin X.The disturbing“rise”of global income inequality[R].NBER Work-ing Paper No.8904,2002.
[10]Acemoglu D,P Aghion,F Zilibotti.Distance to frontier,selection and economic growth[D].NBER Working paper No.9006,2002.
[11]Acemoglu D,F Zilibotti.Productivity differences[R].NBER Working Paper No.6879,1999.
[12]Aghion P,P Howitt.Endogenous growth theory[M].The MIT Press,1999.
[13]Basu,Susanto,David N Weil.Appropriate technology and growth[J].Quarterly Jour-nal of Economics,1998,113:1025~1054.
[14]Grossman G,E Helpman.Innovation and growth in the global economy[M].The MITPress,1991.
[15]Hall R,Jones C.Why do some countries produce so much more output per workerthan others?[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1999,114:83~116.
[16]Jones,L E Manuelli R E.A convex model of equilibrium growth:Theory and policyimplications[J].Journal of Political Economics,1990,98(2):1008~1038.
[17]Leon-Ledesma,M A.Accumulation,innovation and catching-up:An extended cumu-lative growth model[J].Cambridge Journal of Economcs,2002,26:201~216.
[18]Lucas R E.On the mechanics of economic development[J].Journal of Monetary Eco-nomics,1998,22(1):3~42.
[19]Lucas R E.Making a miracle[J].Econometrica,1993,61:251~272.
[20]Mankiw N G.The growth of nations[D].Brookings Papers on Economic Activity,1995,25:275~310.
[21]Mankiw N G,Romer D,Weil D N.A contribution to the empirics of economic growth[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1992,107(2):407~437.
[22]Mansfeild,Edwin,M Schwartz,S Wagner.Imitation costs and patents:An empiricalstudy[J].Economic Journal,1981,91:907~918.
[23]Sala-i-Martin X.The disturbing“rise”of global income inequality[R].NBER Work-ing Paper No.8904,2002.
张焕明. 追赶战略、人力资本及地区经济增长趋同——基于教育效率的水平创新模型的实证分析[J]. 财经研究, 2007, 33(9): 89–101.