财经研究 2007 年 第 33 卷第 01 期, 页码:103 - 113
[2][3]数据来源:http://www.wto·org/english/tratop e/adp e/adp eht m#statistics,2006年9月公布。
[1]Baldwin Robert·The political economy of reforming the anti-dumping laws[J]·The World Economy,2005,28,(5):745~747·
[2]Blonigen Bruce,Bown Chad·Antidumping and retaliationthreats[J]·Journal of Interna-tional Economics2003,60:249~273·
[3]CBO or Congressional Budget Office·Antidumping action in the United States and a-round the world:An update[R]·Washington DC:CBO Working Paper,2001:11~12·
[4]Finger Michael Murray Tracy·Anti-dumping and countervailing duty enforcement in the United States[A]·Finger M.Anti-dumping:Howit works and who gets hurt[C]·Michigan University Press,1993.
[5]Irwin Douglas·The rise of U.S.antidumping actions in historical perspective[R].NBER Working Paper2004,No.10582:1~19·
[6]James William E.The rise of anti-dumping:Does regionalism promote administered protection[J]·Asian-Pacific Economic Literature,2000,14(2):14~26·
[7]Jiang Bin,Ellinger Alexander.Challenges for China—The World’s largest antidumping target[J]·Business Horizons,2003,46(3):25~30·
[8]Mah Jai.Antidumping decisions and macroeconomic variables in the USA[J]·Applied Economics2000,32:1701~1709·
[9]Prusa Thomas·Anti-dumping:Agrowing problemininternational trade[J]·The WorldEconomy,2005,28(5):683~700.
[10]White Ying Jones Katherine.The sun sets on US antidumping orders[J]·China Busi-ness Review,2000,27(3):34~43.
[11]Zanardi Maurizio·Anti-dumping:What are the numbers to discuss at doha[J]·Tthe World Economy,2004,27(3):403~433.
[12]Zhihao Yu·A model of substitution of non-tariff Barriers for tariffs[J].The Canadian Journal of Economics,2000,33(4):1069~1090.
[2][3]数据来源:http://www.wto·org/english/tratop e/adp e/adp eht m#statistics,2006年9月公布。
[1]Baldwin Robert·The political economy of reforming the anti-dumping laws[J]·The World Economy,2005,28,(5):745~747·
[2]Blonigen Bruce,Bown Chad·Antidumping and retaliationthreats[J]·Journal of Interna-tional Economics2003,60:249~273·
[3]CBO or Congressional Budget Office·Antidumping action in the United States and a-round the world:An update[R]·Washington DC:CBO Working Paper,2001:11~12·
[4]Finger Michael Murray Tracy·Anti-dumping and countervailing duty enforcement in the United States[A]·Finger M.Anti-dumping:Howit works and who gets hurt[C]·Michigan University Press,1993.
[5]Irwin Douglas·The rise of U.S.antidumping actions in historical perspective[R].NBER Working Paper2004,No.10582:1~19·
[6]James William E.The rise of anti-dumping:Does regionalism promote administered protection[J]·Asian-Pacific Economic Literature,2000,14(2):14~26·
[7]Jiang Bin,Ellinger Alexander.Challenges for China—The World’s largest antidumping target[J]·Business Horizons,2003,46(3):25~30·
[8]Mah Jai.Antidumping decisions and macroeconomic variables in the USA[J]·Applied Economics2000,32:1701~1709·
[9]Prusa Thomas·Anti-dumping:Agrowing problemininternational trade[J]·The WorldEconomy,2005,28(5):683~700.
[10]White Ying Jones Katherine.The sun sets on US antidumping orders[J]·China Busi-ness Review,2000,27(3):34~43.
[11]Zanardi Maurizio·Anti-dumping:What are the numbers to discuss at doha[J]·Tthe World Economy,2004,27(3):403~433.
[12]Zhihao Yu·A model of substitution of non-tariff Barriers for tariffs[J].The Canadian Journal of Economics,2000,33(4):1069~1090.
沈国兵. 反倾销等贸易壁垒与中美双边贸易问题[J]. 财经研究, 2007, 33(1): 103–113.