财经研究 2009 年 第 35 卷第 09 期, 页码:81 - 92
[1]Alonso W.Location and land use[M].Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press,1964.
[2]Aurelia Bengochea Morancho.A hedonic valuation of urban green areas[J].Landscape and Urban Planning,2003,66:35-41.
[3]Benjamin J D,Sirmans G S.Mass transportation,apart ment rent and property values[J].Journal of Real Estate Research,1996,(12):1-8.
[4]Benson E D,Hansen J L,Schwartz A L,Smersh G T.Pricing residential amenities:The value of a view[J].Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics,1998,(1):55-73.
[5]Chiodo A,Hernandez-Murillo R,Owyang M.Nonlinear hedonics and the search for schooldistrict quality[R].Federal Reserve Bank of St.Louis,Working Paper2003-039C.
[6]KimJ,Zhang M.Determining transit’s impact on seoul commercial land values:An applica-tion of spatial econometrics[J].International Real Estate Review,2005,(1):1-26.
[7]Knaap GJ,Ding C,L D Hopkins.Do plans matter-The effects of light rail plans onland val-ues in station area[J].Journal of Planning Education and Research,2001,(1):32-39.
[8]Pollard R.View amenities,building heights,and housing supply[M].in:D.Diamond,G.Tolley(Ed.),The Economics of Urban Amenities,Academic Press,1982.
[9]Roback J.Wages,rents and the quality of life[J].Journal of Political Economy,1982,90:1257-1278.
[10]Tiebout C.Apure theory of local expenditures[J].Journal of Political Economy,1956,64:416-424.
[1]Alonso W.Location and land use[M].Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press,1964.
[2]Aurelia Bengochea Morancho.A hedonic valuation of urban green areas[J].Landscape and Urban Planning,2003,66:35-41.
[3]Benjamin J D,Sirmans G S.Mass transportation,apart ment rent and property values[J].Journal of Real Estate Research,1996,(12):1-8.
[4]Benson E D,Hansen J L,Schwartz A L,Smersh G T.Pricing residential amenities:The value of a view[J].Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics,1998,(1):55-73.
[5]Chiodo A,Hernandez-Murillo R,Owyang M.Nonlinear hedonics and the search for schooldistrict quality[R].Federal Reserve Bank of St.Louis,Working Paper2003-039C.
[6]KimJ,Zhang M.Determining transit’s impact on seoul commercial land values:An applica-tion of spatial econometrics[J].International Real Estate Review,2005,(1):1-26.
[7]Knaap GJ,Ding C,L D Hopkins.Do plans matter-The effects of light rail plans onland val-ues in station area[J].Journal of Planning Education and Research,2001,(1):32-39.
[8]Pollard R.View amenities,building heights,and housing supply[M].in:D.Diamond,G.Tolley(Ed.),The Economics of Urban Amenities,Academic Press,1982.
[9]Roback J.Wages,rents and the quality of life[J].Journal of Political Economy,1982,90:1257-1278.
[10]Tiebout C.Apure theory of local expenditures[J].Journal of Political Economy,1956,64:416-424.
周京奎. 城市舒适性与住宅价格、工资波动的区域性差异——对1999-2006中国城市面板数据的实证分析[J]. 财经研究, 2009, 35(9): 81–92.