财经研究 2009 年 第 35 卷第 01 期, 页码:112 - 122
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[2]Claessens S,Demirg櫣-Kunt A,Huizinga H.How does foreign entry affect domestic banking markets[J].Journal of Banking and Finance,2001,25:891-911.
[3]Crystal J,Dages G,Goldberg L.Does foreign ownership contribute to sounder banks in emerging markets?The Latin American experience[R].New York:Federal Reserve Bank of New York,2001.
[4]Hermas,Lensink.Foreign bank performance,domestic bank performance and financial development[J].Journal of Emerging Market Finance,2004,3:2.
[5]Hidenobu Okuda,Suvadee Rungsomboon.The effects of foreign bank entry on the Thai banking market:Empirical analysis from1990to2002[R].Center for Economic Institu-tions Working Paper Series,No.20,2004.
[6]Janek Uiboupin.Effects of foreign banks entry on bank performance in the CEE coun-tries[EB/OL].www.tyk.ut.ee.
[7]Nihal Bayraktar,Yan Wang.Foreign bank entry,performance of domestic banks and the sequence of financial liberalization[R].World Bank,WP3416,2004.
[8]Robert Lensink,Niels Hermes.The short-termeffects of foreign bank entry on domes-tic bank behaviour:Does economic development matter?[J].Journal of Banking and Fi-nance,2004,28:553-568.
[9]Unite A A,Sullivan MJ.The effect of foreign entry and ownershipstructure onthe philip-pine domestic banking market[J].Journal of Banking&Finance,2003,27:2323-2345.
伍志文, 沈中华. 外资银行股权进入和银行绩效的联动效应——基于面板数据的分析[J]. 财经研究, 2009, 35(1): 112–122.