财经研究 2010 年 第 36 卷第 10 期, 页码:123 - 133
[7]Aghion P,Tirole J.Formal and real authority in organizations[J].Journal of PoliticalEconomy,1997,105:1-29。
[8]Anderson R C,Reeb D M.Founding family ownership and performance:Evidencefrom the S&P 500[J].Journal of Finance,2003,(58):1301-1327.
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[12]Castanias R P,Helfat C E.The managerial rents models:Theory and empirical analy-sis[J].Journal of Management,2001,27:656-666.
[13]Chandler G N,Hanks S H.An examination of the substitutability of founders humanand financial capital in emerging business ventures[J].Journal of Business Venturing,1998,13(5):353-369.
[14]Fahlenbrach R.Founder-CEOs and stock market performance[R].Working Paper,Wharton School.2005.
[15]Finkelstein S.Power in top management teams:Dimension,measurement,and valida-tion[J].Academy of Management Journal,1992,35:505-538.
[16]Hart O,Moore.Property rights and the nature of firm[J].Journal of Political Econo-my,1990,98:1119-1158.
[17]Jenter D,Kanaan F.CEO turnover and relative performance evaluation[R].WorkingPaper,MIT Sloan School of Management,2006.
[18]Johannisson B,Huse M.Recruiting outside board members in the small family busi-ness:An ideological challenge[J].Entrepreneurship&Regional Development,2000,(12):353-378.
[19]Lansberg I.Succeeding generation:Realizing the dream of families in business[M].Harvard Business School Press,2005:12-15.
[20]Makadok R.Doing the right thing and knowing the right thing to do:Why the wholeis greater than the sum of the parts[J].Strategic Management Journal,2003,24(10):1043-1067.
[21]Pfeffer J.Managing with power:Politics and influence in organizations[M].HarvardBusiness School Press,1992:82-101.
[22]Schulze W S,Lubatkin M H,Dino R N.Agency relationships in family firms:Theo-ry and evidence[J].Organization Science,2001,12(2):99-110.
[23]Villalonga B,Amit R H.How do family ownership,control and management affectfirm value?[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2006,80:385-417.
[7]Aghion P,Tirole J.Formal and real authority in organizations[J].Journal of PoliticalEconomy,1997,105:1-29。
[8]Anderson R C,Reeb D M.Founding family ownership and performance:Evidencefrom the S&P 500[J].Journal of Finance,2003,(58):1301-1327.
[9]Barnard C.Functions of the executive[M].Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1938:112-140.
[10]Blau P,Meyer M W.Bureaucracy in modern society[M].New York:RandomHouse,1987:62-82.
[11]Casson M.The entrepreneur:An economic theory[M].Barnes&Noble Books,1982:196.
[12]Castanias R P,Helfat C E.The managerial rents models:Theory and empirical analy-sis[J].Journal of Management,2001,27:656-666.
[13]Chandler G N,Hanks S H.An examination of the substitutability of founders humanand financial capital in emerging business ventures[J].Journal of Business Venturing,1998,13(5):353-369.
[14]Fahlenbrach R.Founder-CEOs and stock market performance[R].Working Paper,Wharton School.2005.
[15]Finkelstein S.Power in top management teams:Dimension,measurement,and valida-tion[J].Academy of Management Journal,1992,35:505-538.
[16]Hart O,Moore.Property rights and the nature of firm[J].Journal of Political Econo-my,1990,98:1119-1158.
[17]Jenter D,Kanaan F.CEO turnover and relative performance evaluation[R].WorkingPaper,MIT Sloan School of Management,2006.
[18]Johannisson B,Huse M.Recruiting outside board members in the small family busi-ness:An ideological challenge[J].Entrepreneurship&Regional Development,2000,(12):353-378.
[19]Lansberg I.Succeeding generation:Realizing the dream of families in business[M].Harvard Business School Press,2005:12-15.
[20]Makadok R.Doing the right thing and knowing the right thing to do:Why the wholeis greater than the sum of the parts[J].Strategic Management Journal,2003,24(10):1043-1067.
[21]Pfeffer J.Managing with power:Politics and influence in organizations[M].HarvardBusiness School Press,1992:82-101.
[22]Schulze W S,Lubatkin M H,Dino R N.Agency relationships in family firms:Theo-ry and evidence[J].Organization Science,2001,12(2):99-110.
[23]Villalonga B,Amit R H.How do family ownership,control and management affectfirm value?[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2006,80:385-417.
贺小刚, 连燕玲, 李婧, 等. 家族权威的配置效应分析与实证检验[J]. 财经研究, 2010, 36(10): 123–133.