财经研究 2011 年 第 37 卷第 07 期, 页码:125 - 134
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[14]Levy Y eyati E,Ubide A.Crises,contagion and the close-end country fund puzzle[R].IMF Staff Papers,2000,47:54-89.
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[16]Pontiff J.Close-end fund premia and returns implications for financial market equilibri-um[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1995,37:341-370.
[17]Zweig M E.An investor expectations stock price predictive model using close-end fundpremiums[J].Journal of Finance,1973,28:67-78.
[7]Arrow K J,Debreu G.Existence of an equilibrium for a competitive economy[J].Econo-metrica,1954,22:265-290.
[8]Boudreaux K J.Discounts and premiums on close-end mutual funds:A study in valuation[J].Journal of Finance,1973,28:515-522.
[9]Brauer G A.“Investor sentiment”and the close-end fund puzzle:A 7percent solution[J].Journal of Financial Services Research,1993,7:199-216.
[10]Datar V.Impact of liquidity on premia/discounts in close-end funds[J].The QuarterlyReview of Economics and Finance,2001,41:119-135.
[11]De Long J B,Shleifer A,Summers L H,et al.Noise trader risk in financial markets[J].Journal of Political Economics,1990,98:703-738.
[12]Elton E J,Gruber M J,Blake C R.The persistence of risk-adjusted mutual fund per-formance[J].Journal of Business,1996,69:133-157.
[13]Lee C M C,Shleifer A,Thaler R.Investor sentiment and the close-end fund puzzle[J].Journal of Finance,1991,46:76-110.
[14]Levy Y eyati E,Ubide A.Crises,contagion and the close-end country fund puzzle[R].IMF Staff Papers,2000,47:54-89.
[15]Malkiel B G.The valuation of close-end investment company shares[J].Journal of Fi-nance,1977,32:847-859.
[16]Pontiff J.Close-end fund premia and returns implications for financial market equilibri-um[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1995,37:341-370.
[17]Zweig M E.An investor expectations stock price predictive model using close-end fundpremiums[J].Journal of Finance,1973,28:67-78.
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