财经研究 2012 年 第 38 卷第 08 期, 页码:110 - 122
[3]Fayoumi N A.Oil prices and stock market returns in oil importing countries:The case ofTurkey,Tunisia and Jordan[J].European Journal of Economics,Finance and Adminis-trative Sciences,2009,16:84-98.
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[8]Hamao Y.An empirical examination of the arbitrage pricing theory:Using Japanesedata[J].Japan and the World Economy,1988,1:45-61.
[9]Hamilton J D.Oil and the macroeconomy since world war II[J].Journal of PoliticalEconomy,1983,91:228-248.
[10]Huang R D,Masulis R W,Stoll H R.Energy shocks and financial markets[J].Journalof Futures Markets,1996,16:1-27.
[11]Jones C,Kaul G.Oil and the stock market[J].Journal of Finance,1996,51:463-491.
[12]Nieh C,Lee C.The dynamic relationship between stock prices and exchange rates forG-7countries[J].Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance,2001,41:477-490.
[13]Kaneko T,Lee B S.Relative importance of economic factors in the U.S.and Japanese stockmarkets[J].Journal of the Japanese and International Economics,1995,9:290-307.
[14]Soydemir G.International transmission mechanism of stock market movements:Evi-dence from emerging equity markets[J].Journal of Forecasting,2000,19:149-176.
[3]Fayoumi N A.Oil prices and stock market returns in oil importing countries:The case ofTurkey,Tunisia and Jordan[J].European Journal of Economics,Finance and Adminis-trative Sciences,2009,16:84-98.
[4]Bernanke B S.Irreversibility,uncertainty and cyclical investment[J].Quarterly Journalof Economics,1983,98:85-106.
[5]Chen N,Roll R,Ross S A.Economic forces and the stock market[J].Journal of Busi-ness,1986,59:383-403.
[6]Engle R F.Dynamic conditional correlation:A simple class of multivariate GARCHmodels[J].Journal of Business and Economic Statistics,2002,20:339-350.
[7]Fried E R,Schultze C L,Perry G L,et al.Higher oil prices and the world economy[M].Washington,D C:The Brookings Institution,1975...
[8]Hamao Y.An empirical examination of the arbitrage pricing theory:Using Japanesedata[J].Japan and the World Economy,1988,1:45-61.
[9]Hamilton J D.Oil and the macroeconomy since world war II[J].Journal of PoliticalEconomy,1983,91:228-248.
[10]Huang R D,Masulis R W,Stoll H R.Energy shocks and financial markets[J].Journalof Futures Markets,1996,16:1-27.
[11]Jones C,Kaul G.Oil and the stock market[J].Journal of Finance,1996,51:463-491.
[12]Nieh C,Lee C.The dynamic relationship between stock prices and exchange rates forG-7countries[J].Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance,2001,41:477-490.
[13]Kaneko T,Lee B S.Relative importance of economic factors in the U.S.and Japanese stockmarkets[J].Journal of the Japanese and International Economics,1995,9:290-307.
[14]Soydemir G.International transmission mechanism of stock market movements:Evi-dence from emerging equity markets[J].Journal of Forecasting,2000,19:149-176.
刘红忠, 何文忠, 李治平. A股市场上的“中石油魔咒”现象及其解释[J]. 财经研究, 2012, 38(8): 110–122.