财经研究 2012 年 第 38 卷第 06 期, 页码:28 - 38
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[18]Yermack D.Flights of fancy:Corporate jets,CEO perquisites,and inferior sharehold-er returns[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2006,80(1):211-242.
[8]Berle A,Means G.The modern corporation and private property[M].New York:Macmillan,1932.
[9]Boyd J H,Smith B D.The co-evolution of the real and financial sectors in the growthprocess[J].World Bank Economic Review,1996,10(2):371-396.
[10]Easterbrook F.Two agency cost explanations of dividends[J].American Economic Review,1984,74(4):650-659.
[11]Fazzari S M,Petersen B C.Working capital and fixed investment:New evidence on fi-nancing constraints[J].RAND Journal of Economics,1993,24(3):328-342.
[12]Hartzell J C,Starks L T.Institutional investors and executive compensation[J].Jour-nal of Finance,2003,28(6):2351-2374.
[13]Hirsch F.Social limits to growth[M].Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1976.
[14]Jensen M.Agency costs of free cash flow,corporate finance,and takeovers[J].American Economic Review,1986,76(2):323-329.
[15]Jensen M,Meckling W.Theory of the firm:Managerial behavior,agency costs,and capital structure[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1976,3:305-360.
[16]Jensen M,Murphy K.Performance pay and top-management incentives[J].Journal of Political Economy,1990,98(2):225-264.
[17]Rajan R G,Wulf J.Are perks purely managerial excess?[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2006,79(1):1-33.
[18]Yermack D.Flights of fancy:Corporate jets,CEO perquisites,and inferior sharehold-er returns[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2006,80(1):211-242.
李艳丽, 孙剑非, 伊志宏. 公司异质性、在职消费与机构投资者治理[J]. 财经研究, 2012, 38(6): 28–38.