财经研究 2013 年 第 39 卷第 09 期, 页码:20 - 35
[13]Afonso A,St Aubyn M.Macroeconomic rates of return of public and private invest-ment:Crowding-in and crowding-out effects[J].The Manchester School,2009,77(S1):21-39.
[14]Aschauer D A.Public investment and productivity growth in the group of seven[J].Economic Perspectives,1989,15(3):17-25.
[15]Blanchard O,Perotti R.An empirical characterization of the dynamic effects of changesin government spending and taxes on output[J].The Quarterly Journal of economics,2002,117(4):1329-1368.
[16]Blejer M I,Khan M S.Government policy and private investment in developing coun-tries[J].Staff Papers—International Monetary Fund,1984,31(2):379-403.
[17]Clements M P,Krolzig H M.A comparison of the forecasting performance of markov-switching and threshold autoregressive models of US GNP[J].The Econometrics Jour-nal,1998,1(1):47-75.
[18]Cochrane J H.Long-term debt and optimal policy in the fiscal theory of the price level[J].Econometrica,2001,69(1):69-116.
[19]Erden L,Holcomebe R G.The effects of public investment on private investment indeveloping economies[J].Public Finance Review,2005,33(5):575-602.
[20]Evans P,Karra G.Are government activities productive?Evidence from a panel of USStates[J].The Review of Economics and Statistics.1994,76(1):1-11.
[21]Fisher S.The role of macroeconomic factors in growth[J].Journal of Monetary Eco-nomics,1993,32(3):485-5l2.
[22]Furceri D,Sousa R M.The impact of government spending on the private sector:Crowding-out versus crowding-in effects[J].Kyklos,2011,64(4):516-533.
[23]Ghali K H.Public investment and private capital formation in a vector error-correctionmodel of growth[J].Journal of Applied Economics,1998,30(6):837-844...
[24]Goldsmith A H.Rethinking the relation between government spending and economicgrowth:A composition approach to fiscal policy instruction for principles students[J].The Journal of Economic Education,2008,39(2):153-173.
[25]Hamilton J D.A new approach to the economic analysis of nonstationary time seriesand the business cycle[J].Econometrica,1989,57(2):357-384.
[26]Hamilton J D,Susmel R.Autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity and changes inregime[J].Journal of Econometrics,1994,64(1-2):307-333.
[27]Kim C J,Nelson C.A bayesian approach to testing for markov-switching in univariateand dynamic factor models[J].International Economic Review,2001,42(4):989-1013.
[28]Krolzig H M,Wohrmann D I A.Seignorage,government spending and growth in a lu-casian general equilibrium model[R].University of Oxford Economics Series WorkingPapers No.99187,1996.
[13]Afonso A,St Aubyn M.Macroeconomic rates of return of public and private invest-ment:Crowding-in and crowding-out effects[J].The Manchester School,2009,77(S1):21-39.
[14]Aschauer D A.Public investment and productivity growth in the group of seven[J].Economic Perspectives,1989,15(3):17-25.
[15]Blanchard O,Perotti R.An empirical characterization of the dynamic effects of changesin government spending and taxes on output[J].The Quarterly Journal of economics,2002,117(4):1329-1368.
[16]Blejer M I,Khan M S.Government policy and private investment in developing coun-tries[J].Staff Papers—International Monetary Fund,1984,31(2):379-403.
[17]Clements M P,Krolzig H M.A comparison of the forecasting performance of markov-switching and threshold autoregressive models of US GNP[J].The Econometrics Jour-nal,1998,1(1):47-75.
[18]Cochrane J H.Long-term debt and optimal policy in the fiscal theory of the price level[J].Econometrica,2001,69(1):69-116.
[19]Erden L,Holcomebe R G.The effects of public investment on private investment indeveloping economies[J].Public Finance Review,2005,33(5):575-602.
[20]Evans P,Karra G.Are government activities productive?Evidence from a panel of USStates[J].The Review of Economics and Statistics.1994,76(1):1-11.
[21]Fisher S.The role of macroeconomic factors in growth[J].Journal of Monetary Eco-nomics,1993,32(3):485-5l2.
[22]Furceri D,Sousa R M.The impact of government spending on the private sector:Crowding-out versus crowding-in effects[J].Kyklos,2011,64(4):516-533.
[23]Ghali K H.Public investment and private capital formation in a vector error-correctionmodel of growth[J].Journal of Applied Economics,1998,30(6):837-844...
[24]Goldsmith A H.Rethinking the relation between government spending and economicgrowth:A composition approach to fiscal policy instruction for principles students[J].The Journal of Economic Education,2008,39(2):153-173.
[25]Hamilton J D.A new approach to the economic analysis of nonstationary time seriesand the business cycle[J].Econometrica,1989,57(2):357-384.
[26]Hamilton J D,Susmel R.Autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity and changes inregime[J].Journal of Econometrics,1994,64(1-2):307-333.
[27]Kim C J,Nelson C.A bayesian approach to testing for markov-switching in univariateand dynamic factor models[J].International Economic Review,2001,42(4):989-1013.
[28]Krolzig H M,Wohrmann D I A.Seignorage,government spending and growth in a lu-casian general equilibrium model[R].University of Oxford Economics Series WorkingPapers No.99187,1996.
帅雯君, 董秀良, 胡淳. 我国财政支出挤入挤出效应的动态时间路径分析——基于MS-VECM的实证检验[J]. 财经研究, 2013, 39(9): 20–35.