财经研究 2015 年 第 41 卷第 12 期, 页码:51 - 61
[1] 高波,王文莉,李祥.预期、收入差距与中国城市房价租金"剪刀差"之谜[J].经济研究,2013,(6):100-112.
[2] 况伟大.中国住房市场存在泡沫吗?[J].世界经济,2008,(12):3-13.
[3] 况伟大.利率对房价的影响[J].世界经济,2010a,(4):134-145.
[4] 况伟大.预期、投机与中国城市房价波动[J].经济研究,2010b,(9):67-78.
[5] 李永友.房价上涨的需求驱动和涟漪效应——兼论我国房价问题的应对策略[J].经济学(季刊),2014,(2):443-464.
[6] 陆铭,欧海军,陈斌开.理性还是泡沫:对城市化、移民和房价的经验研究[J].世界经济,2014,(1):30-54.
[7] 王先柱,毛中根,刘洪玉.货币政策的区域效应——来自房地产市场的证据[J].金融研究,2011,(9):42-53.
[8] 薛志勇.预期对我国住房市场政策调控效果影响的实证分析[J].城市问题,2012,(6):63-67.
[9] 易斌.住房需求抑制还是土地供给调节:房地产调控政策比较研究[J].财经研究,2015,(2):66-75.
[10] 余华义.经济基本面还是房地产政策在影响中国的房价[J].财贸经济,2010,(3):116-122.
[11] 张涛,龚六堂,卜永祥.资产回报、住房按揭贷款与房地产均衡价格[J].金融研究,2006,(2):1-11.
[12] 赵胜民,罗琦.金融摩擦视角下的房产税、信贷政策与住房价格[J].财经研究,2013,(12):72-84.
[13] 周京奎.货币政策、银行贷款与住宅价格——对中国4个直辖市的实证研究[J].财贸经济,2005,(5):22-27.
[14] 朱英姿,许丹.官员晋升压力、金融市场化与房价增长[J].金融研究,2013,(1):65-78.
[15] Aregger N, Brown M, Rossi E. Transaction taxes, capital gains taxes and house prices[R]. Swiss National Bank (SNB) Working Paper, 2013.
[16] Caner M, Hansen B E. Instrumental variable estimation of a threshold model[J]. Econometric Theory, 2004, 20(5): 813-843.
[17] Hansen B E. Threshold effects in non-dynamic panels: Estimation, testing and inference[J]. Journal of Econometrics, 1999, 93(2): 345-368.
[18] Hansen B E. Sample splitting and threshold estimation[J]. Econometrica, 2000, 68(3): 575-603.
[19] Iacoviello M, Minetti R. The credit channel of monetary policy: Evidence from the housing market[J]. Journal of Macroeconomics, 2008, 30(1): 69-96.
[20] Jud G D, Winkler D T. The dynamics of metropolitan housing prices[J]. Journal of Real Estate Research, 2002, 23(1): 29-45.
[21] Kiefer H. The house price determination process: Rational expectations with a spatial context [J]. Journal of Housing Economics, 2011, 20(11): 249-266.
[22] Malpezzi S, Wachter S M. The role of speculation in real estate cycles[J]. Journal of Real Estate Literature, 2005, 13(2): 143-164.
[23] Muellbauer J, Murphy A. Booms and busts in the UK housing market[J]. Economic Journal, 1997, 107(6): 1701-1727.
[24] Wang S, Yang Z, Liu H. Impact of urban economic openness on real estate prices: Evidence from thirty-five cities in China[J]. China Economic Review, 2010, 22(1): 42-54.
[25] Zheng S, Kahn M E. Land and residential property markets in a booming economy: New evidence from Beijing[J]. Journal of Urban Economics, 2008, 63(2): 743-757.
[2] 况伟大.中国住房市场存在泡沫吗?[J].世界经济,2008,(12):3-13.
[3] 况伟大.利率对房价的影响[J].世界经济,2010a,(4):134-145.
[4] 况伟大.预期、投机与中国城市房价波动[J].经济研究,2010b,(9):67-78.
[5] 李永友.房价上涨的需求驱动和涟漪效应——兼论我国房价问题的应对策略[J].经济学(季刊),2014,(2):443-464.
[6] 陆铭,欧海军,陈斌开.理性还是泡沫:对城市化、移民和房价的经验研究[J].世界经济,2014,(1):30-54.
[7] 王先柱,毛中根,刘洪玉.货币政策的区域效应——来自房地产市场的证据[J].金融研究,2011,(9):42-53.
[8] 薛志勇.预期对我国住房市场政策调控效果影响的实证分析[J].城市问题,2012,(6):63-67.
[9] 易斌.住房需求抑制还是土地供给调节:房地产调控政策比较研究[J].财经研究,2015,(2):66-75.
[10] 余华义.经济基本面还是房地产政策在影响中国的房价[J].财贸经济,2010,(3):116-122.
[11] 张涛,龚六堂,卜永祥.资产回报、住房按揭贷款与房地产均衡价格[J].金融研究,2006,(2):1-11.
[12] 赵胜民,罗琦.金融摩擦视角下的房产税、信贷政策与住房价格[J].财经研究,2013,(12):72-84.
[13] 周京奎.货币政策、银行贷款与住宅价格——对中国4个直辖市的实证研究[J].财贸经济,2005,(5):22-27.
[14] 朱英姿,许丹.官员晋升压力、金融市场化与房价增长[J].金融研究,2013,(1):65-78.
[15] Aregger N, Brown M, Rossi E. Transaction taxes, capital gains taxes and house prices[R]. Swiss National Bank (SNB) Working Paper, 2013.
[16] Caner M, Hansen B E. Instrumental variable estimation of a threshold model[J]. Econometric Theory, 2004, 20(5): 813-843.
[17] Hansen B E. Threshold effects in non-dynamic panels: Estimation, testing and inference[J]. Journal of Econometrics, 1999, 93(2): 345-368.
[18] Hansen B E. Sample splitting and threshold estimation[J]. Econometrica, 2000, 68(3): 575-603.
[19] Iacoviello M, Minetti R. The credit channel of monetary policy: Evidence from the housing market[J]. Journal of Macroeconomics, 2008, 30(1): 69-96.
[20] Jud G D, Winkler D T. The dynamics of metropolitan housing prices[J]. Journal of Real Estate Research, 2002, 23(1): 29-45.
[21] Kiefer H. The house price determination process: Rational expectations with a spatial context [J]. Journal of Housing Economics, 2011, 20(11): 249-266.
[22] Malpezzi S, Wachter S M. The role of speculation in real estate cycles[J]. Journal of Real Estate Literature, 2005, 13(2): 143-164.
[23] Muellbauer J, Murphy A. Booms and busts in the UK housing market[J]. Economic Journal, 1997, 107(6): 1701-1727.
[24] Wang S, Yang Z, Liu H. Impact of urban economic openness on real estate prices: Evidence from thirty-five cities in China[J]. China Economic Review, 2010, 22(1): 42-54.
[25] Zheng S, Kahn M E. Land and residential property markets in a booming economy: New evidence from Beijing[J]. Journal of Urban Economics, 2008, 63(2): 743-757.
王先柱, 杨义武. 差异化预期、政策调控与房价波动——基于中国35个大中城市的实证研究[J]. 财经研究, 2015, 41(12): 51–61.