财经研究 2015 年 第 41 卷第 03 期, 页码:111 - 120
[18]Arestis P,Demetriades P O,Luintel K B.Financial development and economic growth:The role of stock markets[J].Journal of Money,Credit and Banking,2001,33(1):16-41.
[19]Athukorala P C,Rajapatirana S.Capital inflows and the real exchange rate:A comparative study of Asia and Latin America[J].World Economy,2003,26(4):613-637.
[20]Beck T.Financial development and international trade:Is there a link?[J].Journal of International Economics,2002,57(1):107-131.
[21]Beck T.Financial dependence and international trade[J].Review of International Economics,2003,11(2):296-316.
[22]Brown R L,Durbin J,Evans J M.Techniques for testing the constancy of regression relationships over time[J].Journal of the Royal Statistical Society,Series B(Methodological),1975,37(2):149-192.
[23]Christopoulos D K,Tsionas E G.Financial development and economic growth:Evidence from panel unit root and cointegration tests[J].Journal of development Economics,2004,73(1):55-74.
[24]Cho S.Evidence of a stock market wealth effect using household level data[J].Economic Letters,2006,90(3):402-406.
[25]Combes J-L,Tidiane K,Patrick P.Capital flows,exchange rate flexibility,and the real exchange rate[R].IMF Working Paper WP/11/9,2011.
[26]Cottani J A,Cavallo D F,Khan M S.Real exchange rate behavior and economic performance in LDCs[J].Economic Development and Cultural Change,1990,39(1):61-76.
[27]Demir F,Dahi O S.Asymmetric effects of financial development on South-South and South-North trade:Panel data evidence from emerging markets[J].Journal of Development Economics,2011,94(1):139-149.
[28]Edwards S,Van Wijnbergen S.Tariffs,the real exchange rate and the terms of trade:On two popular propositions in international economics[J].Oxford Economic Papers,1987,39(3):458-464.
[29]Fujiwara I,Teranishi Y.Real exchange rate dynamic revisited:A case with financial market imperfections[J].Journal of International Money and Finance,2011,30(7):1562-1589.
[30]Funke N.Is there a stock market wealth effect in emerging markets?[J].Economic Letters,2004,83(3):417-421.
[31]Guo Q.The Balassa-Samuelson model of purchasing power parity and Chinese exchange rates[J].China Economic Review,2010,21(2):334-345.
[32]Jongwanich J,Kohpaiboon A.Capital flows and real exchange rates in emerging Asian countries[J].Journal of Asian Economics,2013,24:138-146.
[33]King R G,Levine R.Finance and growth:Schumpeter might be right[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1993,108(3):717-736.
[34]Kletzer K,Bardhan P.Credit markets and patterns of international trade[J].Journal of Development Economics,1987,27(1-2):57-70.
[35]Larrain B.Stock market development and cross-country differences in relative prices[J].Review of Economics and Statistics,2010,92(4):784-797.
[36]Levine R.Financial development and economic growth:Views and agenda[J].Journal of Economic Litera-ture,1997,35(2):688-726.
[37]Levine R,Loayza N,Beck T.Financial intermediation and growth:Causality and causes[J].Journal of Monetary Economics,2000,46(1):31-77.
[38]Levine R,Zervos S.Stock markets,banks,and economic growth[J].American Economic Review,1998,88(3):537-558.
[39]Li H,Ma H,Xu Y,et al.How do exchange rate movements affect Chinese exports?A firm-level investigation[R].Working Paper,School of Economics and Management,Tsinghua University,2012.
[40]Mercereau B.Stock markets and the real exchange rate:An intertemporal approach[J].Journal of International Money and Finance,2006,25(7):1130-1145.
[41]Peltonen T A,Sousa R M,Vansteenkiste I S.Wealth effects in emerging market economies[J].International Review of Economics and Finance,2012,24(10):155-166.
[42]Pesaran M H,Shin Y,Smith R J.Bounds testing approaches to the analysis of level relationships[J].Journal of Applied Econometrics,2001,16(3):289-326.
[43]Phylaktis K,Ravazzolo F.Stock prices and exchange rate dynamics[J].Journal of International Money and Finance,2005,24(7):1031-1053.
[44]Saint-Paul G.Technological choice,financial markets and economic growth[J].European Economic Review,1992,36(4):763-781.
[45]Wang J,Wang X.Benefits of foreign ownership:Evidence from foreign direct investment in China[R].Working Paper No.191,Globalization and Monetary Policy Institute,Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas,2014.
[46]Zhao H.Dynamic relationship between exchange rate and stock price:Evidence from China[J].Research in International Business and Finance,2010,24(2):103-112.
1 本文也考虑了将国内外劳动生产率差异和政府支出作为控制变量的情况,但由于前者与私人信贷的相关系数达到0 .93,后者与私人信贷的相关系数也达到0.82,产生了严重的多重共线性,故未使用。
[18]Arestis P,Demetriades P O,Luintel K B.Financial development and economic growth:The role of stock markets[J].Journal of Money,Credit and Banking,2001,33(1):16-41.
[19]Athukorala P C,Rajapatirana S.Capital inflows and the real exchange rate:A comparative study of Asia and Latin America[J].World Economy,2003,26(4):613-637.
[20]Beck T.Financial development and international trade:Is there a link?[J].Journal of International Economics,2002,57(1):107-131.
[21]Beck T.Financial dependence and international trade[J].Review of International Economics,2003,11(2):296-316.
[22]Brown R L,Durbin J,Evans J M.Techniques for testing the constancy of regression relationships over time[J].Journal of the Royal Statistical Society,Series B(Methodological),1975,37(2):149-192.
[23]Christopoulos D K,Tsionas E G.Financial development and economic growth:Evidence from panel unit root and cointegration tests[J].Journal of development Economics,2004,73(1):55-74.
[24]Cho S.Evidence of a stock market wealth effect using household level data[J].Economic Letters,2006,90(3):402-406.
[25]Combes J-L,Tidiane K,Patrick P.Capital flows,exchange rate flexibility,and the real exchange rate[R].IMF Working Paper WP/11/9,2011.
[26]Cottani J A,Cavallo D F,Khan M S.Real exchange rate behavior and economic performance in LDCs[J].Economic Development and Cultural Change,1990,39(1):61-76.
[27]Demir F,Dahi O S.Asymmetric effects of financial development on South-South and South-North trade:Panel data evidence from emerging markets[J].Journal of Development Economics,2011,94(1):139-149.
[28]Edwards S,Van Wijnbergen S.Tariffs,the real exchange rate and the terms of trade:On two popular propositions in international economics[J].Oxford Economic Papers,1987,39(3):458-464.
[29]Fujiwara I,Teranishi Y.Real exchange rate dynamic revisited:A case with financial market imperfections[J].Journal of International Money and Finance,2011,30(7):1562-1589.
[30]Funke N.Is there a stock market wealth effect in emerging markets?[J].Economic Letters,2004,83(3):417-421.
[31]Guo Q.The Balassa-Samuelson model of purchasing power parity and Chinese exchange rates[J].China Economic Review,2010,21(2):334-345.
[32]Jongwanich J,Kohpaiboon A.Capital flows and real exchange rates in emerging Asian countries[J].Journal of Asian Economics,2013,24:138-146.
[33]King R G,Levine R.Finance and growth:Schumpeter might be right[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1993,108(3):717-736.
[34]Kletzer K,Bardhan P.Credit markets and patterns of international trade[J].Journal of Development Economics,1987,27(1-2):57-70.
[35]Larrain B.Stock market development and cross-country differences in relative prices[J].Review of Economics and Statistics,2010,92(4):784-797.
[36]Levine R.Financial development and economic growth:Views and agenda[J].Journal of Economic Litera-ture,1997,35(2):688-726.
[37]Levine R,Loayza N,Beck T.Financial intermediation and growth:Causality and causes[J].Journal of Monetary Economics,2000,46(1):31-77.
[38]Levine R,Zervos S.Stock markets,banks,and economic growth[J].American Economic Review,1998,88(3):537-558.
[39]Li H,Ma H,Xu Y,et al.How do exchange rate movements affect Chinese exports?A firm-level investigation[R].Working Paper,School of Economics and Management,Tsinghua University,2012.
[40]Mercereau B.Stock markets and the real exchange rate:An intertemporal approach[J].Journal of International Money and Finance,2006,25(7):1130-1145.
[41]Peltonen T A,Sousa R M,Vansteenkiste I S.Wealth effects in emerging market economies[J].International Review of Economics and Finance,2012,24(10):155-166.
[42]Pesaran M H,Shin Y,Smith R J.Bounds testing approaches to the analysis of level relationships[J].Journal of Applied Econometrics,2001,16(3):289-326.
[43]Phylaktis K,Ravazzolo F.Stock prices and exchange rate dynamics[J].Journal of International Money and Finance,2005,24(7):1031-1053.
[44]Saint-Paul G.Technological choice,financial markets and economic growth[J].European Economic Review,1992,36(4):763-781.
[45]Wang J,Wang X.Benefits of foreign ownership:Evidence from foreign direct investment in China[R].Working Paper No.191,Globalization and Monetary Policy Institute,Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas,2014.
[46]Zhao H.Dynamic relationship between exchange rate and stock price:Evidence from China[J].Research in International Business and Finance,2010,24(2):103-112.
1 本文也考虑了将国内外劳动生产率差异和政府支出作为控制变量的情况,但由于前者与私人信贷的相关系数达到0 .93,后者与私人信贷的相关系数也达到0.82,产生了严重的多重共线性,故未使用。
范言慧, 席丹, 赵家悦. 金融发展与人民币实际汇率[J]. 财经研究, 2015, 41(3): 111–120.