上海财经大学学报 2002 年 第 04 卷第 04 期, 页码:48 - 53
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[2] Clower, R. W. A Reconsideration of Microfoundations of Monetary Theory[J]. Western Economic Journal 1967, 6, 1: 1-9.
[3] Cooley,T. F. and G. D. Hansen.The Inflation Tax in a Real Business Cycle Model[J]. American Economic Review, 1989, 79, 4: 733-748.
[4] Fischer, S.Capital Accumulation on the Transition Path in a Monetary Optimizing Model[J]. Econometrica,1979, 47, 6: 1433-1439.
[5] Gillman, M.Comparing Partial and General Equilibrium Estimates of the Warefare Costs of Inflation[J].Contemporary Economic Policy, 1995, 13, 4: 60-71.
[6] Kiyotaki, N. and R. Wright. On Money as a Medium of Exchange[J]. Journal of Political Economy, 1989,97, 4: 927-954.
胡永刚. 西方当代货币经济模型述评[J]. 上海财经大学学报, 2002, 4(4): 48–53.