财经研究 2008 年 第 34 卷第 12 期, 页码:86 - 98
[6]Adalid Ramon,Detken Carsten.Excessive liquidity and asset price boom/bust cycles[EB/OL].www.ecb.int/pub/pdf/scpwps/ecbwp732.pdf,2005.
[7]Adrian Tobias,Shin Hyun Song.Money,liquidity and financial cycles[R].Paper pres-ented in the academic panel at the 4th ECB Central Banking Conference,Frankfurt,No-vember,2006:9-10.
[8]Gouteron Sylvain,Szpiro Daniel.Excess monetary liquidity and asset prices[EB/OL].http://www.banque-france.fr/gb/publications/ner/1-131.htm,2005.
[9]Herring R,Wachter S.Bubbles in real estate markets[M].Asset price bubbles:The im-plications for monetary,regulatory,and international Policies,MIT Press,2003.
[10]Illing G.Financial fragility,bubbles and monetary policy[R].CESifo Working Paper,2001:449.
[11]Johansen S.Likelihood-based inference in cointegrated vector autoregressive models[M].Oxford University Press,1995.
[12]Peter W.Cointegration of real estate stocks and REITs with common stocks,bondsand consumer price inflation-An international comparison[R].Discussion Paper,No.06-057,2006.
[13]Rajan R.Monetary policy and incentives[R].Address given at Central Banks in the21’st Century Conference Bank of Spain,2006.
[6]Adalid Ramon,Detken Carsten.Excessive liquidity and asset price boom/bust cycles[EB/OL].www.ecb.int/pub/pdf/scpwps/ecbwp732.pdf,2005.
[7]Adrian Tobias,Shin Hyun Song.Money,liquidity and financial cycles[R].Paper pres-ented in the academic panel at the 4th ECB Central Banking Conference,Frankfurt,No-vember,2006:9-10.
[8]Gouteron Sylvain,Szpiro Daniel.Excess monetary liquidity and asset prices[EB/OL].http://www.banque-france.fr/gb/publications/ner/1-131.htm,2005.
[9]Herring R,Wachter S.Bubbles in real estate markets[M].Asset price bubbles:The im-plications for monetary,regulatory,and international Policies,MIT Press,2003.
[10]Illing G.Financial fragility,bubbles and monetary policy[R].CESifo Working Paper,2001:449.
[11]Johansen S.Likelihood-based inference in cointegrated vector autoregressive models[M].Oxford University Press,1995.
[12]Peter W.Cointegration of real estate stocks and REITs with common stocks,bondsand consumer price inflation-An international comparison[R].Discussion Paper,No.06-057,2006.
[13]Rajan R.Monetary policy and incentives[R].Address given at Central Banks in the21’st Century Conference Bank of Spain,2006.
李巍. 货币和资产收益的联动效应——源自通缩与通胀时期的证据[J]. 财经研究, 2008, 34(12): 86–98.