财经研究 2005 年 第 31 卷第 08 期, 页码:50 - 60
②托宾q值定义为公司的市场价值与重置成本(期初的投资额)的比率,q=[(1- d*(1-k))(1+g)]I/I=(1-d*(1-k))(1+g)。
[1]La Porta R,Lopez-De-Silanes F,Shleifer A,Vishny R.Legal determinants of external fi-nance[J].Journal of Finance,1997(52):1131~1150.
[2]La Porta R,Lopez-De-Silanes F, Shleifer A, Vishny R.Law and finance[ J].Journal ofPolitical Economy,1998(106):1113~1155.
[3]La Porta R,Lopez-De-Silanes F,Shleifer A,Vishny R.The Quality of government [J].Journal of Law,Economics,and Organization,1999(15):222~279.
[4]La Porta R,Lopez-De-Silanes F,Shleifer A, Vishny, R.Investor protection and corpo-rate governance[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2000(58).
[5]Coffee J.Privatization and corporate governance:The lessons from securities market fail-ure[R].Working paper no.158,Columbia Law School,New York ,2000.
[6]Johnson S,Boone P,Breach A,Friedman E.Corporate governance in the Asian financialcrisis[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2000(58).
[7]Glaeser E,Johnsom S,Shleifer A.Coase versus the Coasians[J].The Quarterly Journalof Economics,2001(116):853~899.
[8]Allen F,Qian J,Qian M.Law,finance and economic growth in China[R].Working Pa-per,2002.
[9]Jensen M,Meckling W.Theory of the firm:managerial behavior,agency costs,and own-ership structure[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1976(3):305~360.
[10]Bhagat,Romano.Event studies and the law[R].Yale Law School working paper,2001.
[11]沈艺峰,许年行,杨熠.中国中小投资者法律保护历史实践的实证检验[ J].经济研究,2004,(9).
②托宾q值定义为公司的市场价值与重置成本(期初的投资额)的比率,q=[(1- d*(1-k))(1+g)]I/I=(1-d*(1-k))(1+g)。
[1]La Porta R,Lopez-De-Silanes F,Shleifer A,Vishny R.Legal determinants of external fi-nance[J].Journal of Finance,1997(52):1131~1150.
[2]La Porta R,Lopez-De-Silanes F, Shleifer A, Vishny R.Law and finance[ J].Journal ofPolitical Economy,1998(106):1113~1155.
[3]La Porta R,Lopez-De-Silanes F,Shleifer A,Vishny R.The Quality of government [J].Journal of Law,Economics,and Organization,1999(15):222~279.
[4]La Porta R,Lopez-De-Silanes F,Shleifer A, Vishny, R.Investor protection and corpo-rate governance[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2000(58).
[5]Coffee J.Privatization and corporate governance:The lessons from securities market fail-ure[R].Working paper no.158,Columbia Law School,New York ,2000.
[6]Johnson S,Boone P,Breach A,Friedman E.Corporate governance in the Asian financialcrisis[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2000(58).
[7]Glaeser E,Johnsom S,Shleifer A.Coase versus the Coasians[J].The Quarterly Journalof Economics,2001(116):853~899.
[8]Allen F,Qian J,Qian M.Law,finance and economic growth in China[R].Working Pa-per,2002.
[9]Jensen M,Meckling W.Theory of the firm:managerial behavior,agency costs,and own-ership structure[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1976(3):305~360.
[10]Bhagat,Romano.Event studies and the law[R].Yale Law School working paper,2001.
[11]沈艺峰,许年行,杨熠.中国中小投资者法律保护历史实践的实证检验[ J].经济研究,2004,(9).
陈国进, 赵向琴, 林辉. 上市公司违法违规处罚和投资者利益保护效果[J]. 财经研究, 2005, 31(8): 50–60.