外国经济与管理 2008 年 第 30 卷第 05 期, 页码:35 - 41
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[3]Ragins,B R,and Scandura,T A.Burden or blessing?Expected costs and benefits of being a mentor[J].Journal of Organizational Be-havior,1999,20(3):493-509.
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[5]Russell,J E A,and Adams,D M.The changing nature of mentoring[J].Journal of Vocational Behavior,1997,51(1):1-14.
[6]Scandura,T A.Mentorship and career mobility:An empirical investigation[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,1992,13(1):169-174.
[7]Fagenson,E A.The mentor advantage:Perceived career/job experiences of proétgés versus non-protégés[J].Journal of OrganizationalBehavior,1989,10(3):309-320.
[8]Dreher,G F,and Ash,R A.A comparative study of mentoring among men and women in managerial,professional,and technical posi-tions[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,1990,75(5):539-546.
[9]Ragins,B R,Cotton,J L,and Miller,J S.Marginal mentoring:The effects of type of mentor,quality of relationship,and programdesignon work and career attitudes[J].Academy of Management Journal,2000,43(6):1 177-1 194.
[10]Stall worth,H L.Mentoring,organizational commit ment and intentions to leave public accounting[J].Managerial Auditing Journal,2003,18(5):405-418.
[11]Payne,S C,and Huff man,A H.Alongitudinal examination of the influence of mentoring on organizational commit ment and turnover[J].Academy of Management Journal,2005,48(1):158-182.
[12]Ostroff,C,and Kozlowski,S WJ.Organizational socialization as a learning process:The role of information acquisition[J].PersonnelPsychology,1992,45(4):849-874.
[13]Donaldson,S I,Ensher,E A,and Grant-Vallone,E J.Longitudinal examination of mentoring relationships on organizational commit-ment and citizenship behavior[J].Journal of Career Development,2000,26(4):233-249.
[14]Phornprapha,S,and Chansrichawla,S.Leadership-supported mentoring:The key to enhancing organizational commit ment and retai-ning newcomers[J].International Journal of Management and Decision Making,2007,8(2-4):394-421.
[15]Allen,T D,Eby,L T,and Poteet,ML.Career benefits associated with mentoringfor prot啨g啨s:A meta-analysis[J].Journal of AppliedPsychology,2004,89(1):127-136.
[16]Allen,T D,Poteet,ML,Russell,J E A,and Dobbins,G H.Afield study of factors related to supervisors’willingness to mentor oth-ers[J].Journal of Vocational Behavior,1997,50(1):1-22.
[17]Dreher,G F,and Cox,T H.Race,gender,and opportunity:Astudy of compensational attainment and the establishment of mentoringrelationships[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,1996,81(3):297-308.
[18]Armstrong,S J,Allison,C W,and Hayes,J.Formal mentoring systems:An examination of the effects of mentor/prot啨g啨cognitivestyles on the mentoring process[J].Journal of Management Studies,2002,39(8):1 111-1 137.
[19]Lankau,MJ,Riordan,C M,and Thomas,C H.The effects of si milarity and linking in formal relationships between mentors andprot啨g啨s[J].Journal of Vocational Behavior,2005,67(2):252-265.
[20]Koberg,C S,Boss,R W,and Goodman,E.Factors and outcomes associated with mentoring among health-care professionals[J].Jour-nal of Vocational Behavior,1998,53(2):58-72.
[2]Chao,G T,Walz,P M,and Gardner,P D.Formal and informal mentorships:A comparison on mentoring functions and contrast withnonmentored counterparts[J].Personnel Psychology,1992,45(3):619-636.
[3]Ragins,B R,and Scandura,T A.Burden or blessing?Expected costs and benefits of being a mentor[J].Journal of Organizational Be-havior,1999,20(3):493-509.
[4]Ragins,B R,and McFarlin,D B.Perceptions of mentor roles in cross-gender mentoring relationships[J.]Journal of Vocational Behav-ior,1990,37:321-339.
[5]Russell,J E A,and Adams,D M.The changing nature of mentoring[J].Journal of Vocational Behavior,1997,51(1):1-14.
[6]Scandura,T A.Mentorship and career mobility:An empirical investigation[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,1992,13(1):169-174.
[7]Fagenson,E A.The mentor advantage:Perceived career/job experiences of proétgés versus non-protégés[J].Journal of OrganizationalBehavior,1989,10(3):309-320.
[8]Dreher,G F,and Ash,R A.A comparative study of mentoring among men and women in managerial,professional,and technical posi-tions[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,1990,75(5):539-546.
[9]Ragins,B R,Cotton,J L,and Miller,J S.Marginal mentoring:The effects of type of mentor,quality of relationship,and programdesignon work and career attitudes[J].Academy of Management Journal,2000,43(6):1 177-1 194.
[10]Stall worth,H L.Mentoring,organizational commit ment and intentions to leave public accounting[J].Managerial Auditing Journal,2003,18(5):405-418.
[11]Payne,S C,and Huff man,A H.Alongitudinal examination of the influence of mentoring on organizational commit ment and turnover[J].Academy of Management Journal,2005,48(1):158-182.
[12]Ostroff,C,and Kozlowski,S WJ.Organizational socialization as a learning process:The role of information acquisition[J].PersonnelPsychology,1992,45(4):849-874.
[13]Donaldson,S I,Ensher,E A,and Grant-Vallone,E J.Longitudinal examination of mentoring relationships on organizational commit-ment and citizenship behavior[J].Journal of Career Development,2000,26(4):233-249.
[14]Phornprapha,S,and Chansrichawla,S.Leadership-supported mentoring:The key to enhancing organizational commit ment and retai-ning newcomers[J].International Journal of Management and Decision Making,2007,8(2-4):394-421.
[15]Allen,T D,Eby,L T,and Poteet,ML.Career benefits associated with mentoringfor prot啨g啨s:A meta-analysis[J].Journal of AppliedPsychology,2004,89(1):127-136.
[16]Allen,T D,Poteet,ML,Russell,J E A,and Dobbins,G H.Afield study of factors related to supervisors’willingness to mentor oth-ers[J].Journal of Vocational Behavior,1997,50(1):1-22.
[17]Dreher,G F,and Cox,T H.Race,gender,and opportunity:Astudy of compensational attainment and the establishment of mentoringrelationships[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,1996,81(3):297-308.
[18]Armstrong,S J,Allison,C W,and Hayes,J.Formal mentoring systems:An examination of the effects of mentor/prot啨g啨cognitivestyles on the mentoring process[J].Journal of Management Studies,2002,39(8):1 111-1 137.
[19]Lankau,MJ,Riordan,C M,and Thomas,C H.The effects of si milarity and linking in formal relationships between mentors andprot啨g啨s[J].Journal of Vocational Behavior,2005,67(2):252-265.
[20]Koberg,C S,Boss,R W,and Goodman,E.Factors and outcomes associated with mentoring among health-care professionals[J].Jour-nal of Vocational Behavior,1998,53(2):58-72.
张正堂. 企业导师制研究探析[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2008, 30(5): 35–41.