外国经济与管理 2008 年 第 30 卷第 05 期, 页码:1 - 7
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[3]Rothbard,Murray N.Toward a reconstruction of utility and welfare economics[A].in May Sennholz(Ed.).On freedom and free enter-prise:The economics of free enterprise[C].NJ,Princeton:D.Van Nostrand,1956.
[4]Samuelson,P A.Reafirming the existence of“reasonable”Bergson-Samuelson social welfare function[J].Economica,1977,44:81-88.
[6]Ng,Yew-Kwang.A case for happiness,cardinalism,and interpersonal comparability[J].The Economic Journal,1997,107:1 848-1 858.
[8]Bergheim,Stefan.Measures of well-being,there is more to it than GDP[EB/OL].Deutsche Bank Research,2006,Sept.8,http://www.dbresearch.com,2007-8-10.
[9]Easterlin,R.Does economic growth improve the human lot?Some empirical evidence[A].in P David,and M Reder(Ed.s).Nations andhouseholds in economic growth[C].New York:Academic Press,1974.
[10]Rojas,M.Well-being and the complexity of poverty[R].Research Paper No.2004/29,Helsinki,World Institute for Development Re-search,2004.
[11]Easterlin,R.Will raising the incomes of all increase the happiness of all?[J].Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization,1995,27(1):35-48.
[12]Easterlin,R.Explaining happiness[J].Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,2003,100(19):11 176-11 183.
[13]Kahneman,D,Peter P Wakker,and Rakesh Sarin.Back to Betham?Explorations of experienced utility[J].Quarterly Journal of Eco-nomics,1997,112:375-406.
[14]Kahneman,D,et al.A survey method for characterizing daily life experience:The day reconstruction method[J].Scinece,2004,306:1 776-1 780.
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