上海财经大学学报 2007 年 第 09 卷第 03 期, 页码:56 - 62
[1]Upton.G、D.Gates&Gatty.Bank Loan Loss Given Default Moody’s Social Commen[D].NBER workingpaper.
[2]Thornburn.K.Bankruptcy auction,debt recovery and firm survival[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2000.
[3]Asarnow.Elliot&David Edwards.Measuring Loss on Defaulted Bank Loans:A 24-year Study[J].Jour-nal of Commercial Lending,1995.
[4]Carey Mark.Credit Risk in Private Debt Portfolios[J].Journal of Finance,1998,6(2):78~82.
[5]Eales.R&E.Bosworth.Severity of Loss in the Event of Default in Small Budinrdd snf Large ConsumerLoans[J].Journal of Lending&Credit Risk Management,1998.
[6]Carty.L&D.Liebernan.Defaulted Bank Loan Recoveries,Mood's Special Comment[D].NBER workingpape,1996.
[7]Grossman.R、S.O'Shea&S.Bonelli.Bank Loan and Bond Recovery Study:1997-2000Fitch Loan ProductSpecial Report[D].NBER working pape,2001.
[8]Frye.J.Depressing Recoveries,Chicago Fed working paper,an abridged version appeared in Risk[D].NBER working pape,2000.
[9]Til Schuerman.What do we know about Loss Given Default[D].Federal Reverse Bank of New York work-ing paper,Feb.2004.
[10]Greg,M.Gupton,Roger.M,Stein,Feb.LossCalc:Model for Predicting Loss Given Default,Special Com-ment,Moody's Investors Service[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2002,8(2):13~19.
[11]Altman,Edward I&Jason Pompei.The Performance of Default Bonds and Bank Loans:1987~2001[D].NYU Salmon Center Working Paper,2002.
[12]Hu&W.Peraudin.The Dependence of Recovery Rates and Defaults[D].CEPR working paper,2002.
①Range of Practice in Banks’Internal Rating System,Model Task Force,Basel Committee,June.2000.
②Greg,M.Gupton,Roger.M,Stein,Feb.2002,LossCalc:Model for Predicting Loss Given Default,SpecialComment,Moody’s Investors Service.
[2]Thornburn.K.Bankruptcy auction,debt recovery and firm survival[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2000.
[3]Asarnow.Elliot&David Edwards.Measuring Loss on Defaulted Bank Loans:A 24-year Study[J].Jour-nal of Commercial Lending,1995.
[4]Carey Mark.Credit Risk in Private Debt Portfolios[J].Journal of Finance,1998,6(2):78~82.
[5]Eales.R&E.Bosworth.Severity of Loss in the Event of Default in Small Budinrdd snf Large ConsumerLoans[J].Journal of Lending&Credit Risk Management,1998.
[6]Carty.L&D.Liebernan.Defaulted Bank Loan Recoveries,Mood's Special Comment[D].NBER workingpape,1996.
[7]Grossman.R、S.O'Shea&S.Bonelli.Bank Loan and Bond Recovery Study:1997-2000Fitch Loan ProductSpecial Report[D].NBER working pape,2001.
[8]Frye.J.Depressing Recoveries,Chicago Fed working paper,an abridged version appeared in Risk[D].NBER working pape,2000.
[9]Til Schuerman.What do we know about Loss Given Default[D].Federal Reverse Bank of New York work-ing paper,Feb.2004.
[10]Greg,M.Gupton,Roger.M,Stein,Feb.LossCalc:Model for Predicting Loss Given Default,Special Com-ment,Moody's Investors Service[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2002,8(2):13~19.
[11]Altman,Edward I&Jason Pompei.The Performance of Default Bonds and Bank Loans:1987~2001[D].NYU Salmon Center Working Paper,2002.
[12]Hu&W.Peraudin.The Dependence of Recovery Rates and Defaults[D].CEPR working paper,2002.
①Range of Practice in Banks’Internal Rating System,Model Task Force,Basel Committee,June.2000.
②Greg,M.Gupton,Roger.M,Stein,Feb.2002,LossCalc:Model for Predicting Loss Given Default,SpecialComment,Moody’s Investors Service.
汪办兴. 我国银行贷款违约损失率影响因素的实证分析[J]. 上海财经大学学报, 2007, 9(3): 56–62.