外国经济与管理 2014 年 第 36 卷第 10 期, 页码:22 - 31
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[6]Brickson S L.The impact of identity orientation on individual and organizational outcomes in demographically diverse settings[J].Aca-demy of Management Review,2000,25(1):82-101.
[7]Brickson S L.Organizational identity orientation:Forging a link between organizational identity and organizations’relations with stakeholders[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,2005,50(4):576-609.
[8]Albert S and Whetten D A.Organizational identity[A].in Staw B M and Cummings L L(Eds.).Research in organizational behavior[C].Greenwich,CT:JAI Press,1985,7:263-295.
[9]Tajfel H and Turner J C.An integrative theory of intergroup conflict[A].in Austin W G and Worchel S(Eds.).The social psychology of intergroup relations.monterey[C].Monterey CA:Brooks/Cole,1979:33-47.
[10]Turner J C.Towards a cognitive redefinition of the social group[A].in Tajfel H(Ed.).Social identity and intergroup relations[C].Cam-bridge,UK:Cambridge University Press,1982:15-40.
[11]Brickson S L.Organizational identity orientation:The genesis of the role of the firm and distinct forms of social value[J].Academy of Management Review,2007,32(3):864-888.
[12]Walker L J and Henning K H.Differing conception of moral exemplarity:Just,brave,and caring[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,2004,86(4):629-647.
[13]Basu K and Palazzo G.Corporate social responsibility:A process model of sense-making[J].Academy of Management Review,2008,33(1):122-136.
[14]Christmann P and Taylor G.Firm self-regulation through international certifiable standards:Determinants of symbolic versus substantive implementation[J].Journal of International Business Studies,2006,37(6):863-878.
[15]Wickert C and Vaccaro A.Organizational identity orientation and the adoption of corporate social responsibility:Symbolic,selective,or substantial?[R].UZH Business Working Paper Series,Number 318,2012.
[16]Li J,Tang G-Y and Chen Y.Firms’human resource in information system and sustainable performance:Does their organizational identity matter?[J].Journal of Human Resource Management,2012,23(18):3838-3855.
[17]Bingham J B,Gibb Dyer Jr W,Smith I and Adams G L.A Stakeholder identity orientation:Approach to corporate social performance in family firms[J].Journal of Business Ethics,2011,99(4):565-585.
[18]Vos M and Van der Zee K.Prosocial behavior in diverse workgroups:How relational identity orientation shapes cooperation and hel-ping[J].Group Processes&Intergroup Relations,2011,14(3):363-379.
[19]Eckel C C and Grossman P J.Managing diversity by creating team identity[J].Journal of Economic Behavior&Organization,2005,58(3):371-392.
[20]Ellemers N,Sleebos E,Stam D,et al.Feeling included and valued:How perceived respect affects positive team identity and willingness to invest in the team[J].British Journal of Management,2013,24(1):21-37.
[2]Marsh H W and Shavelson R J.Self-concept:Its multifaceted,hierarchical structure[J].Educational Psychologist,1985,20(3):107-125.
[3]Byrne B M.The general/academic self-concept nomological network:A review of construct validation research[J].Review of Educational Research,1984,54(3):427-456.
[4]Markus H R and Kitayama S.Culture and the self:Implications for cognition,emotion,and motivation[J].Psychological Review,1991,98(2):224-253.
[5]Brewer M B and Gardner W.Who is this“we”?Levels of collective identity and self representations[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,1996,71(1):83-93.
[6]Brickson S L.The impact of identity orientation on individual and organizational outcomes in demographically diverse settings[J].Aca-demy of Management Review,2000,25(1):82-101.
[7]Brickson S L.Organizational identity orientation:Forging a link between organizational identity and organizations’relations with stakeholders[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,2005,50(4):576-609.
[8]Albert S and Whetten D A.Organizational identity[A].in Staw B M and Cummings L L(Eds.).Research in organizational behavior[C].Greenwich,CT:JAI Press,1985,7:263-295.
[9]Tajfel H and Turner J C.An integrative theory of intergroup conflict[A].in Austin W G and Worchel S(Eds.).The social psychology of intergroup relations.monterey[C].Monterey CA:Brooks/Cole,1979:33-47.
[10]Turner J C.Towards a cognitive redefinition of the social group[A].in Tajfel H(Ed.).Social identity and intergroup relations[C].Cam-bridge,UK:Cambridge University Press,1982:15-40.
[11]Brickson S L.Organizational identity orientation:The genesis of the role of the firm and distinct forms of social value[J].Academy of Management Review,2007,32(3):864-888.
[12]Walker L J and Henning K H.Differing conception of moral exemplarity:Just,brave,and caring[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,2004,86(4):629-647.
[13]Basu K and Palazzo G.Corporate social responsibility:A process model of sense-making[J].Academy of Management Review,2008,33(1):122-136.
[14]Christmann P and Taylor G.Firm self-regulation through international certifiable standards:Determinants of symbolic versus substantive implementation[J].Journal of International Business Studies,2006,37(6):863-878.
[15]Wickert C and Vaccaro A.Organizational identity orientation and the adoption of corporate social responsibility:Symbolic,selective,or substantial?[R].UZH Business Working Paper Series,Number 318,2012.
[16]Li J,Tang G-Y and Chen Y.Firms’human resource in information system and sustainable performance:Does their organizational identity matter?[J].Journal of Human Resource Management,2012,23(18):3838-3855.
[17]Bingham J B,Gibb Dyer Jr W,Smith I and Adams G L.A Stakeholder identity orientation:Approach to corporate social performance in family firms[J].Journal of Business Ethics,2011,99(4):565-585.
[18]Vos M and Van der Zee K.Prosocial behavior in diverse workgroups:How relational identity orientation shapes cooperation and hel-ping[J].Group Processes&Intergroup Relations,2011,14(3):363-379.
[19]Eckel C C and Grossman P J.Managing diversity by creating team identity[J].Journal of Economic Behavior&Organization,2005,58(3):371-392.
[20]Ellemers N,Sleebos E,Stam D,et al.Feeling included and valued:How perceived respect affects positive team identity and willingness to invest in the team[J].British Journal of Management,2013,24(1):21-37.
刘云. 组织身份导向研究进展探析[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2014, 36(10): 22–31.