外国经济与管理 2012 年 第 34 卷第 12 期, 页码:49 - 55
[1]Andrews M C and Kacmar K M.Got political skill?The im-pact of justice on the importance of political skill for job per-formance[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2009,94(6):1427-1437.
[2]Aryee S,et al.Exchange fairness and employee performance:An examination of the relationship between organizationalpolitics and procedural justice[J].Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,2004,94(1):1-14.
[3]Blickle G,et al.Is the political skill inventory fit for personnel se-lection?An experimental field study[J].International Journal of Se-lection&Assessment,2010a,18(2):155-165.
[4]Blickle G,et al.Political skill as moderator of personality-job performance relationships in socioanalytic theory:Test of the getting ahead motive in automobile sales[J].Journal of Voca-tional Behavior,2010b,76(2):326-335.
[5]Blickle G,et al.Role of political skill in job performance pre-diction beyond general mental ability and personality in cross-sectional and predictive studies[J].Journal of Applied Social Psychology,2011a,41(2):488-514.
[6]Blickle G,et al.Socioanalytic theory and work behavior:Roles of work values and political skill in job performance and promotability assessment[J].Journal of Vocational Behavior,2011b,78(1):136-148.
[7]Brass D J and Burkhardt M E.Potential power and power use:An investigation of structure and behavior[J].Academy of Management Journal,1993,36(3):441-470.
[8]Brouer B L,et al.The moderating effects of political skill on the perceived politics-outcome relationships[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2011,32(6):869-885.
[9]Douglas C and Ammeter A P.An examination of leader politi-cal skill and its effect on ratings of leader effectiveness[J].Leadership Quarterly,2004,15(4):537-550.
[10]Ferris G R,et al.Development and initial validation of the political skill inventory[R].Paper presented at the59th an-nual national meeting of the Academy of Management,Chica-go,1999.
[11]Ferris G R,et al.Political skill at work[J].Organizational Dynamics,2000,28(4):25-37.
[12]Ferris G R,et al.Development and validation of the political skill inventory[J].Journal of Management,2005,31(1):126-152.
[13]Ferris G R,et al.Political skill in organizations[J].Journal of Management,2007,33(3):290-320.
[14]Gentry W A,et al.Political skill as an indicator of promo-tability among multiple rater sources[J].Journal of Organiza-tional Behavior,2012,33(1):89-104.
[15]Harris K J,et al.The impact of political skill on impression management effectiveness[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2007,92(1):278-285.
[16]Liu Yongmei,et al.Dispositional antecedents and outcomes of political skill in organizations:A four-study investigation with convergence[J].Journal of Vocational Behavior,2007,71(1):46-165.
[17]Luthans F,et al.Real managers[D].Cambridge,MA:Ballinger,1988.
[18]Meurs J A,et al.The role of political skill in the stressor-outcome relationship:Differential predictions for self-and other-reports of political skill[J].Journal of Vocational Behavior,2010,76(3):520-533.
[19]Meurs J A,et al.Political skill as moderator of the trait sin-cerity-task performance relationship:A socioanalytic,narrow trait perspective[J].Human Performance,2011,24(2):119-134.
[20]Mintzberg H.Power in and around organizations[M].Engle-wood Cliffs,NJ:Prentice Hall,1983.
[21]Perrewe P L,et al.Neutralizing job stressors:Political skill as an antidote to the dysfunctional consequences of role con-flict[J].Academy of Management Journal,2004,47(1):141-152.
[22]Perrewe P L,et al.Political skill:A antidote in the role o-verload strain relationship[J].Journal of Occupational Health Psychology,2005,10(3):239-250.
[23]Pfeffer J.Power in organizations[M].Boston,MA:Pitman,1981.
[24]Todd S Y,et al.Career success implications of political skill[J].Journal of Social Psychology,2009,49(3):179-204.櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒
[25]Treadway D C,et al.Political will,political skill,and politi-cal behavior[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2005,26:229-245.
[26]Treadway D C,et al.The moderating role of subordinate po-litical skill on supervisors’impressions of subordinate ingrati-ation and rating of subordinate interpersonal facilitation[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2007,92(3):848-855.
[27]Wei Li-Qun,et al.Political skill,supervisor-subordinate Guanxi and career prospects in Chinese firms[J].Journal of Management Studies,2010,47(3):437-454.
[28]Wei Li-Qun,et al.Developing and utilizing network re-sources:Roles of political skill[J].Journal of Management Studies,2012,49(2):381-402.
[29]Wu Long-Zeng,et al.Coping with workplace ostracism:The roles of ingratiation and political skill in employee psychologi-cal distress[J].Journal of Management Studies,2012,49(1):178-199.
[2]Aryee S,et al.Exchange fairness and employee performance:An examination of the relationship between organizationalpolitics and procedural justice[J].Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,2004,94(1):1-14.
[3]Blickle G,et al.Is the political skill inventory fit for personnel se-lection?An experimental field study[J].International Journal of Se-lection&Assessment,2010a,18(2):155-165.
[4]Blickle G,et al.Political skill as moderator of personality-job performance relationships in socioanalytic theory:Test of the getting ahead motive in automobile sales[J].Journal of Voca-tional Behavior,2010b,76(2):326-335.
[5]Blickle G,et al.Role of political skill in job performance pre-diction beyond general mental ability and personality in cross-sectional and predictive studies[J].Journal of Applied Social Psychology,2011a,41(2):488-514.
[6]Blickle G,et al.Socioanalytic theory and work behavior:Roles of work values and political skill in job performance and promotability assessment[J].Journal of Vocational Behavior,2011b,78(1):136-148.
[7]Brass D J and Burkhardt M E.Potential power and power use:An investigation of structure and behavior[J].Academy of Management Journal,1993,36(3):441-470.
[8]Brouer B L,et al.The moderating effects of political skill on the perceived politics-outcome relationships[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2011,32(6):869-885.
[9]Douglas C and Ammeter A P.An examination of leader politi-cal skill and its effect on ratings of leader effectiveness[J].Leadership Quarterly,2004,15(4):537-550.
[10]Ferris G R,et al.Development and initial validation of the political skill inventory[R].Paper presented at the59th an-nual national meeting of the Academy of Management,Chica-go,1999.
[11]Ferris G R,et al.Political skill at work[J].Organizational Dynamics,2000,28(4):25-37.
[12]Ferris G R,et al.Development and validation of the political skill inventory[J].Journal of Management,2005,31(1):126-152.
[13]Ferris G R,et al.Political skill in organizations[J].Journal of Management,2007,33(3):290-320.
[14]Gentry W A,et al.Political skill as an indicator of promo-tability among multiple rater sources[J].Journal of Organiza-tional Behavior,2012,33(1):89-104.
[15]Harris K J,et al.The impact of political skill on impression management effectiveness[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2007,92(1):278-285.
[16]Liu Yongmei,et al.Dispositional antecedents and outcomes of political skill in organizations:A four-study investigation with convergence[J].Journal of Vocational Behavior,2007,71(1):46-165.
[17]Luthans F,et al.Real managers[D].Cambridge,MA:Ballinger,1988.
[18]Meurs J A,et al.The role of political skill in the stressor-outcome relationship:Differential predictions for self-and other-reports of political skill[J].Journal of Vocational Behavior,2010,76(3):520-533.
[19]Meurs J A,et al.Political skill as moderator of the trait sin-cerity-task performance relationship:A socioanalytic,narrow trait perspective[J].Human Performance,2011,24(2):119-134.
[20]Mintzberg H.Power in and around organizations[M].Engle-wood Cliffs,NJ:Prentice Hall,1983.
[21]Perrewe P L,et al.Neutralizing job stressors:Political skill as an antidote to the dysfunctional consequences of role con-flict[J].Academy of Management Journal,2004,47(1):141-152.
[22]Perrewe P L,et al.Political skill:A antidote in the role o-verload strain relationship[J].Journal of Occupational Health Psychology,2005,10(3):239-250.
[23]Pfeffer J.Power in organizations[M].Boston,MA:Pitman,1981.
[24]Todd S Y,et al.Career success implications of political skill[J].Journal of Social Psychology,2009,49(3):179-204.櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒
[25]Treadway D C,et al.Political will,political skill,and politi-cal behavior[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2005,26:229-245.
[26]Treadway D C,et al.The moderating role of subordinate po-litical skill on supervisors’impressions of subordinate ingrati-ation and rating of subordinate interpersonal facilitation[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2007,92(3):848-855.
[27]Wei Li-Qun,et al.Political skill,supervisor-subordinate Guanxi and career prospects in Chinese firms[J].Journal of Management Studies,2010,47(3):437-454.
[28]Wei Li-Qun,et al.Developing and utilizing network re-sources:Roles of political skill[J].Journal of Management Studies,2012,49(2):381-402.
[29]Wu Long-Zeng,et al.Coping with workplace ostracism:The roles of ingratiation and political skill in employee psychologi-cal distress[J].Journal of Management Studies,2012,49(1):178-199.
王洪青, 张文勤. 国外政治技能最新研究进展述评[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2012, 34(12): 49–55.