外国经济与管理 2012 年 第 34 卷第 10 期, 页码:74 - 81
①Carson等(2006)提出的“环境模糊性”概念是指即使可以准确地预测交易伙伴的行为,却因为环境的模糊性,导致变化认识上的不确定,从而无法确切地评估交易伙伴的行为,因此也指交易伙伴的行为绩效难以评估。特别指出的是,Carson等(2006)又把通常的环境不确定性称为“环境变动性”(environmental vol-atility),因为环境不确定性通常指环境变化快或环境的变化不可预知。其他学者也有类似的定义,如Joshi和Stump(1999)、Claro等(2003)。
[1]Bachmann R.Trust,power and control in trans-organizational relations[J].Organization Studies,2001,22(2):337-365.
[2]Brouthers K D and Brouthers L E.Why service and manufac-turing entry mode choices differ:The influence of transaction cost factors,risk and trust[J].Journal of Management Stud-ies,2003,40(5):1179-1204.
[3]Cannon J P,et al.Contracts,norms,and plural form govern-ance[J].Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,2000,28(2):180-194.
[4]Carson S J,et al.Uncertainty,opportunism,and governance:The effects of volatility and ambiguity on formal and relational contracting[J].Academy of Management Journal,2006,49(5):1058-1077.
[5]Claro D P,et al.The determinants of relational governance and performance:How to manage business relationships?[J].Industrial Marketing Management,2003,32(8):703-716.
[6]David R J and Han S K.A systematic assessment of the em-pirical support for transaction cost economics[J].Strategic Management Journal,2004,25(1):39-58.
[7]Ferguson R J,et al.Contractual governance,relational govern-ance,and the performance of interfirm service exchanges:The influence of boundary-spanner closeness[J].Journal of the A-cademy of Marketing Science,2005,33(2):217-234.
[8]Fink R C,et al.An exploratory study of factors associated with relational exchange choices of small-,medium-and large-sized customers[J].Journal of Targeting,Measurement&A-nalysis for Marketing,2009,17(1):39-53.
[9]Gentürk E F and Aulakh P S.Norms-and control-based gov-ernance of international manufacturer-distributor relational exchanges[J].Journal of International Marketing,2007,15(1):92-126.
[10]Grandori A.Innovation,uncertainty and relational govern-ance[J].Industry and Innovation,2006,13(2):127-133.
[11]Hoetker G and Mellewigt T.Choice and performance of gov-ernance mechanisms:Matching alliance governance to asset type[J].Strategic Management Journal,2009,30(10):1025-1044.
[12]Huber T L,et al.Governance mechanisms as substitutes and complements—A dynamic perspective on the interplay be-tween contractual and relational governance[A].Kotlarsky J,et al(Eds.).New studies in global IT and business serv-ices sourcing[C].France:Springer-Verlag,2011:46-65.
[13]Joshi A W and Campbell A J.Effect of environmental dyna-mism on relational governance in manufacturer-supplier rela-tionships:A contingency framework and an empirical test[J].Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,2003,31(2):176-188.
[14]Joshi A W and Stump R L.The contingent effect of specific asset investments on joint action in manufacturer-supplier re-lationships:An empirical test of the moderating role of recip-rocal asset investments,uncertainty and trust[J].Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,1999,27(3):291-305.
[15]Keast R and Hampson K.Building constructive innovation networks:Role of relationship management[J].Journal of Construction Engineering&Management,2007,133(5):364-373.
[16]Kim K.On the effects of customer conditions on distributor commitment and supplier commitment in industrial channels of distribution[J].Journal of Business Research,2001,51(2):87-99.
[17]Lazzarini,et al.Order with some law:Complementarity ver-sus substitution of formal and informal arrangements[J].Journal of Law,Economics,&Organization,2004,20(2):261-298.
[18]Li J J,et al.Relational mechanisms,formal contracts,and lo-cal knowledge acquisition by international subsidiaries[J].Strategic Management Journal,2010,31(4):349-370.
[19]Mahnke V andzcan S.Outsourcing innovation and relational governance[J].Industry and Innovation,2006,13(2):121-125.
[20]McEvily B and Marcus A.Embedded ties and the acquisition of competitive capabilities[J].Strategic Management Jour-nal,2005,26(11):1033-1055.
[21]Mesquita L F,et al.Comparing the resource-based and relational views:Knowledge transfer and spillover in vertical alliances[J].Strategic Management Journal,2008,29(9):913-941.
[22]Olander H,et al.The dynamics of relational and contractualgovernance mechanisms in knowledge sharing of collabora-tive R&D projects[J].Knowledge and Process Management,2010,17(4):188-204.
[23]Pietrobelli C and Rabellotti R.Global value chains meet inno-vation systems:Are there learning opportunities for develo-ping countries?[J].World Development,2011,39(7):1261-1269.
[24]Poppo L and Zenger T.Do formal contracts and relational governance function as substitutes or complements?[J].Strategic Management Journal,2002,23(8):707-725.
[25]Poppo L,et al.Alternative origins to interorganizational trust:An interdependence perspective on the shadow of the past and the shadow of the future[J].Organization Science,2008a,19(1):39-55.
[26]Poppo L,et al.Examining the conditional limits of relational governance:Specialized assets,performance ambiguity,and long-standing ties[J].Journal of Management Studies,2008b,45(7):1195-1216.
[27]Sheng S,et al.Do exchange hazards always foster relational governance?An empirical test of the role of communication[J].International Journal of Research in Marketing,2006,23(1):63-77.
[28]Sutcliffe K M and Zaheer A.Uncertainty in the transaction environment:An empirical test[J].Strategic Management Journal,1998,19(1):1-23.
[29]Tiwana A.Systems development ambidexterity:Explaining the complementary and substitutive roles of formal and infor-mal controls[J].Journal of Management Information Sys-tems,2010,27(2):87-126.
[30]Vandaele D,et al.How to govern business services exchan-ges:Contractual and relational issues[J].International Jour-nal of Management Reviews,2007,9(3):237-258.
[1]Bachmann R.Trust,power and control in trans-organizational relations[J].Organization Studies,2001,22(2):337-365.
[2]Brouthers K D and Brouthers L E.Why service and manufac-turing entry mode choices differ:The influence of transaction cost factors,risk and trust[J].Journal of Management Stud-ies,2003,40(5):1179-1204.
[3]Cannon J P,et al.Contracts,norms,and plural form govern-ance[J].Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,2000,28(2):180-194.
[4]Carson S J,et al.Uncertainty,opportunism,and governance:The effects of volatility and ambiguity on formal and relational contracting[J].Academy of Management Journal,2006,49(5):1058-1077.
[5]Claro D P,et al.The determinants of relational governance and performance:How to manage business relationships?[J].Industrial Marketing Management,2003,32(8):703-716.
[6]David R J and Han S K.A systematic assessment of the em-pirical support for transaction cost economics[J].Strategic Management Journal,2004,25(1):39-58.
[7]Ferguson R J,et al.Contractual governance,relational govern-ance,and the performance of interfirm service exchanges:The influence of boundary-spanner closeness[J].Journal of the A-cademy of Marketing Science,2005,33(2):217-234.
[8]Fink R C,et al.An exploratory study of factors associated with relational exchange choices of small-,medium-and large-sized customers[J].Journal of Targeting,Measurement&A-nalysis for Marketing,2009,17(1):39-53.
[9]Gentürk E F and Aulakh P S.Norms-and control-based gov-ernance of international manufacturer-distributor relational exchanges[J].Journal of International Marketing,2007,15(1):92-126.
[10]Grandori A.Innovation,uncertainty and relational govern-ance[J].Industry and Innovation,2006,13(2):127-133.
[11]Hoetker G and Mellewigt T.Choice and performance of gov-ernance mechanisms:Matching alliance governance to asset type[J].Strategic Management Journal,2009,30(10):1025-1044.
[12]Huber T L,et al.Governance mechanisms as substitutes and complements—A dynamic perspective on the interplay be-tween contractual and relational governance[A].Kotlarsky J,et al(Eds.).New studies in global IT and business serv-ices sourcing[C].France:Springer-Verlag,2011:46-65.
[13]Joshi A W and Campbell A J.Effect of environmental dyna-mism on relational governance in manufacturer-supplier rela-tionships:A contingency framework and an empirical test[J].Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,2003,31(2):176-188.
[14]Joshi A W and Stump R L.The contingent effect of specific asset investments on joint action in manufacturer-supplier re-lationships:An empirical test of the moderating role of recip-rocal asset investments,uncertainty and trust[J].Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,1999,27(3):291-305.
[15]Keast R and Hampson K.Building constructive innovation networks:Role of relationship management[J].Journal of Construction Engineering&Management,2007,133(5):364-373.
[16]Kim K.On the effects of customer conditions on distributor commitment and supplier commitment in industrial channels of distribution[J].Journal of Business Research,2001,51(2):87-99.
[17]Lazzarini,et al.Order with some law:Complementarity ver-sus substitution of formal and informal arrangements[J].Journal of Law,Economics,&Organization,2004,20(2):261-298.
[18]Li J J,et al.Relational mechanisms,formal contracts,and lo-cal knowledge acquisition by international subsidiaries[J].Strategic Management Journal,2010,31(4):349-370.
[19]Mahnke V andzcan S.Outsourcing innovation and relational governance[J].Industry and Innovation,2006,13(2):121-125.
[20]McEvily B and Marcus A.Embedded ties and the acquisition of competitive capabilities[J].Strategic Management Jour-nal,2005,26(11):1033-1055.
[21]Mesquita L F,et al.Comparing the resource-based and relational views:Knowledge transfer and spillover in vertical alliances[J].Strategic Management Journal,2008,29(9):913-941.
[22]Olander H,et al.The dynamics of relational and contractualgovernance mechanisms in knowledge sharing of collabora-tive R&D projects[J].Knowledge and Process Management,2010,17(4):188-204.
[23]Pietrobelli C and Rabellotti R.Global value chains meet inno-vation systems:Are there learning opportunities for develo-ping countries?[J].World Development,2011,39(7):1261-1269.
[24]Poppo L and Zenger T.Do formal contracts and relational governance function as substitutes or complements?[J].Strategic Management Journal,2002,23(8):707-725.
[25]Poppo L,et al.Alternative origins to interorganizational trust:An interdependence perspective on the shadow of the past and the shadow of the future[J].Organization Science,2008a,19(1):39-55.
[26]Poppo L,et al.Examining the conditional limits of relational governance:Specialized assets,performance ambiguity,and long-standing ties[J].Journal of Management Studies,2008b,45(7):1195-1216.
[27]Sheng S,et al.Do exchange hazards always foster relational governance?An empirical test of the role of communication[J].International Journal of Research in Marketing,2006,23(1):63-77.
[28]Sutcliffe K M and Zaheer A.Uncertainty in the transaction environment:An empirical test[J].Strategic Management Journal,1998,19(1):1-23.
[29]Tiwana A.Systems development ambidexterity:Explaining the complementary and substitutive roles of formal and infor-mal controls[J].Journal of Management Information Sys-tems,2010,27(2):87-126.
[30]Vandaele D,et al.How to govern business services exchan-ges:Contractual and relational issues[J].International Jour-nal of Management Reviews,2007,9(3):237-258.
陈灿. 国外关系治理研究最新进展探析[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2012, 34(10): 74–81.