外国经济与管理 2012 年 第 34 卷第 06 期, 页码:57 - 65
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[2]Beer S.Authenticity and food experience-Commercial and academic perspectives[J].Journal of Foodservice,2008,19(3):153-163.
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[4]Beverland M B,et al.Projecting authenticity through adverti-sing[J].Journal of Advertising,2008,37(1):5-15.
[5]Browen S,et al.Teaching old brands new tricks:Retro bran-ding and the revival of brand meaning[J].Journal of Marke-ting,2003,67(3):19-33.
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[7]Cohen E.Authenticity and commoditization in tourism[J].Annals of Tourism Research,1988,15(3):371-386.
[8]Fine G A.Crafting authenticity:The validation of identity in self-taught art[J].Theory and Society,2003,32(2):153-180.
[9]Firat A,et al.Marketing in a postmodern world[J].European Journal of Marketing,1995,29(1):40-56.
[10]Gilmore J H and PineⅡB J.Authenticity:What consumer really want[M].Boston,Massachusetts:Harvard Business School Press,2007:77-78.
[11]Grayson K and Martinec R.Consumer perceptions of iconici-ty and indexicality and their influence on assessments of au-thentic market offerings[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2004,31(2):296-312.
[12]Grayson K and Shulman D.Indexicality and verification func-tion of irreplaceable possessions:A semiotic analysis[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2000,27(1):17-30.
[13]Holt D B.Why do brand cause trouble?A dialectical theory of consumer culture and branding[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2002,26(1):70-90.
[14]Kates S M and Goh C.Brand morphing:Implications for ad-vertising theory and practice[J].Journal of Advertising,2003,32(1):59-68.
[15]Kozinets R V.Utopian enterprise:Articulating the meanings of Star Trek’s culture of consumption[J].Journal of Consu-mer Research,2001,28(1):67-88.
[16]Leigh T W,et al.The consumer quest for authenticity:The multiplicity of meanings within the MG subculture of con-sumption[J].Journal of Academy of Marketing Science,2006,34(4):481-93.
[17]MacCannell D.Staged authenticity:Arrangements of social space in tourists settings[J].American Journal of Sociology,1973,79(3):589-602.
[18]McAlexander J H,et al.Building brand community[J].Jour-nal of Marketing,2002,66(1):38-54.
[19]Muniz A M and O’Guinn T C.Brand community[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2001,27(4):412-432.
[20]Murray J B and Ozanne J L.The critical imagination:Emanci-patory interests in consumer research[J].Journal of Con-sumer Research,1991,18(2):129-144.
[21]Park C W,et al.Strategic brand concept-image management[J].Journal of Marketing,1986,50(4):135-145.
[22]Penaloza L.Consuming the American West:Animating cul-tural meanings and memory at a stock show and rodeo[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2001,28(3):369-398.
[23]PineⅡB J and Gilmore J H.The experience economy:Work is theatre&every business a stage[M].Boston:Harvard Bu-siness School Press,1999.
[24]Rose R L and Wood S L.Paradox and the consumption of au-thenticity through reality television[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2005,32(2):284-296.
[25]Stern B B.Historical and personal nostalgia in advertising text:The fin de Siècle effect[J].Journal of Advertising,1992,21(4):11-22.
[26]Wallendorf M and Arnould E.We gather together:Consump-tion rituals of Thanksgiving Day[J].Journal of Consumer Research,1991,18(6):13-31.
[27]Wang N.Rethinking authenticity in tourism experience[J].Annals of Tourism Research,1999,26(2):349-370.
[28]Wheatley J,et al.Physical quality,price,and perceptions of product quality:Implications for retailers[J].Journal of Re-tailing,1981,57(2):100-116.
[2]Beer S.Authenticity and food experience-Commercial and academic perspectives[J].Journal of Foodservice,2008,19(3):153-163.
[3]Belk R W and Costa J A.The mountain man myth:A contem-porary consuming fantasy[J].Journal of Consumer Research,1998,25(3):218-240.
[4]Beverland M B,et al.Projecting authenticity through adverti-sing[J].Journal of Advertising,2008,37(1):5-15.
[5]Browen S,et al.Teaching old brands new tricks:Retro bran-ding and the revival of brand meaning[J].Journal of Marke-ting,2003,67(3):19-33.
[6]Bruner E M.Abraham Lincoln as authentic reproduction:A critique of postmodernism[J].American Anthropologist,1994,96(2):397-415.
[7]Cohen E.Authenticity and commoditization in tourism[J].Annals of Tourism Research,1988,15(3):371-386.
[8]Fine G A.Crafting authenticity:The validation of identity in self-taught art[J].Theory and Society,2003,32(2):153-180.
[9]Firat A,et al.Marketing in a postmodern world[J].European Journal of Marketing,1995,29(1):40-56.
[10]Gilmore J H and PineⅡB J.Authenticity:What consumer really want[M].Boston,Massachusetts:Harvard Business School Press,2007:77-78.
[11]Grayson K and Martinec R.Consumer perceptions of iconici-ty and indexicality and their influence on assessments of au-thentic market offerings[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2004,31(2):296-312.
[12]Grayson K and Shulman D.Indexicality and verification func-tion of irreplaceable possessions:A semiotic analysis[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2000,27(1):17-30.
[13]Holt D B.Why do brand cause trouble?A dialectical theory of consumer culture and branding[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2002,26(1):70-90.
[14]Kates S M and Goh C.Brand morphing:Implications for ad-vertising theory and practice[J].Journal of Advertising,2003,32(1):59-68.
[15]Kozinets R V.Utopian enterprise:Articulating the meanings of Star Trek’s culture of consumption[J].Journal of Consu-mer Research,2001,28(1):67-88.
[16]Leigh T W,et al.The consumer quest for authenticity:The multiplicity of meanings within the MG subculture of con-sumption[J].Journal of Academy of Marketing Science,2006,34(4):481-93.
[17]MacCannell D.Staged authenticity:Arrangements of social space in tourists settings[J].American Journal of Sociology,1973,79(3):589-602.
[18]McAlexander J H,et al.Building brand community[J].Jour-nal of Marketing,2002,66(1):38-54.
[19]Muniz A M and O’Guinn T C.Brand community[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2001,27(4):412-432.
[20]Murray J B and Ozanne J L.The critical imagination:Emanci-patory interests in consumer research[J].Journal of Con-sumer Research,1991,18(2):129-144.
[21]Park C W,et al.Strategic brand concept-image management[J].Journal of Marketing,1986,50(4):135-145.
[22]Penaloza L.Consuming the American West:Animating cul-tural meanings and memory at a stock show and rodeo[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2001,28(3):369-398.
[23]PineⅡB J and Gilmore J H.The experience economy:Work is theatre&every business a stage[M].Boston:Harvard Bu-siness School Press,1999.
[24]Rose R L and Wood S L.Paradox and the consumption of au-thenticity through reality television[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2005,32(2):284-296.
[25]Stern B B.Historical and personal nostalgia in advertising text:The fin de Siècle effect[J].Journal of Advertising,1992,21(4):11-22.
[26]Wallendorf M and Arnould E.We gather together:Consump-tion rituals of Thanksgiving Day[J].Journal of Consumer Research,1991,18(6):13-31.
[27]Wang N.Rethinking authenticity in tourism experience[J].Annals of Tourism Research,1999,26(2):349-370.
[28]Wheatley J,et al.Physical quality,price,and perceptions of product quality:Implications for retailers[J].Journal of Re-tailing,1981,57(2):100-116.
徐伟, 王新新. 商业领域“真实性”及其营销策略研究探析[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2012, 34(6): 57–65.