外国经济与管理 2012 年 第 34 卷第 05 期, 页码:26 - 34
[1]Cassar G.Money,money,money?A longitudinal investigationof entrepreneur career reasons,growth preferences and a-chieved growth[J].Entrepreneurship&Regional Develop-ment:An International Journal,2007,19(1):89-107.
[2]Cope J.Entrepreneurial learning from failure:An interpreta-tive phenomenological analysis[EB/OL].Journal of BusinessVenturing,Retrieved from http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0883902610000571,2010:1-20.
[3]Corbett A C.Learning asymmetries and the discovery of entre-preneurial opportunities[J].Journal of Business Venturing,2007,22(1):97-118.
[4]Dyer W G,Jr.Toward a theory of entrepreneurial careers[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,1994,19(2):7-21.
[5]Hessel O,et al.The impact of entrepreneurship education onentrepreneurship skills and motivation[J].European EconomicReview,2010,54(3):442-454.
[6]George G and Bock A J.Inventing entrepreneurs:Technologyinnovators and their entrepreneurial journey[M].Boston,MA:Pearson Education,Inc.,2009.
[7]Kocak A,et al.Entrepreneurial exit and reentry:An explora-tory study of Turkish entrepreneurs[J].Journal of Develop-mental Entrepreneurship,2010,15(4):439-459.
[8]Leon S and Kelly G S.Deciding on an entrepreneurial career:Atest of the pull and push hypotheses using the panel study ofentrepreneurial dynamics data[J].Entrepreneurship Theoryand Practice,2007,31(5):733-752.
[9]Lüthje C and Franke N.The making of an entrepreneur:Tes-ting a model of entrepreneurial intent among engineeringstudents at MIT[J].R&D Management,2003,33(2):135-147.
[10]Marco C and Alexander S K.Is entrepreneurial success pre-dictable?An ex-ante analysis of the character-based approach[J].Kyklos,2008,61(2):189-214.
[11]Markman D G and Baron A R.Person-entrepreneurship fit:Why some people are more successful as entrepreneurs thanothers[J].Human Resource Management Review,2003,13(2):281-301.
[12]Martin M,et al.Competence development of entrepreneurs ininnovative horticulture[J].Journal of Workplace Learning,2007,19(1):32-44.
[13]Martin O,et al.Nascent entrepreneurship and the developingindividual:Early entrepreneurial competence in adolescenceand venture creation success during the career[J].Journal ofVocational Behavior,2011,79(1):121-133.
[14]Nabi G,et al.From student to entrepreneur:Towards a mod-el of graduate entrepreneurial career-making[J].Journal ofEducation and Work,2010,23(5):389-415.
[15]Nobuyuki H.Who succeeds as an entrepreneur?An analysisof the post-entry performance of new firms in Japan[J].Ja-pan and the World Economy,2003,15(2):211-222.
[16]Patel P C and Fiet J O.Systematic search and its relationshipto firm founding[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2009,33(2):501-526.
[17]Rao T V.Development of an entrepreneur:A behaviouristicmodel[R].Paper provided by Indian Institute of ManagementAhmedabad,Research and Publication Department in its se-ries IIMA Working Papers with number WP1974-09-01_00127,2011-5-9.
[18]Rotefoss B and Kolvereid L.Aspiring,nascent and fledglingentrepreneurs:An investigation of the business start-upprocess[J].Entrepreneurship&Regional Development,2005,17(1):109-127.
[19]Priyanto S H and Sandjojo I.Relationship between entrepre-neurial learning,entrepreneurial competencies and venturesuccess:Empirical study on SMEs[J].International Journalof Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management,2005,5(5/6):454-468.
[20]Starr J A and Fondas N.A model of entrepreneurial socializa-tion and organization formation[J].Entrepreneurship Theoryand Practice,1992,16(2):67-76.
[2]Cope J.Entrepreneurial learning from failure:An interpreta-tive phenomenological analysis[EB/OL].Journal of BusinessVenturing,Retrieved from http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0883902610000571,2010:1-20.
[3]Corbett A C.Learning asymmetries and the discovery of entre-preneurial opportunities[J].Journal of Business Venturing,2007,22(1):97-118.
[4]Dyer W G,Jr.Toward a theory of entrepreneurial careers[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,1994,19(2):7-21.
[5]Hessel O,et al.The impact of entrepreneurship education onentrepreneurship skills and motivation[J].European EconomicReview,2010,54(3):442-454.
[6]George G and Bock A J.Inventing entrepreneurs:Technologyinnovators and their entrepreneurial journey[M].Boston,MA:Pearson Education,Inc.,2009.
[7]Kocak A,et al.Entrepreneurial exit and reentry:An explora-tory study of Turkish entrepreneurs[J].Journal of Develop-mental Entrepreneurship,2010,15(4):439-459.
[8]Leon S and Kelly G S.Deciding on an entrepreneurial career:Atest of the pull and push hypotheses using the panel study ofentrepreneurial dynamics data[J].Entrepreneurship Theoryand Practice,2007,31(5):733-752.
[9]Lüthje C and Franke N.The making of an entrepreneur:Tes-ting a model of entrepreneurial intent among engineeringstudents at MIT[J].R&D Management,2003,33(2):135-147.
[10]Marco C and Alexander S K.Is entrepreneurial success pre-dictable?An ex-ante analysis of the character-based approach[J].Kyklos,2008,61(2):189-214.
[11]Markman D G and Baron A R.Person-entrepreneurship fit:Why some people are more successful as entrepreneurs thanothers[J].Human Resource Management Review,2003,13(2):281-301.
[12]Martin M,et al.Competence development of entrepreneurs ininnovative horticulture[J].Journal of Workplace Learning,2007,19(1):32-44.
[13]Martin O,et al.Nascent entrepreneurship and the developingindividual:Early entrepreneurial competence in adolescenceand venture creation success during the career[J].Journal ofVocational Behavior,2011,79(1):121-133.
[14]Nabi G,et al.From student to entrepreneur:Towards a mod-el of graduate entrepreneurial career-making[J].Journal ofEducation and Work,2010,23(5):389-415.
[15]Nobuyuki H.Who succeeds as an entrepreneur?An analysisof the post-entry performance of new firms in Japan[J].Ja-pan and the World Economy,2003,15(2):211-222.
[16]Patel P C and Fiet J O.Systematic search and its relationshipto firm founding[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2009,33(2):501-526.
[17]Rao T V.Development of an entrepreneur:A behaviouristicmodel[R].Paper provided by Indian Institute of ManagementAhmedabad,Research and Publication Department in its se-ries IIMA Working Papers with number WP1974-09-01_00127,2011-5-9.
[18]Rotefoss B and Kolvereid L.Aspiring,nascent and fledglingentrepreneurs:An investigation of the business start-upprocess[J].Entrepreneurship&Regional Development,2005,17(1):109-127.
[19]Priyanto S H and Sandjojo I.Relationship between entrepre-neurial learning,entrepreneurial competencies and venturesuccess:Empirical study on SMEs[J].International Journalof Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management,2005,5(5/6):454-468.
[20]Starr J A and Fondas N.A model of entrepreneurial socializa-tion and organization formation[J].Entrepreneurship Theoryand Practice,1992,16(2):67-76.
陈建安, 龚圆圆. 创业社会化研究前沿探析与未来展望[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2012, 34(5): 26–34.