外国经济与管理 2012 年 第 34 卷第 05 期, 页码:1 - 8
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[4]Cope J.Toward a dynamic learning perspective of entrepre-neurship[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2005,29(4):373-397.
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[11]Holcomb T R,et al.Architecture of entrepreneurial learning:Exploring the link among heuristics,knowledge,and action[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2009,33(1):167-192.
[12]Kolb D A.Experiential learning:Experience as the source of learning and development[M].Englewood Cliffs:Prentice Hall,1984.
[13]Lumpkin G T and Lichtenstein B B.The role of organization-al learning in the opportunity-recognition rrocess[J].Entre-preneurship Theory and Practice,2005,29(4):451-472.
[14]March J G.Exploration and exploitation in organizational learning[J].Organization Science,1991,2(1):71-87.
[15]Minniti M and Bygrave W.A Dynamic model of entrepre-neurial learning[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2001,25(3):5-16.
[16]Paul E B and Paula S D.Alternative knowledge strategies,櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒competitive environment,and organizational performance in small manufacturing firms[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2007,31(4):493-516.
[17]Petkova A P.A theory of entrepreneurial learning from per-formance errors[J].International Entrepreneurship Manage-ment Journal,2009,5(4):345-367.
[18]Politis D.The process of entrepreneurial learning:A concep-tual framework[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2005,29(4):399-424.
[19]Rae D and Carswell M.Towards a conceptual understanding of entrepreneurial learning[J].Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development,2001,8(2):150-158.
[20]Ravasia D and Turatic C T.Exploring entrepreneurial lear-ning:A comparative study of technology development pro-jects[J].Journal of Business Venturing,2005,20(1):137-164.
[21]Shane S and Venkataraman S.The promise of entrepreneur-ship as a field of research[J].Academy of Management Re-view,2000,25(1):217-226.
[22]Sheng S,et al.The effects of business and political ties on firm performance:evidence from China[J].Journal of Mar-keting,2011,75(1):1-15.
[23]Smilor R W.Entrepreneurship:Reflections on a subversive activity[J].Journal of Business Venturing,1997,12(5):341-346.
[24]Taylor D W and Thorpe R.Entrepreneurial learning:A process of co-participation[J].Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development,2004,11(2):203-211.
[25]Watson J.Modeling the relationship between networking and firm performance[J].Journal of Business Venturing,2007,22(6):852-874.
[2]Connell N A D,et al.It’s tacit knowledge but not as we know it:Redirecting the search for knowledge[J].Journal of Opera-tional Research Society,2003,54(2):140-152.
[3]Cope J.Entrepreneurial learning and critical reflection[J].Management Learning,2003,34(4):429-450.
[4]Cope J.Toward a dynamic learning perspective of entrepre-neurship[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2005,29(4):373-397.
[5]Corbett A C.Experiential learning within the process of op-portunity identification and exploitation[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2005,29(4):473-491.
[6]Crick D.Enterprising individuals and entrepreneurial learning[J].International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour&Re-search,2011,17(2):203-218.
[7]Deakins D and Freel M.Entrepreneurial learning and the growth process in SMEs[J].The Learning Organization,1998,5(3):144-155.
[8]Ettl K and Welter F.Gender,context and entrepreneurial learning[J].International Journal of Gender and entrepreneur-ship,2010,2(2):108-129.
[9]Greeno J G,et al.Cognition and learning[A].Berliner D C,et al.(Eds.).Handbook of educational psychology[C].Mah-wah:Erlbaum,1996:15-46.
[10]Hamilton E.Entrepreneurial learning in family business[J].Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development,2011,18(1):8-26.
[11]Holcomb T R,et al.Architecture of entrepreneurial learning:Exploring the link among heuristics,knowledge,and action[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2009,33(1):167-192.
[12]Kolb D A.Experiential learning:Experience as the source of learning and development[M].Englewood Cliffs:Prentice Hall,1984.
[13]Lumpkin G T and Lichtenstein B B.The role of organization-al learning in the opportunity-recognition rrocess[J].Entre-preneurship Theory and Practice,2005,29(4):451-472.
[14]March J G.Exploration and exploitation in organizational learning[J].Organization Science,1991,2(1):71-87.
[15]Minniti M and Bygrave W.A Dynamic model of entrepre-neurial learning[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2001,25(3):5-16.
[16]Paul E B and Paula S D.Alternative knowledge strategies,櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒competitive environment,and organizational performance in small manufacturing firms[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2007,31(4):493-516.
[17]Petkova A P.A theory of entrepreneurial learning from per-formance errors[J].International Entrepreneurship Manage-ment Journal,2009,5(4):345-367.
[18]Politis D.The process of entrepreneurial learning:A concep-tual framework[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2005,29(4):399-424.
[19]Rae D and Carswell M.Towards a conceptual understanding of entrepreneurial learning[J].Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development,2001,8(2):150-158.
[20]Ravasia D and Turatic C T.Exploring entrepreneurial lear-ning:A comparative study of technology development pro-jects[J].Journal of Business Venturing,2005,20(1):137-164.
[21]Shane S and Venkataraman S.The promise of entrepreneur-ship as a field of research[J].Academy of Management Re-view,2000,25(1):217-226.
[22]Sheng S,et al.The effects of business and political ties on firm performance:evidence from China[J].Journal of Mar-keting,2011,75(1):1-15.
[23]Smilor R W.Entrepreneurship:Reflections on a subversive activity[J].Journal of Business Venturing,1997,12(5):341-346.
[24]Taylor D W and Thorpe R.Entrepreneurial learning:A process of co-participation[J].Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development,2004,11(2):203-211.
[25]Watson J.Modeling the relationship between networking and firm performance[J].Journal of Business Venturing,2007,22(6):852-874.
蔡莉, 单标安, 汤淑琴, 等. 创业学习研究回顾与整合框架构建[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2012, 34(5): 1–8.