外国经济与管理 2012 年 第 34 卷第 01 期, 页码:65 - 73
[1]Achrol R S and Kotler P.Marketing in the network economy[J].Journal of Marketing,1999,63(Special Issue):146-163.
[2]Anderson J C,et al.Dyadic business relationships within abusiness network context[J].Journal of Marketing,1994,58(4):1-15.
[3]Bartjargal B and Liu M.Entrepreneurs’access to privateequity in China:The role of social capital[J].OrganizationScience,2004,15(2):159-172.
[4]Bourdieu P.The forms of capital[A].Richardson J G(Ed.).Handbook of theory and research for the sociology of educa-tion[C].New York:Greenwood,1985:241-258.
[5]Bovet D and Martha J.Value nets:Breaking the supply chainto unlock hidden profits[M].Chichester:John Wiley,2000.
[6]Burt R S.Structural holes:The social structure of competition[M].Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1992.
[7]Chen Y and Xie J.Cross-market network effect with asym-metric customer loyalty:Implications for competitive advan-tage[J].Marketing Science,2007,26(1):52-66.
[8]Coleman J.Social capital in the creation of human capital[J].American Journal of Sociology,1988,94(Supplement):95-121.
[9]Gabbay S M and Leenders R T A J.Social capital of organiza-tions:From social structure to the management of corporatesocial capital[A].Gabbay S M and Leenders R T A J(Eds.).Research in the sociology of organizations[C].Oxford:Elsevi-er,2001,18:1-20.
[10]Gabbay S M and Leenders R T A J.CSC:The structure ofadvantage and disadvantage[A].Leenders R T A J and Gab-bay S M(Eds.).Corporate social capital and liability[C].Boston:Kluwer Academic Publishers,1999:1-14.
[11]Goerzen A.Alliance networks and firm performance:Theimpact of repeated partnerships[J].Strategic ManagementJournal,2007,28(5):487-509.
[12]Gulati R.Network location and learning:The influence ofnetwork resources and firm capabilities on alliance formation[J].Strategic Management Journal,1999,20(5):397-420.
[13]Gulati R and Higgins M.Which ties matter when?The con-tingent effects of interorganizational partnerships on IPOsuccess[J].Strategic Management Journal,2003,24(2):127-144.
[14]Gulati R,et al.Strategic networks[J].Strategic Manage-ment Journal,2000,21(3):203-215.
[15]Khknen A-K and Virolainen V M.Sources of structuralpower in the context of value nets[J].Journal of Purchasingand Supply Management,2011,17(2):109-120.
[16]Koka B R and Prescott J E.Designing alliance networks:Theinfluence of network position,environmental change,andstrategy on firm performance[J].Strategic ManagementJournal,2008,29(6):639-661.
[17]Kothandaraman P and Wilson D T.The future of competi-tion:Value-creating networks[J].Industrial MarketingManagement,2001,30(4):379-389.
[18]Krackhardt D and Stern R.Informal networks and organiza-tional crisis:An experimental simulation[J].Social Psycho-logy Quarterly,1988,51(2):123-140.
[19]Lacobucci D and Hopkins N.Modeling dyadic interactionsand networks in marketing[J].Journal of Marketing Re-search,1992,29(1):5-17.
[20]Leenders R T A J and Gabbay S M.Corporate social capitaland liability[M].Boston:Kluwer Academic Press,1999.
[21]Lin N.Social capital:A theory of social structure and action[M].New York:Cambridge Univ.Press,2001.
[22]Lindgreen A and Wynstra F.Value in business markets:What do we know?Where are we going?[J].IndustrialMarketing Management,2005,34(7):792-796.
[23]Nooteboom B.Inter-firm alliances:Analysis and design[M].London:Routledge,1999.
[24]Peppard J and Rylander A.From value chain to value net-work:Insights for mobile operators[J].European Manage-ment Journal,2006,24(2-3):128-141.
[25]Slywotzky A,et al.Profit zone:How strategic business de-sign will lead you to tomorrow’s profits[M].New York:Time Books,1998.
[26]Swaminathan V and Moorman C.Marketing alliances,firmnetworks,and firm value creation[J].Journal of Marketing,2009,73(5):52-69.
[27]Tsai W and Ghoshal S.Social capital and value creation:Therole of intrafirm networks[J].Academy of ManagementJournal,1998,41(4):464-476.
[28]Xiong G and Bharadwaj S.Social capital of young technologyfirms and their IPO values:The complementary role of rele-vant absorptive capacity[J].Journal of Marketing,2011,75(6):87-104.
[1]Achrol R S and Kotler P.Marketing in the network economy[J].Journal of Marketing,1999,63(Special Issue):146-163.
[2]Anderson J C,et al.Dyadic business relationships within abusiness network context[J].Journal of Marketing,1994,58(4):1-15.
[3]Bartjargal B and Liu M.Entrepreneurs’access to privateequity in China:The role of social capital[J].OrganizationScience,2004,15(2):159-172.
[4]Bourdieu P.The forms of capital[A].Richardson J G(Ed.).Handbook of theory and research for the sociology of educa-tion[C].New York:Greenwood,1985:241-258.
[5]Bovet D and Martha J.Value nets:Breaking the supply chainto unlock hidden profits[M].Chichester:John Wiley,2000.
[6]Burt R S.Structural holes:The social structure of competition[M].Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1992.
[7]Chen Y and Xie J.Cross-market network effect with asym-metric customer loyalty:Implications for competitive advan-tage[J].Marketing Science,2007,26(1):52-66.
[8]Coleman J.Social capital in the creation of human capital[J].American Journal of Sociology,1988,94(Supplement):95-121.
[9]Gabbay S M and Leenders R T A J.Social capital of organiza-tions:From social structure to the management of corporatesocial capital[A].Gabbay S M and Leenders R T A J(Eds.).Research in the sociology of organizations[C].Oxford:Elsevi-er,2001,18:1-20.
[10]Gabbay S M and Leenders R T A J.CSC:The structure ofadvantage and disadvantage[A].Leenders R T A J and Gab-bay S M(Eds.).Corporate social capital and liability[C].Boston:Kluwer Academic Publishers,1999:1-14.
[11]Goerzen A.Alliance networks and firm performance:Theimpact of repeated partnerships[J].Strategic ManagementJournal,2007,28(5):487-509.
[12]Gulati R.Network location and learning:The influence ofnetwork resources and firm capabilities on alliance formation[J].Strategic Management Journal,1999,20(5):397-420.
[13]Gulati R and Higgins M.Which ties matter when?The con-tingent effects of interorganizational partnerships on IPOsuccess[J].Strategic Management Journal,2003,24(2):127-144.
[14]Gulati R,et al.Strategic networks[J].Strategic Manage-ment Journal,2000,21(3):203-215.
[15]Khknen A-K and Virolainen V M.Sources of structuralpower in the context of value nets[J].Journal of Purchasingand Supply Management,2011,17(2):109-120.
[16]Koka B R and Prescott J E.Designing alliance networks:Theinfluence of network position,environmental change,andstrategy on firm performance[J].Strategic ManagementJournal,2008,29(6):639-661.
[17]Kothandaraman P and Wilson D T.The future of competi-tion:Value-creating networks[J].Industrial MarketingManagement,2001,30(4):379-389.
[18]Krackhardt D and Stern R.Informal networks and organiza-tional crisis:An experimental simulation[J].Social Psycho-logy Quarterly,1988,51(2):123-140.
[19]Lacobucci D and Hopkins N.Modeling dyadic interactionsand networks in marketing[J].Journal of Marketing Re-search,1992,29(1):5-17.
[20]Leenders R T A J and Gabbay S M.Corporate social capitaland liability[M].Boston:Kluwer Academic Press,1999.
[21]Lin N.Social capital:A theory of social structure and action[M].New York:Cambridge Univ.Press,2001.
[22]Lindgreen A and Wynstra F.Value in business markets:What do we know?Where are we going?[J].IndustrialMarketing Management,2005,34(7):792-796.
[23]Nooteboom B.Inter-firm alliances:Analysis and design[M].London:Routledge,1999.
[24]Peppard J and Rylander A.From value chain to value net-work:Insights for mobile operators[J].European Manage-ment Journal,2006,24(2-3):128-141.
[25]Slywotzky A,et al.Profit zone:How strategic business de-sign will lead you to tomorrow’s profits[M].New York:Time Books,1998.
[26]Swaminathan V and Moorman C.Marketing alliances,firmnetworks,and firm value creation[J].Journal of Marketing,2009,73(5):52-69.
[27]Tsai W and Ghoshal S.Social capital and value creation:Therole of intrafirm networks[J].Academy of ManagementJournal,1998,41(4):464-476.
[28]Xiong G and Bharadwaj S.Social capital of young technologyfirms and their IPO values:The complementary role of rele-vant absorptive capacity[J].Journal of Marketing,2011,75(6):87-104.
卢泰宏, 周懿瑾, 何云. 价值网研究渊源与聚变效应探析[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2012, 34(1): 65–73.