外国经济与管理 2013 年 第 35 卷第 11 期, 页码:11 - 20
近年来,中小企业的不断创建及其在国民经济中发挥的重要作用激发了学术界的创业意图研究热情。研究创业意图问题,探究创业意图的影响因素以及不同影响因素之间的交互对创业意图的影响,对于培育创业意图具有重要的理论和现实意义。本文在文献梳理的基础上,先对国外具有代表性的创业意图基础模型(intention-based entrepreneurship model,下称创业意图模型)进行了述评和比较,归纳总结了它们的不同特点,最后针对现有模型仍存在的不足构建了一个情境化的创业意图整合研究框架,以供后续研究参考。
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[11]Fayolle A and Gailly B.Using the theory of planned behaviour to assess entrepreneurship teaching programs:A first experimentation[R].The 14th Annual Intent Conference,University of Napoli Federico II(Italy),2004:4-7.
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[18]Krueger N F and Brazeal D.Entrepreneurial potential and potential entrepreneurs[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2004,18(3):91-104.
[19]Krueger N F and Kickul J.So you thought the intentions model was simple?Navigating the complexities and interactions of cognitive style,culture,gender,social norms,and intensity on the pathways to entrepreneurship[R].Paper presented at USASBE Conference,Tuscon,AZ,2006.
[20]Shane S and Venkataraman S.The promise of entrepreneurship as a field of research[J].Academy of Management Review,2000,25(2):217-226.
[21]Shane S.The illusions of entrepreneurship[M].New Haven:Yale University Press,2008.
[22]Shapero A.Social dimensions of entrepreneurship[A].Kent C A,et al(Eds.).The encyclopedia of entrepreneurship[C].Englewood Cliffs,NJ:Prentice-Hall,1982:72-90.
[23]Shaver K and Scott L.Person,process,choice:The psychology of new venture creation[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,1991,16(1):23-45.
[24]Shook C L,et al.Venture creation and the enterprising individual:A review and synthesis[J].Journal of Management,2003,29(3):379-399.
[25]Wilson F,et al.The embodied mind,cognitive science and human experience[M].London:MIT Press,2004.
①期望—价值理论(expectancy-value theory)是动机心理学最有影响的理论之一。该理论认为,个体完成任务的动机是由其对成功可能性的期望及其赋予任务的价值决定的。个体自认为完成目标任务的可能性越大,能从目标任务中获取的激励越大,则其完成任务的动机就越强。成功行动取决于成功驱动力以及成功预期和诱因价值两个因素。该理论所说的动机包括追求成功的动机和避免失败的动机。
[2]Ajzen I.The theory of planned behavior[J].Organizational Behavior&Human Decision Processes,1991,50(3):179-211.
[3]Ajzen I and Fishbein M.The influence of attitudes on behavior[A].Albarracin D,et al(Eds.).The handbook of attitudes[C].Mahwah:Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,2005:173-221.
[4]Autio E,et al.Entrepreneurial intent among students in Scandinavia and in the USA[J].Enterprise and Innovation Management Studies,2001,2(2):145-160.
[5]Bird B J.Implementing entrepreneurial ideas:The case for intention[J].Academy of Management Review,1988,13(3):442-454.
[6]Boyd N G and Vozikis G S.The influence of self-efficacy on the development of entrepreneurial intentions and actions[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,1994,18(4),63-77.
[7]Bruton G D,et al.Entrepreneurship in emerging economies:Where are we today and where should the research go in the future[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2008,32(1):1-14.
[8]Eckhardt J and Shane S.Opportunities and entrepreneurship[J].Journal of Management,2003,29(3):333-349.
[9]Elfving J.Contextualizing entrepreneurial intentions[M].bo:bo Akademi Press,2008.
[10]Elfving J,et al.Toward a contextual model of entrepreneurial intentions[A].Carsrud A L and Brnnback M(Eds.).Understanding the entrepreneurial mind,23 international studies in entrepreneurship[C].New York City,N Y:Springer Science Business Media,LLC,2009.
[11]Fayolle A and Gailly B.Using the theory of planned behaviour to assess entrepreneurship teaching programs:A first experimentation[R].The 14th Annual Intent Conference,University of Napoli Federico II(Italy),2004:4-7.
[12]Gustafsson V.Entrepreneurial decision-making:Individuals,tasks and cognition[M].Northampton:Edward Elgar,2006.
[13]Hitt A and Miller C.Organizational behavior[M].Madison,Wisconsin:Johns Wiley&Sons,2008.
[14]Kickul J and Krueger N F.A cognitive processing model of entrepreneurial self-efficacy and intentionality[R].Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2004.Babson College,Wellesley,MA,2004:607-619.
[15]Krueger N F.The impact of prior entrepreneurial exposure on perceptions and new venture feasibility and desirability[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,1993,18(1):5-21.
[16]Krueger N F,et al.Competing models of entrepreneurial intentions[J].Journal of Business Venturing,2000,15(4):411-532.
[17]Krueger N F.The cognitive infrastructure of opportunity emergence[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 2000,24(1):5-23.
[18]Krueger N F and Brazeal D.Entrepreneurial potential and potential entrepreneurs[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2004,18(3):91-104.
[19]Krueger N F and Kickul J.So you thought the intentions model was simple?Navigating the complexities and interactions of cognitive style,culture,gender,social norms,and intensity on the pathways to entrepreneurship[R].Paper presented at USASBE Conference,Tuscon,AZ,2006.
[20]Shane S and Venkataraman S.The promise of entrepreneurship as a field of research[J].Academy of Management Review,2000,25(2):217-226.
[21]Shane S.The illusions of entrepreneurship[M].New Haven:Yale University Press,2008.
[22]Shapero A.Social dimensions of entrepreneurship[A].Kent C A,et al(Eds.).The encyclopedia of entrepreneurship[C].Englewood Cliffs,NJ:Prentice-Hall,1982:72-90.
[23]Shaver K and Scott L.Person,process,choice:The psychology of new venture creation[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,1991,16(1):23-45.
[24]Shook C L,et al.Venture creation and the enterprising individual:A review and synthesis[J].Journal of Management,2003,29(3):379-399.
[25]Wilson F,et al.The embodied mind,cognitive science and human experience[M].London:MIT Press,2004.
①期望—价值理论(expectancy-value theory)是动机心理学最有影响的理论之一。该理论认为,个体完成任务的动机是由其对成功可能性的期望及其赋予任务的价值决定的。个体自认为完成目标任务的可能性越大,能从目标任务中获取的激励越大,则其完成任务的动机就越强。成功行动取决于成功驱动力以及成功预期和诱因价值两个因素。该理论所说的动机包括追求成功的动机和避免失败的动机。
葛宝山, 蒋海燕. 创业意图经典模型评介与整合研究框架构建[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2013, 35(11): 11–20.