外国经济与管理 2013 年 第 35 卷第 08 期, 页码:71 - 80
[1]Baldwin C,et al.How user innovations become commercial products:A theoretical investigation and case study[J].Re-search Policy,2006,35(9):1291-1313.
[2]Baldwin C and von Hippel E.Modeling aparadigm shift:From producer innovation to user and open collaborative innovation[J].Organization Science,2011,22(6):1399-1417.
[3]Bullinger A C,et al.Community-based innovation contests:Where competition meets cooperation[J].Creativity and Inno-vation Management,2010,19(3):290-303.
[4]Chatterji A K and Fabrizio K.How do product users influence corporate invention?[J].Organization Science,2012,23(4):971-987.
[5]Chesbrough H W.The era of open innovation[J].Sloan Ma-nagement Review,2003,44(3):34-41.
[6]Christoph H,et al.Innovation as consumption:Analysis of consumers’innovation efficiency[R].Working Paper No.4926-11,MIT Sloan School of Management,2011.
[7]Cohen W M and Levinthal D A.Absorptive capacity:A new perspective on learning and innovation[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,35(1):128-152.
[8]Foss N J,et al.Linking customer interaction and innovation:The mediating role of new organizational practices[J].Organ-ization Science,2011,22(4):980-999.
[9]Franke N and Shah S.How communities support innovativeactivities:An exploration of assistance and sharing among end-users[J].Research Policy,2003,32(1):157-178.
[10]Franke N and von Hippel E.Satisfying heterogeneous user needs via innovation toolkits:The case of apache security soft-ware[J].Research Policy,2003,32(7):1199-1215.
[11]Franke N and Piller F.Toolkits for user innovation and de-sign:An exploration of user interaction and value creation[J].Journal of Product Innovation Management,2004,21(6):401-415.
[12]Franke N,et al.Finding commercially attractive user innova-tions:A test of lead user theory[J].Journal of Product Inno-vation Management,2006,23(4):301-315.
[13]Füller J and Matzler K.Virtual product experience and cus-tomer participation—A chance for customer-centred,really new products[J].Technovation,2007,27(6/7):378-387.
[14]Gachter S,et al.Initiating private-collective innovation:The fragility of knowledge sharing[J].Research Policy,2010,39(7):893-906.
[15]Gulley N and Lakhani K R.The determinants of individual performance and collective value in private-collective software in-novation[R].Working Paper,Harvard Business School Technolo-gy&Operations Mgt.Unit,2010.
[16]Harhoff D,et al.Profiting from voluntary information spillo-vers:How users benefit by freely revealing their innovations[J].Research Policy,2003,32(10):1753-1769.
[17]Henkel J and von Hippel E V.Welfare implications of user innovation[J].Journal of Technology Transfer,2005,30(1-2):73-87.
[18]Howe J.The rise of crowdsourcing[J].Wired Magazine,2006,14(6):1-5.
[19]Jeppesen L B and Frederiksen L.Why do users contribute to firm-hosted user communities?The case of computer-con-trolled music instruments[J].Organization Science,2006,17(1):45-63.
[20]Lichtenthaler U,et al.Is your company ready for open inno-vation?[J].MIT Sloan Management Review,2011,53(1):45-48.
[21]Lüthje C.Characteristics of innovating users in a consumer goods field:An empirical study of sport-related product con-sumers[J].Technovation,2004,24(9):683-695.
[22]Lüthje C,et al.User-innovators and“local”information:The case of mountain biking[J].Research Policy,2005,34(6):951-965.
[23]Morrison P D,et al.Determinants of user innovation and in-novation sharing in a local market[J].Management Science,2000,46(12):1513-1527.
[24]Nikolaus F and Frank P.Value creation by toolkits for user innovation and design:The case of the watch market[J].Jour-nal of Product Innovation Management,2004,21(6):401-415.
[25]Ogawa S and Piller F T.Reducing the risks of new product development[J].MIT Sloan Management Review,2006,47(2):65-71.
[26]Oliveira P and von Hippel E.Users as service innovators:The case of banking services[J].Research Policy,2011,40(6):806-818.
[27]Olson E L and Bakke G.Implementing the lead user method in a high technology firm:A longitudinal study of intentions versus actions[J].Journal of Product Innovation Manage-ment,2001,18(6):388-95.
[28]Ransbotham S,et al.Network characteristics and the value of collaborative user-generated content[J].Marketing Science,2012,31(3):387-405.
[29]Riggs W and von Hippel E.Incentives to innovate and the sources of innovation:The case of scientific instruments[J].Research Policy,1994,23(4):459-469.
[30]Roberts J H and von Hippel E.Determinants of user innova-tion and innovation sharing in a local market[J].Management Science,2000,46(12):1513-1527.
[31]Shah S K.Motivation,governance,and the viability of hybrid forms in open source software development[J].Management Science,2006,52(7):1000-1014.
[32]Shah S and Tripsas M.The accidental entrepreneur:The e-mergent and collective process of user entrepreneurship[J].Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal,2007,1(1):123-140.
[33]Todorova G and Durisin B.Absorptive capacity:Valuing a reconceptualization[J].Academy of Management Review,2007,32(3):774-786.
[34]von Hippel E V.Successful industrial products from customer i-deas[J].Journal of Marketing,1978,42(1):39-49.
[35]von Hippel E V and Krogh G V.Open source software and the“private-collective”innovation model:Issues for organiza-tion science[J].Organization Science,2003,14(2):209-223.
[36]von Hippel E V.Democratizing innovation[M].Cambridge,MA:MIT Press,2005:153-155.
[37]von Hippel E V,et al.The age of the consumer-innovator[J].MIT Sloan Management Review,2011,53(1):26-35.
[38]Wu C G,et al.An empirical analysis of open source software developers’motivations and continuance intentions[J].Infor-mation&Management,2007,44(3):253-262.
[2]Baldwin C and von Hippel E.Modeling aparadigm shift:From producer innovation to user and open collaborative innovation[J].Organization Science,2011,22(6):1399-1417.
[3]Bullinger A C,et al.Community-based innovation contests:Where competition meets cooperation[J].Creativity and Inno-vation Management,2010,19(3):290-303.
[4]Chatterji A K and Fabrizio K.How do product users influence corporate invention?[J].Organization Science,2012,23(4):971-987.
[5]Chesbrough H W.The era of open innovation[J].Sloan Ma-nagement Review,2003,44(3):34-41.
[6]Christoph H,et al.Innovation as consumption:Analysis of consumers’innovation efficiency[R].Working Paper No.4926-11,MIT Sloan School of Management,2011.
[7]Cohen W M and Levinthal D A.Absorptive capacity:A new perspective on learning and innovation[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,35(1):128-152.
[8]Foss N J,et al.Linking customer interaction and innovation:The mediating role of new organizational practices[J].Organ-ization Science,2011,22(4):980-999.
[9]Franke N and Shah S.How communities support innovativeactivities:An exploration of assistance and sharing among end-users[J].Research Policy,2003,32(1):157-178.
[10]Franke N and von Hippel E.Satisfying heterogeneous user needs via innovation toolkits:The case of apache security soft-ware[J].Research Policy,2003,32(7):1199-1215.
[11]Franke N and Piller F.Toolkits for user innovation and de-sign:An exploration of user interaction and value creation[J].Journal of Product Innovation Management,2004,21(6):401-415.
[12]Franke N,et al.Finding commercially attractive user innova-tions:A test of lead user theory[J].Journal of Product Inno-vation Management,2006,23(4):301-315.
[13]Füller J and Matzler K.Virtual product experience and cus-tomer participation—A chance for customer-centred,really new products[J].Technovation,2007,27(6/7):378-387.
[14]Gachter S,et al.Initiating private-collective innovation:The fragility of knowledge sharing[J].Research Policy,2010,39(7):893-906.
[15]Gulley N and Lakhani K R.The determinants of individual performance and collective value in private-collective software in-novation[R].Working Paper,Harvard Business School Technolo-gy&Operations Mgt.Unit,2010.
[16]Harhoff D,et al.Profiting from voluntary information spillo-vers:How users benefit by freely revealing their innovations[J].Research Policy,2003,32(10):1753-1769.
[17]Henkel J and von Hippel E V.Welfare implications of user innovation[J].Journal of Technology Transfer,2005,30(1-2):73-87.
[18]Howe J.The rise of crowdsourcing[J].Wired Magazine,2006,14(6):1-5.
[19]Jeppesen L B and Frederiksen L.Why do users contribute to firm-hosted user communities?The case of computer-con-trolled music instruments[J].Organization Science,2006,17(1):45-63.
[20]Lichtenthaler U,et al.Is your company ready for open inno-vation?[J].MIT Sloan Management Review,2011,53(1):45-48.
[21]Lüthje C.Characteristics of innovating users in a consumer goods field:An empirical study of sport-related product con-sumers[J].Technovation,2004,24(9):683-695.
[22]Lüthje C,et al.User-innovators and“local”information:The case of mountain biking[J].Research Policy,2005,34(6):951-965.
[23]Morrison P D,et al.Determinants of user innovation and in-novation sharing in a local market[J].Management Science,2000,46(12):1513-1527.
[24]Nikolaus F and Frank P.Value creation by toolkits for user innovation and design:The case of the watch market[J].Jour-nal of Product Innovation Management,2004,21(6):401-415.
[25]Ogawa S and Piller F T.Reducing the risks of new product development[J].MIT Sloan Management Review,2006,47(2):65-71.
[26]Oliveira P and von Hippel E.Users as service innovators:The case of banking services[J].Research Policy,2011,40(6):806-818.
[27]Olson E L and Bakke G.Implementing the lead user method in a high technology firm:A longitudinal study of intentions versus actions[J].Journal of Product Innovation Manage-ment,2001,18(6):388-95.
[28]Ransbotham S,et al.Network characteristics and the value of collaborative user-generated content[J].Marketing Science,2012,31(3):387-405.
[29]Riggs W and von Hippel E.Incentives to innovate and the sources of innovation:The case of scientific instruments[J].Research Policy,1994,23(4):459-469.
[30]Roberts J H and von Hippel E.Determinants of user innova-tion and innovation sharing in a local market[J].Management Science,2000,46(12):1513-1527.
[31]Shah S K.Motivation,governance,and the viability of hybrid forms in open source software development[J].Management Science,2006,52(7):1000-1014.
[32]Shah S and Tripsas M.The accidental entrepreneur:The e-mergent and collective process of user entrepreneurship[J].Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal,2007,1(1):123-140.
[33]Todorova G and Durisin B.Absorptive capacity:Valuing a reconceptualization[J].Academy of Management Review,2007,32(3):774-786.
[34]von Hippel E V.Successful industrial products from customer i-deas[J].Journal of Marketing,1978,42(1):39-49.
[35]von Hippel E V and Krogh G V.Open source software and the“private-collective”innovation model:Issues for organiza-tion science[J].Organization Science,2003,14(2):209-223.
[36]von Hippel E V.Democratizing innovation[M].Cambridge,MA:MIT Press,2005:153-155.
[37]von Hippel E V,et al.The age of the consumer-innovator[J].MIT Sloan Management Review,2011,53(1):26-35.
[38]Wu C G,et al.An empirical analysis of open source software developers’motivations and continuance intentions[J].Infor-mation&Management,2007,44(3):253-262.
马永斌, 王其冬, 万文海. 消费者创新研究综述与展望[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2013, 35(8): 71–80.