外国经济与管理 2013 年 第 35 卷第 08 期, 页码:63 - 70
[1]Anderson C.The long tail:Why the future of business is sel-ling less of more[M].New York:Hyperion Press,2006.
[2]Anderson E,et al.How sales taxes affect customer and firm behavior:The role of search on the internet[J].Journal of Marketing Research,2010,47(2):229-239.
[3]Avery J,et al.Adding bricks to clicks:The contingencies dri-ving cannibalization and complementarity in multichannel re-tailing[R].Harvard Business School Marketing Research Pa-per,2009.
[4]Bass F.A new product growth model for consumer durables[J].Management Science,1969,15(5):215-227.
[5]Bell D and Song S.Neighborhood effects and trial on the inter-net:Evidence from online grocery retailing[J].Quantitative Marketing and Economics,2007,5(4):361-400.
[6]Blum B S and Goldfarb A.Does the Internet defy the law of gravity?[J].Journal of International Economics,2006,70(2):384-405.
[7]Brynjolfsson E and Smith M D.Frictionless commerce?A comparison of internet and conventional retailers[J].Manage-ment Science,2000,46(4):563-585.
[8]Brynjolfsson E,et al.From niches to riches:The anatomy of the long tail[J].MIT Sloan Managment Review,2006,47(4):67-71.
[9]Brynjolfsson E,et al.Battle of the retail channels:How pro-duct selection and geography drive cross-channel competition[J].Management Science,2009,55(11):1755-1765.
[10]Burkitt L.China’s web takes on a luxury look[EB/OL].http://www.wsj.com,2012.
[11]Chen Y B,et al.Online social interactions:A natural experi-ment on word of mouth versus observational learning[J].Journal of Marketing Research,2011,48(2):238-254.
[12]Chen Y X,et al.Accounting profits versus marketing prof-its:A relevant metric for category management[J].Manage-ment Science,1999,18(3):208-229.
[13]Choi J,et al.Spatio-temporal analysis of imitation behavior across new buyers at an online grocery retailer[J].Journal of Marketing Research,2010,47(1):65-79.
[14]Choi J and Bell D.Preference minorities and the Internet[J].Journal of Marketing Research,2011,48(4):670-682.
[15]Choi J,et al.Traditional and IS-enabled customer acquisition on the internet[J].Management Science,2012,58(4):754-769.
[16]Forman C,et al.Competition between local and electronic markets:How the benefit of buying online depends on where you live[J].Management Science,2009,55(1):47-57.
[17]Fotheringham S A.Consumer store choice and choice set definition[J].Management Science,1988,7(3):299-310.
[18]Ghose A,et al.How is the mobile internet different?Search costs and local activities[EB/OL].Information Systems Re-search,http://dx.doi.org/10.1287/isre.1120.0453,2011.
[19]Godes D,et al.The firm’s management of social interactions[J].Marketing Letters,2005,16(4):415-428.
[20]Godes D and Mayzlin D.Firm-created word-of-mouth communi-cation:Evidence from a field test[J].Management Science,2009,28(4):721-739.
[21]Goolsbee A.In a world without borders:The impact of taxes on internet commerce[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,2000,115(2):561-576.
[22]Huff D F.Defining and estimating a trading area[J].Jour-nal of Marketing,1964,28(3):34-38.
[23]Lee J and Bell D.Social learning and trail on the internet[R].Working Paper,Wharton School,2012.
[24]Thomas J S and Sullivan U Y.Managing marketing commu-nications with multichannel customers[J].Journal of Marke-ting,2005,69(4):239-251.
[2]Anderson E,et al.How sales taxes affect customer and firm behavior:The role of search on the internet[J].Journal of Marketing Research,2010,47(2):229-239.
[3]Avery J,et al.Adding bricks to clicks:The contingencies dri-ving cannibalization and complementarity in multichannel re-tailing[R].Harvard Business School Marketing Research Pa-per,2009.
[4]Bass F.A new product growth model for consumer durables[J].Management Science,1969,15(5):215-227.
[5]Bell D and Song S.Neighborhood effects and trial on the inter-net:Evidence from online grocery retailing[J].Quantitative Marketing and Economics,2007,5(4):361-400.
[6]Blum B S and Goldfarb A.Does the Internet defy the law of gravity?[J].Journal of International Economics,2006,70(2):384-405.
[7]Brynjolfsson E and Smith M D.Frictionless commerce?A comparison of internet and conventional retailers[J].Manage-ment Science,2000,46(4):563-585.
[8]Brynjolfsson E,et al.From niches to riches:The anatomy of the long tail[J].MIT Sloan Managment Review,2006,47(4):67-71.
[9]Brynjolfsson E,et al.Battle of the retail channels:How pro-duct selection and geography drive cross-channel competition[J].Management Science,2009,55(11):1755-1765.
[10]Burkitt L.China’s web takes on a luxury look[EB/OL].http://www.wsj.com,2012.
[11]Chen Y B,et al.Online social interactions:A natural experi-ment on word of mouth versus observational learning[J].Journal of Marketing Research,2011,48(2):238-254.
[12]Chen Y X,et al.Accounting profits versus marketing prof-its:A relevant metric for category management[J].Manage-ment Science,1999,18(3):208-229.
[13]Choi J,et al.Spatio-temporal analysis of imitation behavior across new buyers at an online grocery retailer[J].Journal of Marketing Research,2010,47(1):65-79.
[14]Choi J and Bell D.Preference minorities and the Internet[J].Journal of Marketing Research,2011,48(4):670-682.
[15]Choi J,et al.Traditional and IS-enabled customer acquisition on the internet[J].Management Science,2012,58(4):754-769.
[16]Forman C,et al.Competition between local and electronic markets:How the benefit of buying online depends on where you live[J].Management Science,2009,55(1):47-57.
[17]Fotheringham S A.Consumer store choice and choice set definition[J].Management Science,1988,7(3):299-310.
[18]Ghose A,et al.How is the mobile internet different?Search costs and local activities[EB/OL].Information Systems Re-search,http://dx.doi.org/10.1287/isre.1120.0453,2011.
[19]Godes D,et al.The firm’s management of social interactions[J].Marketing Letters,2005,16(4):415-428.
[20]Godes D and Mayzlin D.Firm-created word-of-mouth communi-cation:Evidence from a field test[J].Management Science,2009,28(4):721-739.
[21]Goolsbee A.In a world without borders:The impact of taxes on internet commerce[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,2000,115(2):561-576.
[22]Huff D F.Defining and estimating a trading area[J].Jour-nal of Marketing,1964,28(3):34-38.
[23]Lee J and Bell D.Social learning and trail on the internet[R].Working Paper,Wharton School,2012.
[24]Thomas J S and Sullivan U Y.Managing marketing commu-nications with multichannel customers[J].Journal of Marke-ting,2005,69(4):239-251.
吕玉明, 吕庆华. 消费者视角的网络零售地域影响因素研究综述[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2013, 35(8): 63–70.