财经研究 2010 年 第 36 卷第 10 期, 页码:86 - 101
[19]Aghion P,Howitt P.A model of growth through creative destruction[J].Econometri-ca,1992,60(2):323-351.
[20]Aghion P,Howitt P.Endogenous growth theory[M].Cambridge,MA,MIT Press,1998.
[21]Aghion P,Howitt P.Appropriate growth policy:a unifying framework[J].Journalof the European Economic Association,2006,4(2-3):269-314.
[22]Boycko M,Shleifer A,Vishny Robert W.Voucher privatization[J].Journal of Finan-cial Economics,1994,35(2):49-266.
[23]Bond S,Hoeffler A,Temple J.GMM estimation of empirical growth models[Z].CEPR Discussion Paper,No.3048,2001.
[24]Christensen Laurits R.Entrepreneurial income:how does it measure up?[J].Ameri-can Economic Review,1971,61(4):575-585.
[25]Coelli T.Recent developments in frontier modeling and efficiency measurement[J].Australian Journal of Agricultural Economics,1995,39:219-245.
[26]Chun H,Kim J W,Morck R,Yeung B.Creative destruction and firm-specific per-formance heterogeneity[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2008,89(1):109-135.
[27]David L D.A theory of ambiguous property rights in transition economies:the case ofthe Chinese non-state sector[J].Journal of Comparative Economics,1996,23(1):1-19.
[28]Durnev A,Morck R,Yeung B.Does firm-specific information in stock prices guidecapital budgeting?[J].Journal of Finance,2004,59:65-105.
[29]Fogel K,Morck R,Yeung B.Big business stability and economic growth:is what’sgood for general motors good for America?[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2008,89(1):83-108.
[30]Jin L,Myers S C.2006,R2around the world:new theory and new tests[J].Journalof Financial Economics,2006,79:257-292.
[31]Liu Z Q.The external returns to education:evidence from Chinese cities[J].Journalof Urban Economics,2007,61:542-564.
[32]Lucas R E.On the mechanics of economic development[J].Journal of Monetary Eco-nomics,1988,22:3-42.
[33]Morck R,Yeung B,Yu W.The information content of stock markets:why do emer-ging markets have synchronous stock price movements?[J].Journal of Financial Eco-nomics,2000,58:215-260.
[34]Pastor L,Veronesi P.Technological revolutions and stock prices[J].American Eco-nomic Review,2009,99(4):1451-1483.
[35]Roll R.R2[J].Journal of Finance,1988,43:541-566.
[36]Romer Paul M.Increasing returns and long-run growth[J].Journal of Political Econo-my,1986,94(5):1002-1037.
[37]Schumpeter Joseph A.1912,Theorie der wirtschaftlichen entwichlung,leipzig,dunk-er und humbolt.Translated by R.Opie,The theory of economic development:an in-quiry into profits,capital,credit,interest,and the business cycle[M].Cambridge,MA,Harvard University Press,1934.
[38]Shleifer A,R Vishny.Politicians and firms[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1994,94:995-1025.
[39]Wei Steven X,Chu Zhang.Why did individual stocks become more volatile?[J].Journal of Business,2006,79(1):259-292.
[19]Aghion P,Howitt P.A model of growth through creative destruction[J].Econometri-ca,1992,60(2):323-351.
[20]Aghion P,Howitt P.Endogenous growth theory[M].Cambridge,MA,MIT Press,1998.
[21]Aghion P,Howitt P.Appropriate growth policy:a unifying framework[J].Journalof the European Economic Association,2006,4(2-3):269-314.
[22]Boycko M,Shleifer A,Vishny Robert W.Voucher privatization[J].Journal of Finan-cial Economics,1994,35(2):49-266.
[23]Bond S,Hoeffler A,Temple J.GMM estimation of empirical growth models[Z].CEPR Discussion Paper,No.3048,2001.
[24]Christensen Laurits R.Entrepreneurial income:how does it measure up?[J].Ameri-can Economic Review,1971,61(4):575-585.
[25]Coelli T.Recent developments in frontier modeling and efficiency measurement[J].Australian Journal of Agricultural Economics,1995,39:219-245.
[26]Chun H,Kim J W,Morck R,Yeung B.Creative destruction and firm-specific per-formance heterogeneity[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2008,89(1):109-135.
[27]David L D.A theory of ambiguous property rights in transition economies:the case ofthe Chinese non-state sector[J].Journal of Comparative Economics,1996,23(1):1-19.
[28]Durnev A,Morck R,Yeung B.Does firm-specific information in stock prices guidecapital budgeting?[J].Journal of Finance,2004,59:65-105.
[29]Fogel K,Morck R,Yeung B.Big business stability and economic growth:is what’sgood for general motors good for America?[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2008,89(1):83-108.
[30]Jin L,Myers S C.2006,R2around the world:new theory and new tests[J].Journalof Financial Economics,2006,79:257-292.
[31]Liu Z Q.The external returns to education:evidence from Chinese cities[J].Journalof Urban Economics,2007,61:542-564.
[32]Lucas R E.On the mechanics of economic development[J].Journal of Monetary Eco-nomics,1988,22:3-42.
[33]Morck R,Yeung B,Yu W.The information content of stock markets:why do emer-ging markets have synchronous stock price movements?[J].Journal of Financial Eco-nomics,2000,58:215-260.
[34]Pastor L,Veronesi P.Technological revolutions and stock prices[J].American Eco-nomic Review,2009,99(4):1451-1483.
[35]Roll R.R2[J].Journal of Finance,1988,43:541-566.
[36]Romer Paul M.Increasing returns and long-run growth[J].Journal of Political Econo-my,1986,94(5):1002-1037.
[37]Schumpeter Joseph A.1912,Theorie der wirtschaftlichen entwichlung,leipzig,dunk-er und humbolt.Translated by R.Opie,The theory of economic development:an in-quiry into profits,capital,credit,interest,and the business cycle[M].Cambridge,MA,Harvard University Press,1934.
[38]Shleifer A,R Vishny.Politicians and firms[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1994,94:995-1025.
[39]Wei Steven X,Chu Zhang.Why did individual stocks become more volatile?[J].Journal of Business,2006,79(1):259-292.
丁重, 邓可斌. 政治关系与创新效率:基于公司特质信息的研究[J]. 财经研究, 2010, 36(10): 86–101.