财经研究 2010 年 第 36 卷第 10 期, 页码:71 - 85
[4]Beck T,Demirgüc-Kunt A,Levine R.Bank concentration,competition,and crises:First results[J].Journal of Banking and Finance,2006(30):1581-1603.
[5]Bussiere M,Fratzscher M.Towards a new early warning system of financial crises[J].Journal of International Money and Finance,2006,25(6):953-973.
[6]Coles S G,Heffernan J E,Tawn J A.Dependence measures for extreme value analyses[J].Extremes,1999,2:339-365.
[7]Embrechts P,McNeil A,Straumann D.Correlation and dependence in risk manage-ment:properties and pitfalls[A].M A H Dempster.risk Management:Value at riskand beyond[C].Cambridge:University Press,2002.
[8]Fernald J,Edison H J,Loungani P.Was China the first domino?Assessing links be-tween China and other Asian economies[J].Journal of International Money and Fi-nance,1999,18(4):515-535.
[9]Frankel J,Rose A.Currency crashes in emerging markets:an empirical treatment[J].Journal of International Economics,1996,41:351-366.
[10]Glick R,Hutchison M.Banking and currency crises:how common are twin[R].Pacif-ic Basin Working Paper Series,Working Paper No.PB99-07,1999.
[11]Heffernan J E.A directory of coefficient of tail dependence[J].Extremes,2000,3(3):279-290.
[12]Herz B,Bauer C,Karb V.Another twin crisis:currency and debt crisis[J].Reviewof Economics,2003,54(3):248-267.
[13]Hill B M.A simple general approach to inference about the tail of a distribution[J].Annals of Statistics,1975,3:1163-1174.
[14]Kaminsky G L,Reinhart C M.The twin crises:the causes of banking and balance-of-payments problems[J].American Economic Review,1999,89:473-500.
[15]Ledford A W,Tawn J A.Modelling dependence within joint tail regions[J].Journalof the Royal Statistical Society,Series B,1997,59:475-499.
[16]Mckinnon R I,Pill H.Credible liberalizations and international capital flows[A].TaketoshiIto,Anne O Krueger.Financial deregulation and integration in east Asian[C].Chicago:Uni-versity of Chicago,1996.
[17]Mikosch T.How to model multivariate extremes if one must?[J].Statist.Neerland-ica,2005,59(3):324-338.
[18]Nagayasu J.Currency crisis and contagion:evidence from exchange rates and sectoralstock indices of the Philippines and Thailand[J].Journal of Asian Economics,2001,12(4):529-546.
[19]Poon S,Rockinger M,Tawn J A.Extreme-value dependence in financial markets:di-agnostics,models and financial implications[J].Review of Financial Studies,2004,17(2):581-610.
[20]Reinhart C M,Rogoff K S.This time is different:Eight centuries of financial folly[M].Princeton and Oxford:Princeton University Press,2009.
[21]Zhang Z,Shinki K.Extreme co-movements and extreme impacts in high frequency da-ta in finance[J].Journal of Banking and Finance,2007,31:1399-1415.
[22]Demirgüc-Kunt A,Detragiache E.The determinants of banking crises in developingand developed countries[J].IMF Staff Papers,1998,45:81-109.
[4]Beck T,Demirgüc-Kunt A,Levine R.Bank concentration,competition,and crises:First results[J].Journal of Banking and Finance,2006(30):1581-1603.
[5]Bussiere M,Fratzscher M.Towards a new early warning system of financial crises[J].Journal of International Money and Finance,2006,25(6):953-973.
[6]Coles S G,Heffernan J E,Tawn J A.Dependence measures for extreme value analyses[J].Extremes,1999,2:339-365.
[7]Embrechts P,McNeil A,Straumann D.Correlation and dependence in risk manage-ment:properties and pitfalls[A].M A H Dempster.risk Management:Value at riskand beyond[C].Cambridge:University Press,2002.
[8]Fernald J,Edison H J,Loungani P.Was China the first domino?Assessing links be-tween China and other Asian economies[J].Journal of International Money and Fi-nance,1999,18(4):515-535.
[9]Frankel J,Rose A.Currency crashes in emerging markets:an empirical treatment[J].Journal of International Economics,1996,41:351-366.
[10]Glick R,Hutchison M.Banking and currency crises:how common are twin[R].Pacif-ic Basin Working Paper Series,Working Paper No.PB99-07,1999.
[11]Heffernan J E.A directory of coefficient of tail dependence[J].Extremes,2000,3(3):279-290.
[12]Herz B,Bauer C,Karb V.Another twin crisis:currency and debt crisis[J].Reviewof Economics,2003,54(3):248-267.
[13]Hill B M.A simple general approach to inference about the tail of a distribution[J].Annals of Statistics,1975,3:1163-1174.
[14]Kaminsky G L,Reinhart C M.The twin crises:the causes of banking and balance-of-payments problems[J].American Economic Review,1999,89:473-500.
[15]Ledford A W,Tawn J A.Modelling dependence within joint tail regions[J].Journalof the Royal Statistical Society,Series B,1997,59:475-499.
[16]Mckinnon R I,Pill H.Credible liberalizations and international capital flows[A].TaketoshiIto,Anne O Krueger.Financial deregulation and integration in east Asian[C].Chicago:Uni-versity of Chicago,1996.
[17]Mikosch T.How to model multivariate extremes if one must?[J].Statist.Neerland-ica,2005,59(3):324-338.
[18]Nagayasu J.Currency crisis and contagion:evidence from exchange rates and sectoralstock indices of the Philippines and Thailand[J].Journal of Asian Economics,2001,12(4):529-546.
[19]Poon S,Rockinger M,Tawn J A.Extreme-value dependence in financial markets:di-agnostics,models and financial implications[J].Review of Financial Studies,2004,17(2):581-610.
[20]Reinhart C M,Rogoff K S.This time is different:Eight centuries of financial folly[M].Princeton and Oxford:Princeton University Press,2009.
[21]Zhang Z,Shinki K.Extreme co-movements and extreme impacts in high frequency da-ta in finance[J].Journal of Banking and Finance,2007,31:1399-1415.
[22]Demirgüc-Kunt A,Detragiache E.The determinants of banking crises in developingand developed countries[J].IMF Staff Papers,1998,45:81-109.
覃筱, 任若恩. 基于极值相依性的金融危机共生强度研究[J]. 财经研究, 2010, 36(10): 71–85.