财经研究 2010 年 第 36 卷第 01 期, 页码:124 - 134
[10]Bebchuk L A.Arent-protection theory of corporate ownership and control[R].NBERWorking Paper,No.7203,1999.
[11]Claessens S,S Djankov,L Lang.The separation of ownership and control in east Asiancorporations[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2000,(58):81-112.
[12]Faccio M,L H P Lang,L Young.Dividends and expropriation[J].AmericanEconomic Review,2001,(91):54-78.
[13]Faccio M,L H P Lang.The ulti mate ownership of western European corporations[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2002,(65):365-395.
[14]Frank M,V Goyal.Testing the pecking order theory of capital structures[J].Journalof Financial Economics,2003,(67):217-248.
[15]Johnson Si mon,Peter Boone,Alasdair Breach,Eric Friedman.Corporate governance inthe asian financial crisis[J].Journal of Financial Economics 2000,58:141-186.
[16]La Porta R,F Lopez-de-Silanes,AShleifer,R WVishny.Investor protection and cor-porate valuation[J].Journal of Finance,2002,(57):1147-1170.
[17]Shleifer A,D Wolfenzon.Investor protection and equity markets[J].Journal of Eco-nomic Economics,2002,(66):3-27.
[18]Zingales L.Inside ownership and the decision to go public[J].Review of EconomicsStudies,1995,(62):425-444.
[10]Bebchuk L A.Arent-protection theory of corporate ownership and control[R].NBERWorking Paper,No.7203,1999.
[11]Claessens S,S Djankov,L Lang.The separation of ownership and control in east Asiancorporations[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2000,(58):81-112.
[12]Faccio M,L H P Lang,L Young.Dividends and expropriation[J].AmericanEconomic Review,2001,(91):54-78.
[13]Faccio M,L H P Lang.The ulti mate ownership of western European corporations[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2002,(65):365-395.
[14]Frank M,V Goyal.Testing the pecking order theory of capital structures[J].Journalof Financial Economics,2003,(67):217-248.
[15]Johnson Si mon,Peter Boone,Alasdair Breach,Eric Friedman.Corporate governance inthe asian financial crisis[J].Journal of Financial Economics 2000,58:141-186.
[16]La Porta R,F Lopez-de-Silanes,AShleifer,R WVishny.Investor protection and cor-porate valuation[J].Journal of Finance,2002,(57):1147-1170.
[17]Shleifer A,D Wolfenzon.Investor protection and equity markets[J].Journal of Eco-nomic Economics,2002,(66):3-27.
[18]Zingales L.Inside ownership and the decision to go public[J].Review of EconomicsStudies,1995,(62):425-444.
俞红海, 徐龙炳. 终极控股股东控制权与全流通背景下的大股东减持[J]. 财经研究, 2010, 36(1): 124–134.