财经研究 2011 年 第 37 卷第 01 期, 页码:17 - 27
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[8]Pieroni L.Can we declare military Keynesianism dead?[R].Discussion Papers No.0804,University of the West of England,2008.
[9]Biswas B,Ram R.Military expenditures and economic growth in less developed coun-tries:An augmented model and further evidence[J].Economic Development and Cul-tural Change,1986,34(2):361-372.
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[11]Knight M,Loayza N,Villanueva D.The peace dividend:Military spending cuts andeconomic growth[R].Policy Research Working Paper Series NO.1577,The WorldBank,1996.
[12]Chen C H.Causality between defence spending and economic growth:The case of ma-inland of China[J].Journal of Economics Studies,1993,20(6):37-43.
[13]Maish A,Maish R,Hasan M.New evidence from an alternative methodological ap-proach to the defence spending-economic growth causality issue in the case of MainlandChina[J].Journal of Economic Studies,1997,24(3):123-140.
[14]Hansen B E.Inference when a nuisance parameter is not identified under the null hy-pothesis[J].Econometrica,1996,64(2):413-430.
[15]Hansen B E.Sample splitting and threshold estimation[J].Econometrica,2000,68(3):575-603.
[4]Benoit E.Defense and economic growth in developing countries[M].Baston:LexingtonBooks,1973.
[5]Benoit E.Growth and defense in developing countries[J].Economic Development andCultural Change,1978,26(2):271-280.
[6]Atesoglu H S,Mueller M J.Defence spending and economic growth[J].Defence Eco-nomics,1990,2(1):89-100.
[7]Yakovlev P.Arms trade,military spending,and economic growth[J].Defence andPeace Economics,2007,18(4):317-338.
[8]Pieroni L.Can we declare military Keynesianism dead?[R].Discussion Papers No.0804,University of the West of England,2008.
[9]Biswas B,Ram R.Military expenditures and economic growth in less developed coun-tries:An augmented model and further evidence[J].Economic Development and Cul-tural Change,1986,34(2):361-372.
[10]Mankiw N G,Romer D,Weil N D.A contribution to the empirics of economicsgrowth[J].The Quarterly Journal of Economics,1992,107(2):407-437.
[11]Knight M,Loayza N,Villanueva D.The peace dividend:Military spending cuts andeconomic growth[R].Policy Research Working Paper Series NO.1577,The WorldBank,1996.
[12]Chen C H.Causality between defence spending and economic growth:The case of ma-inland of China[J].Journal of Economics Studies,1993,20(6):37-43.
[13]Maish A,Maish R,Hasan M.New evidence from an alternative methodological ap-proach to the defence spending-economic growth causality issue in the case of MainlandChina[J].Journal of Economic Studies,1997,24(3):123-140.
[14]Hansen B E.Inference when a nuisance parameter is not identified under the null hy-pothesis[J].Econometrica,1996,64(2):413-430.
[15]Hansen B E.Sample splitting and threshold estimation[J].Econometrica,2000,68(3):575-603.
王万珺, 陈晓和. 国防支出与经济增长均衡关系的理论和实证研究——基于门槛回归模型的检验分析[J]. 财经研究, 2011, 37(1): 17–27.