财经研究 2012 年 第 38 卷第 10 期, 页码:135 - 145
[4]Berman N,Hericourt J.Financial factors and the margins of trade:Evidence fromcross-country firm-level data[J].Journal of Development Economic,2010,93:206-217.
[5]Bernard A B,Jensen B.Exceptional exporter performance:Cause,effect or both?[J].Journal of International Economics,2004,82(2):561-569.
[6]Chaney T.Liquidity constrained exporters[R].Mimeo,University of Chicago 2004.
[7]Du J,Girma S.Finance and firm export in China[J].Kyklos,2007,60(1):37-54.
[8]Feenstra R,Li Z,Yu M.Export and credit constraints under incomplete information:Theory and evidence from China[R].NBER Working Paper NO.16940,2011.
[9]Levinsohn J,Petrin A.Estimating production functions using inputs to control for un-observables[J].Review of Economic Studies,2003,70:317-341.
[10]Manova K.Credit constraints,heterogeneous firms and international trade[R].NBERWorking Paper Wo.14531,2008.
[11]Melitz M.The impact of trade on intra-industry reallocations and aggregate industryproductivity[J].Econometrica,2003,71:1695-1725.
[12]Minetti R,Zhu S.Credit constraints and firm export:Microeconomic evidence from It-aly[J].Journal of International Economics,2011,83:109-125.
[13]Muuls M.Exporters and credit constraints:A firm-level approach[R].Working Pa-per,National Bank of Belgium,2008.
[4]Berman N,Hericourt J.Financial factors and the margins of trade:Evidence fromcross-country firm-level data[J].Journal of Development Economic,2010,93:206-217.
[5]Bernard A B,Jensen B.Exceptional exporter performance:Cause,effect or both?[J].Journal of International Economics,2004,82(2):561-569.
[6]Chaney T.Liquidity constrained exporters[R].Mimeo,University of Chicago 2004.
[7]Du J,Girma S.Finance and firm export in China[J].Kyklos,2007,60(1):37-54.
[8]Feenstra R,Li Z,Yu M.Export and credit constraints under incomplete information:Theory and evidence from China[R].NBER Working Paper NO.16940,2011.
[9]Levinsohn J,Petrin A.Estimating production functions using inputs to control for un-observables[J].Review of Economic Studies,2003,70:317-341.
[10]Manova K.Credit constraints,heterogeneous firms and international trade[R].NBERWorking Paper Wo.14531,2008.
[11]Melitz M.The impact of trade on intra-industry reallocations and aggregate industryproductivity[J].Econometrica,2003,71:1695-1725.
[12]Minetti R,Zhu S.Credit constraints and firm export:Microeconomic evidence from It-aly[J].Journal of International Economics,2011,83:109-125.
[13]Muuls M.Exporters and credit constraints:A firm-level approach[R].Working Pa-per,National Bank of Belgium,2008.
陈琳, 何欢浪, 罗长远. 融资约束与中小企业的出口行为:广度和深度[J]. 财经研究, 2012, 38(10): 135–145.