财经研究 2014 年 第 40 卷第 01 期, 页码:107 - 117
[22]Allen F,Gale D.Comparing financial systems[M].Cambridge:MIT Press,2000.
[23]Allen F,Gale D.Diversity of opinion and financing of new technologies[J].Journal of Financial Intermediation,1999,8(1):68-89.
[24]Alti A.How sensitive is investment to cash flow when financing is frictionless?[J].Journal of Finance,2003,58(2):707-722.
[25]Arellano M,Bond S.Some tests of specification for panel data:Monte Carlo evidence and an application to employment equations[J].Review of Economic Studies,1991,58(2):277-297.
[26]Beck T,Demirguc-Kunt A,Laeven L,et al.Finance,firm size,and growth[J].Journal of Money,Credit and Banking,2008,40(7):1379-1405.
[27]Beck T,Demirgü-Kunt A,Levine R,et al.Financial structure and economic development—Firm,industry,and country evidence[R].World Bank,2000.
[28]Beck T,Demirgü-Kunt A,Maksimovic V.Financial and legal constraints to growth:Does firm size matter?[J].Journal of Finance,2005,60(1):137-177.
[29]Beck T,Demirgü-Kunt A.Small and medium-size enterprises:Access to finance as a growth constraint[J].Journal of Banking&Finance,2006,30(11):2931-2943.
[30]Beck T.Financing constraints of SMEs in developing countries:Evidence,determinants and solutions[R].World Bank,2007.
[31]Berger A N,Bonime S D,Goldberg L G,et al.The dynamics of market entry:The effects of mergers and acquisitions on entry in the banking industry[J].Journal of Business,2004,77(4):797-834.
[32]Berger A N,Miller N H,Petersen M A,et al.Does function follow organizational form?Evidence from the lending practices of large and small banks[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2005,76(2):237-269.
[33]Berger A N,Udell G F.Small business credit availability and relationship lending:The importance of bank organizational structure[J].Economic Journal,2002,112(477):32-53.
[34]Berger A N,Udell G F.The economics of small business finance:The roles of private equity and debt markets in the financial growth cycle[J].Journal of Banking&Finance,1998,22(6):613-673.
[35]Chakraborty S,Ray T.Bank-based versus market-based financial systems:A growth-theoretic analysis[J].Journal of Monetary Economics,2006,53(2):329-350.
[36]Cleary S.The relationship between firm investment and financial status[J].Journal of Finance,1999,54(2):673-692.
[37]Demirgü-Kunt A,Feyen E,Levine R.Optimal financial structures and development:The evolving importance of banks and markets[R].World Bank,2011.
[38]Demirgü-Kunt A,Maksimovic V.Funding growth in bank-based and market-based financial systems:Evidence from firm-level data[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2002,65(3):337-363.
[39]Erickson T,Whited T M.Measurement error and the relationship between investment and q[J].Journal of Political Economy,2000,108(5):1027-1057.
[40]Fazzari S M,Hubbard R G,Petersen B C.Financing constraints and corporate investment[J].Brookings Papers on Economic Activity,1988,1:141-195.
[41]Gelos R G,Werner A M.Financial liberalization,credit constraints,and collateral:Investment in the Mexican manufacturing sector[J].Journal of Development Economics,2002,67(1):1-27.
[42]Goldberg L G,White L J.De novo banks and lending to small businesses:An empirical analysis[J].Journal of Banking&Finance,1998,22(6-8):851-867.
[43]Guariglia A,Poncet S.Could financial distortions be no impediment to economic growth after all?Evidence from China[J].Journal of Comparative Economics,2008,36(4):633-657.
[44]Harris J R,Schiantarelli F,Siregar M G.The effect of financial liberalization on the capital structure and investment decisions of Indonesian manufacturing establishments[J].World Bank Economic Review,1994,8(1):17-47.
[45]Haynes G W,Ou C,Berney R.Small business borrowing from large and small banks[A].Blanton J L,Williams A,Rhine S.Business Access to Capital and Credit[C].Arlington,VA:Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago,1999.
[46]Jaffee D M,Russell,T.Imperfect information,uncertainty,and credit rationing[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1976,90(4):651-666.
[47]Jayaratne J,Wolken J.How important are small banks to small business lending?New evidence from a survey of small firms[J].Journal of Banking&Finance,1999,23(2):427-458.
[48]Jensen M C.Value maximization,stakeholder theory,and the corporate objective function[J].Journal of Applied Corporate Finance,2001,14(3):8-21.
[49]Koo J,Shin S.Financial liberalization and corporate investments:Evidence from Korean firm data[J].Asian Economic Journal,2004,18(3):277-292.
[50]Laeven L.Does financial liberalization reduce financing constraints?[J].Financial Management,2003,32(1):5-34.
[51]Liang Q,Teng J Z.Financial development and economic growth:Evidence from China[J].China Economic Review,2006,17(4):395-411.
[52]Stein J C.Information production and capital allocation:Decentralized versus hierarchical firms[J].Journal of Finance,2002,57(5):1891-1921.
[53]Strahan P E,Weston J.Small business lending and bank consolidation:Is there cause for concern?[J].Current issues in Economics and Finance,1996,2(3):1-6.
[22]Allen F,Gale D.Comparing financial systems[M].Cambridge:MIT Press,2000.
[23]Allen F,Gale D.Diversity of opinion and financing of new technologies[J].Journal of Financial Intermediation,1999,8(1):68-89.
[24]Alti A.How sensitive is investment to cash flow when financing is frictionless?[J].Journal of Finance,2003,58(2):707-722.
[25]Arellano M,Bond S.Some tests of specification for panel data:Monte Carlo evidence and an application to employment equations[J].Review of Economic Studies,1991,58(2):277-297.
[26]Beck T,Demirguc-Kunt A,Laeven L,et al.Finance,firm size,and growth[J].Journal of Money,Credit and Banking,2008,40(7):1379-1405.
[27]Beck T,Demirgü-Kunt A,Levine R,et al.Financial structure and economic development—Firm,industry,and country evidence[R].World Bank,2000.
[28]Beck T,Demirgü-Kunt A,Maksimovic V.Financial and legal constraints to growth:Does firm size matter?[J].Journal of Finance,2005,60(1):137-177.
[29]Beck T,Demirgü-Kunt A.Small and medium-size enterprises:Access to finance as a growth constraint[J].Journal of Banking&Finance,2006,30(11):2931-2943.
[30]Beck T.Financing constraints of SMEs in developing countries:Evidence,determinants and solutions[R].World Bank,2007.
[31]Berger A N,Bonime S D,Goldberg L G,et al.The dynamics of market entry:The effects of mergers and acquisitions on entry in the banking industry[J].Journal of Business,2004,77(4):797-834.
[32]Berger A N,Miller N H,Petersen M A,et al.Does function follow organizational form?Evidence from the lending practices of large and small banks[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2005,76(2):237-269.
[33]Berger A N,Udell G F.Small business credit availability and relationship lending:The importance of bank organizational structure[J].Economic Journal,2002,112(477):32-53.
[34]Berger A N,Udell G F.The economics of small business finance:The roles of private equity and debt markets in the financial growth cycle[J].Journal of Banking&Finance,1998,22(6):613-673.
[35]Chakraborty S,Ray T.Bank-based versus market-based financial systems:A growth-theoretic analysis[J].Journal of Monetary Economics,2006,53(2):329-350.
[36]Cleary S.The relationship between firm investment and financial status[J].Journal of Finance,1999,54(2):673-692.
[37]Demirgü-Kunt A,Feyen E,Levine R.Optimal financial structures and development:The evolving importance of banks and markets[R].World Bank,2011.
[38]Demirgü-Kunt A,Maksimovic V.Funding growth in bank-based and market-based financial systems:Evidence from firm-level data[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2002,65(3):337-363.
[39]Erickson T,Whited T M.Measurement error and the relationship between investment and q[J].Journal of Political Economy,2000,108(5):1027-1057.
[40]Fazzari S M,Hubbard R G,Petersen B C.Financing constraints and corporate investment[J].Brookings Papers on Economic Activity,1988,1:141-195.
[41]Gelos R G,Werner A M.Financial liberalization,credit constraints,and collateral:Investment in the Mexican manufacturing sector[J].Journal of Development Economics,2002,67(1):1-27.
[42]Goldberg L G,White L J.De novo banks and lending to small businesses:An empirical analysis[J].Journal of Banking&Finance,1998,22(6-8):851-867.
[43]Guariglia A,Poncet S.Could financial distortions be no impediment to economic growth after all?Evidence from China[J].Journal of Comparative Economics,2008,36(4):633-657.
[44]Harris J R,Schiantarelli F,Siregar M G.The effect of financial liberalization on the capital structure and investment decisions of Indonesian manufacturing establishments[J].World Bank Economic Review,1994,8(1):17-47.
[45]Haynes G W,Ou C,Berney R.Small business borrowing from large and small banks[A].Blanton J L,Williams A,Rhine S.Business Access to Capital and Credit[C].Arlington,VA:Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago,1999.
[46]Jaffee D M,Russell,T.Imperfect information,uncertainty,and credit rationing[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1976,90(4):651-666.
[47]Jayaratne J,Wolken J.How important are small banks to small business lending?New evidence from a survey of small firms[J].Journal of Banking&Finance,1999,23(2):427-458.
[48]Jensen M C.Value maximization,stakeholder theory,and the corporate objective function[J].Journal of Applied Corporate Finance,2001,14(3):8-21.
[49]Koo J,Shin S.Financial liberalization and corporate investments:Evidence from Korean firm data[J].Asian Economic Journal,2004,18(3):277-292.
[50]Laeven L.Does financial liberalization reduce financing constraints?[J].Financial Management,2003,32(1):5-34.
[51]Liang Q,Teng J Z.Financial development and economic growth:Evidence from China[J].China Economic Review,2006,17(4):395-411.
[52]Stein J C.Information production and capital allocation:Decentralized versus hierarchical firms[J].Journal of Finance,2002,57(5):1891-1921.
[53]Strahan P E,Weston J.Small business lending and bank consolidation:Is there cause for concern?[J].Current issues in Economics and Finance,1996,2(3):1-6.
姚耀军, 董钢锋. 中小银行发展与中小企业融资约束——新结构经济学最优金融结构理论视角下的经验研究[J]. 财经研究, 2014, 40(1): 107–117.