财经研究 2014 年 第 40 卷第 02 期, 页码:108 - 119
[10]Aghion P,Reenen J,Zingales L.Innovation and institutional ownership[J].American Economic Review,2013,103(1):277-304.
[11]Amihud Y.Illiquidity and stock returns:Cross-section and time-series effects[J].Journal of Financial Markets,2002,5(1):31-56.
[12]Derrien F,Kecskes A.The real effects of financial shocks:Evidence from exogenous changes in analyst coverage[J].Journal of Finance,2013,68(4):1407-1440.
[13]He J,Tian X.The dark side of analyst coverage:The case of innovation[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2013,109(3):856-878.
[14]Holmstrom B.Moral hazard and observability[J].Bell Journal of Economics,1979,10(1):74-91.
[15]Holmstrom B.Agency costs and innovation[J].Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,1989,12(3):305-327.
[16]Kaplan S N,Zingales L.Do investment cash flow sensitivities provide useful measures of financing constraints?[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1997,112(1):169-215.
[17]Kelly B,Ljungqvist A.Testing asymmetric-information asset pricing models[J].Review of Financial Studies,2012,25(5):1366-1413.
[18]Lin C,Lin P,Song F.Property rights protection and corporate R&D:Evidence from China[J].Journal of Development Economics,2009,93(1):49-62.
[19]Manso G.Motivating innovation[J].Journal of Finance,2011,66(5):1823-1860.
[20]Michaely R,Womack K L.Conflict of interests and the credibility of underwriter analyst recommendations[J].Review of Financial Studies,1999,12(4):653-686.
[21]Modigliani F,Miller M H.The cost of capital,corporation finance,and the theory of investment[J].American Economic Review,1958,48(3):655-669.
[22]Myers S,Majluf N S.Corporate financing and investment decisions when firms have information that investors do not have[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1984,13(2):187-221.
[23]Narayanan M P.Managerial incentives for short-term results[J].Journal of Finance,1985,40(5):1469-1484.
[24]Solow R.Technical change and the aggregate production function[J].Review of Economics and Statistics,1957,39(3):312-320.
[25]Yu F F.Analyst coverage and earnings management[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2008,88(2):245-271.
[10]Aghion P,Reenen J,Zingales L.Innovation and institutional ownership[J].American Economic Review,2013,103(1):277-304.
[11]Amihud Y.Illiquidity and stock returns:Cross-section and time-series effects[J].Journal of Financial Markets,2002,5(1):31-56.
[12]Derrien F,Kecskes A.The real effects of financial shocks:Evidence from exogenous changes in analyst coverage[J].Journal of Finance,2013,68(4):1407-1440.
[13]He J,Tian X.The dark side of analyst coverage:The case of innovation[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2013,109(3):856-878.
[14]Holmstrom B.Moral hazard and observability[J].Bell Journal of Economics,1979,10(1):74-91.
[15]Holmstrom B.Agency costs and innovation[J].Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,1989,12(3):305-327.
[16]Kaplan S N,Zingales L.Do investment cash flow sensitivities provide useful measures of financing constraints?[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1997,112(1):169-215.
[17]Kelly B,Ljungqvist A.Testing asymmetric-information asset pricing models[J].Review of Financial Studies,2012,25(5):1366-1413.
[18]Lin C,Lin P,Song F.Property rights protection and corporate R&D:Evidence from China[J].Journal of Development Economics,2009,93(1):49-62.
[19]Manso G.Motivating innovation[J].Journal of Finance,2011,66(5):1823-1860.
[20]Michaely R,Womack K L.Conflict of interests and the credibility of underwriter analyst recommendations[J].Review of Financial Studies,1999,12(4):653-686.
[21]Modigliani F,Miller M H.The cost of capital,corporation finance,and the theory of investment[J].American Economic Review,1958,48(3):655-669.
[22]Myers S,Majluf N S.Corporate financing and investment decisions when firms have information that investors do not have[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1984,13(2):187-221.
[23]Narayanan M P.Managerial incentives for short-term results[J].Journal of Finance,1985,40(5):1469-1484.
[24]Solow R.Technical change and the aggregate production function[J].Review of Economics and Statistics,1957,39(3):312-320.
[25]Yu F F.Analyst coverage and earnings management[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2008,88(2):245-271.
谢震, 艾春荣. 分析师关注与公司研发投入:基于中国创业板公司的分析[J]. 财经研究, 2014, 40(2): 108–119.