财经研究 2015 年 第 41 卷第 11 期, 页码:58 - 70
[1] 鲍银胜, 刘国平. 购买力平价理论在国际经济发展中的运用缺陷及其改进对策[J]. 国际金融研究, 2013, (9): 56-63.
[2] 路风, 余永定. "双顺差"、能力缺口与自主创新——转变经济发展方式的宏观和微观视野[J]. 中国社会科学, 2012, (6): 91-114.
[3] 王铮, 葛昭攀, 廖悲雨. 知识溢出下增长收敛的复杂性[J]. 财经研究, 2007, (10): 131-143.
[4] 温建东. 人民币购买力平价研究[J]. 金融研究, 2005, (4): 44-56.
[5] 余永定. 全球不平衡条件下中国经济增长模式的调整[J]. 国际经济评论, 2007, (1): 5-11.
[6] Alfaro L, Kalemli-Ozcan S, Volosovych V. Why doesn't capital flow from rich to poor countries? An empirical investigation [J]. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 2008, 90(2): 347-368.
[7] Backus D K, Kehoe P J, Kydland F E. Dynamics of the trade balance and the terms of trade: The J-Curve? [J]. American Economic Review, 1994, 84 (1): 84-103.
[8] Bosworth B P, Collins S M, Reinhart C M. Capital flows to developing economies: Implications for saving and investment [J]. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1999, 1999(1): 143-180.
[9] Caniëls M C J, Verspagen B. Barriers to knowledge spillovers and regional convergence in an evolutionary model [J]. Evolutionary Economics, 2001, 11(3): 307-329.
[10] Cheng S. How can western China attract FDI? A case of Japanese investment[J]. The Annals of Regional Science, 2008, 42(2): 357-374.
[11] Devereux M B, Sutherland A. A portfolio model of capital flows to emerging markets[J]. New Approaches to Financial Globalization, 2008, 89(2): 181-193.
[12] Feldstein M. Domestic saving and international capital movements in the long run and the short run [J]. European Economic Review, 1983, 21(1-2): 157-159.
[13] Jin K. Industrial structure and capital flows [J]. American Economic Review, 2012, 102(5): 2111-2146.
[14] Lucas R E. Why doesn't capital flow from rich to poor [J]. The American Economic Review, 1990, 80(2):92-96.
[15] Ma G, Yi W. China's high saving rate: Myth and reality[J]. International Economics, 2010, 122(2):5-39.
[16] Tille C, van Wincoop E. International capital flows [J]. Journal of International Economics, 2010, 80(2): 157-175.
[17] Wang Z, Gu G, Wu J, et al. CIECIA: A new climate change integrated assessment model and its assessments of global carbon abatement schemes [J]. Science China: Earth Sciences, accepted, 2015.
[18] Warnock F E, Warnock V C.International capital flows and U.S. interest rates [J]. Journal of International Money and Finance, 2009, 28(6): 903-919.
[2] 路风, 余永定. "双顺差"、能力缺口与自主创新——转变经济发展方式的宏观和微观视野[J]. 中国社会科学, 2012, (6): 91-114.
[3] 王铮, 葛昭攀, 廖悲雨. 知识溢出下增长收敛的复杂性[J]. 财经研究, 2007, (10): 131-143.
[4] 温建东. 人民币购买力平价研究[J]. 金融研究, 2005, (4): 44-56.
[5] 余永定. 全球不平衡条件下中国经济增长模式的调整[J]. 国际经济评论, 2007, (1): 5-11.
[6] Alfaro L, Kalemli-Ozcan S, Volosovych V. Why doesn't capital flow from rich to poor countries? An empirical investigation [J]. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 2008, 90(2): 347-368.
[7] Backus D K, Kehoe P J, Kydland F E. Dynamics of the trade balance and the terms of trade: The J-Curve? [J]. American Economic Review, 1994, 84 (1): 84-103.
[8] Bosworth B P, Collins S M, Reinhart C M. Capital flows to developing economies: Implications for saving and investment [J]. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1999, 1999(1): 143-180.
[9] Caniëls M C J, Verspagen B. Barriers to knowledge spillovers and regional convergence in an evolutionary model [J]. Evolutionary Economics, 2001, 11(3): 307-329.
[10] Cheng S. How can western China attract FDI? A case of Japanese investment[J]. The Annals of Regional Science, 2008, 42(2): 357-374.
[11] Devereux M B, Sutherland A. A portfolio model of capital flows to emerging markets[J]. New Approaches to Financial Globalization, 2008, 89(2): 181-193.
[12] Feldstein M. Domestic saving and international capital movements in the long run and the short run [J]. European Economic Review, 1983, 21(1-2): 157-159.
[13] Jin K. Industrial structure and capital flows [J]. American Economic Review, 2012, 102(5): 2111-2146.
[14] Lucas R E. Why doesn't capital flow from rich to poor [J]. The American Economic Review, 1990, 80(2):92-96.
[15] Ma G, Yi W. China's high saving rate: Myth and reality[J]. International Economics, 2010, 122(2):5-39.
[16] Tille C, van Wincoop E. International capital flows [J]. Journal of International Economics, 2010, 80(2): 157-175.
[17] Wang Z, Gu G, Wu J, et al. CIECIA: A new climate change integrated assessment model and its assessments of global carbon abatement schemes [J]. Science China: Earth Sciences, accepted, 2015.
[18] Warnock F E, Warnock V C.International capital flows and U.S. interest rates [J]. Journal of International Money and Finance, 2009, 28(6): 903-919.
顾高翔, 王铮. 国际资本流动模式及其国际经济影响模拟研究[J]. 财经研究, 2015, 41(11): 58–70.