财经研究 2013 年 第 39 卷第 02 期, 页码:5 - 15
[2]Abbas S,Belhocine N,ElGanainy A,et al.A historical public debt database[R].IMF Working Paper No.10/245,2010.
[3]Arellano C.Dollarization and borrowing limits[R].Department of Economics,DukeUniversity,2002.
[4]Aghion P,Bacchetta P,Banerjee A.A corporate balance-sheet approach to currencycrises[J].Journal of Economic Theory,2004,119(1):6-30.
[5]Agosin M,Huaita F.Overreaction in capital flows to emerging markets:Booms andsudden stops[R].SDT Working Paper No.295,2009.
[6]Brana S,Lahet D.Determinants of capital inflows into Asia:The relevance of conta-gion effects as push factors[J].Emerging Markets Review,2010,11(3):273-284.
[7]Calvo G.Capital flows and capital-market crises:The simple economies of suddenstops[J].Journal of Applied Economics,1998,(1):35-54.
[8]Calvo G.Explaining sudden stops,growth collapse and BOP crises:The case of dis-..tortionary output taxes[R].NBER Working Paper No.9864,2003.
[9]Calvo G,Izquierdo A,Mejia L.On the empirics of sudden stops:The relevance of bal-ance-sheet effects[R].NBER Working Paper No.10520,2004.
[10]Calvo G.Monetary policy challenges in emerging markets:Sudden stop,liability dol-larization,and lender of last resort[R].NBER Working Paper No.12788,2006.
[11]Cavallo E A.Trade,gravity and sudden stops:On how commercial trade can increasethe stability of capital flows[R].IDB Working Paper No.491,2006.
[12]Chari V V,Kehoe P J.Financial crises as herds:Overturning the critiques[J].Jour-nal of Economic Theory,2004,119(1):128-150.
[13]Edwards S.Capital controls,capital flow contractions,and macroeconomic vulnera-bility[J].Journal of International Money and Finance,2007,26(5):814-840.
[14]Frankel J A,Rose A K.Currency crashes in emerging markets:An empirical treat-ment[J].Journal of International Economics,1996,41(3-4):351-366.
[15]Hevia C.Optimal policy with sudden stops[R].Department of Economics,The Uni-versity of Chicago.2007.
[16]Honig A.Do improvents in government quality necessarily reduce the incidence ofcostly sudden stops?[J].Journal of Banking and Finance,2008,32(3):360-373.
[17]Hutchison M M,Noy I,Wang L.Fiscal and monetary policies and the cost of suddenstops[J].Journal of International Money and Finance,2010,29(6):973-987.
[18]Kaminsky G,Lizondo S,Reinhart C M.Leading indicators of currency crises[J].IMF Staff Paper,1998,45(1):1-48.
[19]Kaminsky G.Currency crises:Are they all the same?[J].Journal of InternationalMoney and Finance,2006,25(3):503-527.
[20]Mendoza E G.Credit,prices,and crashes:Business cycles with a sudden stop[R].NBER Working Paper No.10639,2002.
[21]Mendoza E G,Smith K A.Quantitative implications of a debt-deflation theory of suddenstops and asset prices[J].Journal of International Economies,2006,70(1):82-114.
[22]Mendoza E G.Sudden stops,financial crises,and leverage[J].American EconomicReview,2010,100(5):1941-1966.
[23]Rothenberg A D,Warnock F E.Sudden flight and true sudden stops[R].NBERWorking Paper No.12726,2006.
[2]Abbas S,Belhocine N,ElGanainy A,et al.A historical public debt database[R].IMF Working Paper No.10/245,2010.
[3]Arellano C.Dollarization and borrowing limits[R].Department of Economics,DukeUniversity,2002.
[4]Aghion P,Bacchetta P,Banerjee A.A corporate balance-sheet approach to currencycrises[J].Journal of Economic Theory,2004,119(1):6-30.
[5]Agosin M,Huaita F.Overreaction in capital flows to emerging markets:Booms andsudden stops[R].SDT Working Paper No.295,2009.
[6]Brana S,Lahet D.Determinants of capital inflows into Asia:The relevance of conta-gion effects as push factors[J].Emerging Markets Review,2010,11(3):273-284.
[7]Calvo G.Capital flows and capital-market crises:The simple economies of suddenstops[J].Journal of Applied Economics,1998,(1):35-54.
[8]Calvo G.Explaining sudden stops,growth collapse and BOP crises:The case of dis-..tortionary output taxes[R].NBER Working Paper No.9864,2003.
[9]Calvo G,Izquierdo A,Mejia L.On the empirics of sudden stops:The relevance of bal-ance-sheet effects[R].NBER Working Paper No.10520,2004.
[10]Calvo G.Monetary policy challenges in emerging markets:Sudden stop,liability dol-larization,and lender of last resort[R].NBER Working Paper No.12788,2006.
[11]Cavallo E A.Trade,gravity and sudden stops:On how commercial trade can increasethe stability of capital flows[R].IDB Working Paper No.491,2006.
[12]Chari V V,Kehoe P J.Financial crises as herds:Overturning the critiques[J].Jour-nal of Economic Theory,2004,119(1):128-150.
[13]Edwards S.Capital controls,capital flow contractions,and macroeconomic vulnera-bility[J].Journal of International Money and Finance,2007,26(5):814-840.
[14]Frankel J A,Rose A K.Currency crashes in emerging markets:An empirical treat-ment[J].Journal of International Economics,1996,41(3-4):351-366.
[15]Hevia C.Optimal policy with sudden stops[R].Department of Economics,The Uni-versity of Chicago.2007.
[16]Honig A.Do improvents in government quality necessarily reduce the incidence ofcostly sudden stops?[J].Journal of Banking and Finance,2008,32(3):360-373.
[17]Hutchison M M,Noy I,Wang L.Fiscal and monetary policies and the cost of suddenstops[J].Journal of International Money and Finance,2010,29(6):973-987.
[18]Kaminsky G,Lizondo S,Reinhart C M.Leading indicators of currency crises[J].IMF Staff Paper,1998,45(1):1-48.
[19]Kaminsky G.Currency crises:Are they all the same?[J].Journal of InternationalMoney and Finance,2006,25(3):503-527.
[20]Mendoza E G.Credit,prices,and crashes:Business cycles with a sudden stop[R].NBER Working Paper No.10639,2002.
[21]Mendoza E G,Smith K A.Quantitative implications of a debt-deflation theory of suddenstops and asset prices[J].Journal of International Economies,2006,70(1):82-114.
[22]Mendoza E G.Sudden stops,financial crises,and leverage[J].American EconomicReview,2010,100(5):1941-1966.
[23]Rothenberg A D,Warnock F E.Sudden flight and true sudden stops[R].NBERWorking Paper No.12726,2006.
关益众, 刘莉亚, 程天笑. 国际资本流动“突然中断”的预警指标体系研究[J]. 财经研究, 2013, 39(2): 5–15.