外国经济与管理 2015 年 第 37 卷第 02 期, 页码:3 - 17
[1]Alegre J and Chiva R.Linking entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance:the role of organizational learning capacity and innovation performance[J].Journal of Small Business Management,2013,51(4):491-507.
[2]Benner M J and Tushman M L.Exploitation,exploration,and process management:the productivity dilemma revisited[J].Academy of Management Review,2003,28(2):238-256.
[3]Bouchaib B,et al.The role of absorptive capacity in information technology outsourcing and innovation performance:a moderated mediation analysis[C].2014 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences,2014:4635-4644.
[4]Cohen W M and Levinthal D A.Absorptive capacity:a new perspective on learning and innovation[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1990,35(1):128-152.
[5]Droge C,et al.New product success:is it really controllable by managers in highly turbulent environments?[J].Journal of Product Innovation Management,2008,25(3):272-286.
[6]Duncan R B.Characteristics of organizational environments and perceived environmental uncertainty[J].Administrative science quarterly,1997(a):313-327.
[7]Dutta D K.Benefiting from your buddy-a conceptual exploration of the links between social capital and firm innovative capability under environmental turbulence[J].American Journal of business,2013,28(2):192-209.
[8]Escribano A,et al.Managing external knowledge flows:the moderating role of absorptive capacity[J].Research Policy,2009,38(1):96-105.
[9]Fosfuri A and Tribo J A.Exploring the antecedents of potential absorptive capacity and its impact on innovation performance[J].Omega,2008,36(2):173-187.
[10]Govindarajan V and Kopalle P K.Disruptiveness of innovations:measurement and an assessment of reliability and validity[J].Strategic Management Journal,2006,27:189-199.
[11]Gupta A K,et al.The interplay between exploration and exploitation[J].Academy of Management Journal,2006,49(4):693-706.
[12]Jaworski B J and Kohli A K.Market orientation:antecedents and consequences[J].Journal of Marketing,1993,57:53-71.
[13]Kam S and Wang S.Impact of environmental turbulence on entrepreneurial orientation and new product success[J].European Journal of Innovation Management,2014,17(2):229-249.
[14]Kohlbacher M,et al.Innovation in clusters:effects of absorptive capacity and environmental moderators[J].Competitiveness Review:An International Business Journal,2013,23(3):199-217.
[15]Lane P J,et al.The reification of absorptive capacity:A critical review and rejuvenation of the construct[J].Academy of Management Review,2006,31(4):833-863.
[16]Moos B,et al.The role of knowledge management systems for innovation:an absorptive capacity perspective[J].International Journal of Innovation Management,2013,17(5):1-31.
[17]Nieto M and Quevedo P.Absorptive capacity,technological opportunity,knowledge spillovers,and innovative effort[J].Technovation,2005,25(10):1141-1157.
[18]Shenbarow A A.Absorptive capacity and organizational determinants:evidences of association[J].Engineering,Technology and In-novation,2014,(6):1-7.
[19]Song M,et al.Marketing and technology resource complementarity:an analysis of their interaction effect in two environmental contexts[J].Strategic Management Journal,2005,26(3):259-276.
[20]Teece D J.Explicating dynamic capacities:the nature and microfoundations of(sustainable)enterprise performance[J].Strategic Management Journal,2007,28(1):1319-1350.
[21]Todorova G and Durisin B.Absorptive capacity:valuing a reconceptualization[J].Academy of Management Review,2007,32(3):774-786.
[22]Tsai W.Knowledge transfer in intraorganization networks:effects of network position and absorptive capacity on business unit innovation and performance[J].Academy of Management Journal,2001,44(5):253-271.
[23]Tushman M L and O’Reilly C A.Ambidextrous organizations:managing evolutionary and revolutionary change[J].Managing Innovation and Change,1996,38(4):8-30.
[24]Vandeven A H and Poole M S.Explaining development and change in organizations[J].Academy of Management Review,1995,20(3):510-540.
[25]Zahra S A and George G.Absorptive capacity:a review reconceptualization,and extension[J].Academy of Management Review,2002,27(2):185-203.
[2]Benner M J and Tushman M L.Exploitation,exploration,and process management:the productivity dilemma revisited[J].Academy of Management Review,2003,28(2):238-256.
[3]Bouchaib B,et al.The role of absorptive capacity in information technology outsourcing and innovation performance:a moderated mediation analysis[C].2014 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences,2014:4635-4644.
[4]Cohen W M and Levinthal D A.Absorptive capacity:a new perspective on learning and innovation[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1990,35(1):128-152.
[5]Droge C,et al.New product success:is it really controllable by managers in highly turbulent environments?[J].Journal of Product Innovation Management,2008,25(3):272-286.
[6]Duncan R B.Characteristics of organizational environments and perceived environmental uncertainty[J].Administrative science quarterly,1997(a):313-327.
[7]Dutta D K.Benefiting from your buddy-a conceptual exploration of the links between social capital and firm innovative capability under environmental turbulence[J].American Journal of business,2013,28(2):192-209.
[8]Escribano A,et al.Managing external knowledge flows:the moderating role of absorptive capacity[J].Research Policy,2009,38(1):96-105.
[9]Fosfuri A and Tribo J A.Exploring the antecedents of potential absorptive capacity and its impact on innovation performance[J].Omega,2008,36(2):173-187.
[10]Govindarajan V and Kopalle P K.Disruptiveness of innovations:measurement and an assessment of reliability and validity[J].Strategic Management Journal,2006,27:189-199.
[11]Gupta A K,et al.The interplay between exploration and exploitation[J].Academy of Management Journal,2006,49(4):693-706.
[12]Jaworski B J and Kohli A K.Market orientation:antecedents and consequences[J].Journal of Marketing,1993,57:53-71.
[13]Kam S and Wang S.Impact of environmental turbulence on entrepreneurial orientation and new product success[J].European Journal of Innovation Management,2014,17(2):229-249.
[14]Kohlbacher M,et al.Innovation in clusters:effects of absorptive capacity and environmental moderators[J].Competitiveness Review:An International Business Journal,2013,23(3):199-217.
[15]Lane P J,et al.The reification of absorptive capacity:A critical review and rejuvenation of the construct[J].Academy of Management Review,2006,31(4):833-863.
[16]Moos B,et al.The role of knowledge management systems for innovation:an absorptive capacity perspective[J].International Journal of Innovation Management,2013,17(5):1-31.
[17]Nieto M and Quevedo P.Absorptive capacity,technological opportunity,knowledge spillovers,and innovative effort[J].Technovation,2005,25(10):1141-1157.
[18]Shenbarow A A.Absorptive capacity and organizational determinants:evidences of association[J].Engineering,Technology and In-novation,2014,(6):1-7.
[19]Song M,et al.Marketing and technology resource complementarity:an analysis of their interaction effect in two environmental contexts[J].Strategic Management Journal,2005,26(3):259-276.
[20]Teece D J.Explicating dynamic capacities:the nature and microfoundations of(sustainable)enterprise performance[J].Strategic Management Journal,2007,28(1):1319-1350.
[21]Todorova G and Durisin B.Absorptive capacity:valuing a reconceptualization[J].Academy of Management Review,2007,32(3):774-786.
[22]Tsai W.Knowledge transfer in intraorganization networks:effects of network position and absorptive capacity on business unit innovation and performance[J].Academy of Management Journal,2001,44(5):253-271.
[23]Tushman M L and O’Reilly C A.Ambidextrous organizations:managing evolutionary and revolutionary change[J].Managing Innovation and Change,1996,38(4):8-30.
[24]Vandeven A H and Poole M S.Explaining development and change in organizations[J].Academy of Management Review,1995,20(3):510-540.
[25]Zahra S A and George G.Absorptive capacity:a review reconceptualization,and extension[J].Academy of Management Review,2002,27(2):185-203.
赵红岩, 蒋双喜, 杨畅. 吸收能力阶段演化与企业创新绩效——基于上海市高新技术产业的经验分析[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2015, 37(2): 3–17.