外国经济与管理 2014 年 第 36 卷第 02 期, 页码:46 - 54
[1]Ahonen M.Corporate re-branding process:A preliminary theoretical framework[R].Proceedings of the Conference on Corporate Communication,2008.
[2]Alexander C and Tevi O O.Undestan-ding corporate rebranding:An evolution theory perspective[EB/OL].http://ssrn.com/abstract=2197664,2012.
[3]Branca A S and Borges M R.The impact of corporate rebranding on the firm’s market value[EB/OL].http://ideas.repec.org/p/ise/isegwp/wp132010.html,2010.
[4]Daly A and Moloney D.Managing corporate rebranding[J].Irish Marketing Review,2004,17(1/2):30-36.
[5]Hankinson P and Lomax W.The effects of re-branding large UK charities on staff knowledge,attitudes and behavior[J].International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing,2006,11(3):193-207.
[6]Juntunen M.Corporate re-branding as a process[R].Proceedings of the 5th Thought Leaders International Conference on Brand Management,2009.
[7]Kaikati J G.Lessons from Accenture’s 3Rs:Rebranding,restructuring and repositioning[J].Journal of Product&Brand Management,2003,12(7):477-490.
[8]Lambkin M and Muzellec L.Rebranding in the banking industry following mergers and acquisitions[J].International Journal of Bank Marketing,2008,26(5):328-352.
[9]Liu S.How customers assess rebranding strategy:The impact of perceived brand image similarity and loyalty before rebranding[EB/OL].http://repository.lib.polyu.edu.hk/jspui/handle/10397/4678,2011.
[10]Lomax W,Mador M and Fitzhenry A.Corporate rebranding:Learning from experience[EB/OL].http://business.Kingston.ac.uk,2002.
[11]Machado J C,de Lencastre P,de Carvalho L V and Costa P.Rebranding mergers:How attitudes influence consumer choices?[J].Journal of Brand Management,2012,19(6):513-524.
[12]Melewar T C,Hussey G and Srivoravilai N.Corporate visual identity:The re-branding of France télécom[J].Journal of Brand Management,2005,12(5):379-394.
[13]Muzellec L,Doogan M and Lambkin M.Corporate rebranding-An exploratory review[J].Irish Marketing Review,2003,16(2):31-40.
[14]Muzellec L and Lambkin M.Corporate rebranding:Destroying,transferring or creating brand equity?[J].European Journal of Marketing,2006,40(7/8):803-824.
[15]Muzellec L and Lambkin M.An empirical assessment of the effect of a corporate rebranding on corporate and product brand personality[EB/OL].http://www.docin.com/p-314617804.html,2006.
[16]Petburikul K.The impact of corporate re-branding on brand equity and firm performance[J].2009,3(1):155-170.
[17]She I H.The effect of retailers’rebranding processes on consumers’perceptions of a rebranded brand[EB/OL].http://ir.library.oregonstate.edu/xmlui/handle/1957/18697,2010.
[18]Singh A K,Tripathi V and Yadav P.Rebranding and organisational performance-some issues of relevance[J].American Journal of Sociological Research,2012,2(5):90-97.
[19]Stuart H.Corporate re-branding:Issues and implications[R].Proceedings of ANZMAC 2003Conference,2003.
[20]Velikova D and Todorova G.Employee rebranding:The case of Vivacom organization[EB/OL].http://hj.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2:535851,2012.
[2]Alexander C and Tevi O O.Undestan-ding corporate rebranding:An evolution theory perspective[EB/OL].http://ssrn.com/abstract=2197664,2012.
[3]Branca A S and Borges M R.The impact of corporate rebranding on the firm’s market value[EB/OL].http://ideas.repec.org/p/ise/isegwp/wp132010.html,2010.
[4]Daly A and Moloney D.Managing corporate rebranding[J].Irish Marketing Review,2004,17(1/2):30-36.
[5]Hankinson P and Lomax W.The effects of re-branding large UK charities on staff knowledge,attitudes and behavior[J].International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing,2006,11(3):193-207.
[6]Juntunen M.Corporate re-branding as a process[R].Proceedings of the 5th Thought Leaders International Conference on Brand Management,2009.
[7]Kaikati J G.Lessons from Accenture’s 3Rs:Rebranding,restructuring and repositioning[J].Journal of Product&Brand Management,2003,12(7):477-490.
[8]Lambkin M and Muzellec L.Rebranding in the banking industry following mergers and acquisitions[J].International Journal of Bank Marketing,2008,26(5):328-352.
[9]Liu S.How customers assess rebranding strategy:The impact of perceived brand image similarity and loyalty before rebranding[EB/OL].http://repository.lib.polyu.edu.hk/jspui/handle/10397/4678,2011.
[10]Lomax W,Mador M and Fitzhenry A.Corporate rebranding:Learning from experience[EB/OL].http://business.Kingston.ac.uk,2002.
[11]Machado J C,de Lencastre P,de Carvalho L V and Costa P.Rebranding mergers:How attitudes influence consumer choices?[J].Journal of Brand Management,2012,19(6):513-524.
[12]Melewar T C,Hussey G and Srivoravilai N.Corporate visual identity:The re-branding of France télécom[J].Journal of Brand Management,2005,12(5):379-394.
[13]Muzellec L,Doogan M and Lambkin M.Corporate rebranding-An exploratory review[J].Irish Marketing Review,2003,16(2):31-40.
[14]Muzellec L and Lambkin M.Corporate rebranding:Destroying,transferring or creating brand equity?[J].European Journal of Marketing,2006,40(7/8):803-824.
[15]Muzellec L and Lambkin M.An empirical assessment of the effect of a corporate rebranding on corporate and product brand personality[EB/OL].http://www.docin.com/p-314617804.html,2006.
[16]Petburikul K.The impact of corporate re-branding on brand equity and firm performance[J].2009,3(1):155-170.
[17]She I H.The effect of retailers’rebranding processes on consumers’perceptions of a rebranded brand[EB/OL].http://ir.library.oregonstate.edu/xmlui/handle/1957/18697,2010.
[18]Singh A K,Tripathi V and Yadav P.Rebranding and organisational performance-some issues of relevance[J].American Journal of Sociological Research,2012,2(5):90-97.
[19]Stuart H.Corporate re-branding:Issues and implications[R].Proceedings of ANZMAC 2003Conference,2003.
[20]Velikova D and Todorova G.Employee rebranding:The case of Vivacom organization[EB/OL].http://hj.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2:535851,2012.
王俊峰, 王岩, 鲁永奇. 国外品牌重塑研究综述[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2014, 36(2): 46–54.