外国经济与管理 2012 年 第 34 卷第 12 期, 页码:56 - 62
长期以来,家族企业研究主要基于其他领域的理论展开,而缺乏自己的理论范式。近年来,综合社会、心理与文化观点的社会情感财富(socioemotional wealth,SEW)理论的提出,给家族企业研究提供了一个全新的视角,解决了基于经济学视角的理论解释与家族企业治理、战略现象之间的割裂问题。本文在系统梳理相关研究文献的基础上,首先介绍了SEW的内涵、构成维度和测量方法,然后阐述了基于SEW的家族企业研究在家族企业代理合约、代际传承和管理专业化以及风险感知和战略选择等热点问题上的理论突破,最后分析了现有研究不足并指出了未来研究方向。
[1]Anderson R C and Reeb D M.Founding-family ownership,corporate diversification and firm leverage[J].Journal of Law and Economics,2003,46(2):653-684.
[2]Berrone P,et al.Socioemotional wealth in family firms:The-oretical dimensions,assessment approaches,and agenda for future research[J].Family Business Review,2012,25(3):258-279.
[3]Chen H and Hsu W.Family ownership,board independence and R&D investment[J].Family Business Review,2009,22(4):347-362.
[4]Chrisman J J and Patel P C.Variations in R&D investments of family and non-family firms:Behavioral agency and myopic loss aversion perspectives[J].Academy of Management Jour-nal,2012,55(4):976-997.
[5]Combs J G,et al.The impact of family representation on CEO compensation[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Prac-tice,2010,34(6):1125-1144.
[6]Cruz C,et al.Does family employment enhance MSEs per-formance?Integrating socioemotional wealth and family em-beddedness perspectives[J].Journal of Business Venturing,2012,27(1):62-76.
[7]Cruz C,et al.Perceptions of benevolence and the design of agency contracts:CEO-TMT relationships in family firms[J].Academy of Management Journal,2010,53(1):69-89.
[8]Gimeno J,et al.Survival of the fittest?Entrepreneurial hu-man capital and the persistence of underperforming firms[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1997,42(4):750-783.
[9]Gomez-Mejia L R,et al.The bind that ties:Socioemotional wealth preservation in family firms[J].Academy of Manage-ment Annals,2011,5(1):653-707.
[10]Gomez-Mejia L R,et al.Diversification decisions in family-controlled firms[J].Journal of Management Studies,2010,47(2):223-252.
[11]Gomez-Mejia L R,et al.Socioemotional wealth and business risks in family-controlled firms:Evidence from Spanish olive oil mills[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,2007,52(1):106-137.
[12]Gomez-Mejia L R,et al.The determinants of executive com-pensation in family-controlled public corporations[J].Acade-my of Management Journal,2003,46(2):226-237.
[13]Gomez-Mejia L R,et al.The role of family ties in agency contracts[J].Academy of Management Journal,2001,44(1):81-95.
[14]Klein S B,et al.The F-PEC scale of family influence:Con-struction,validation,and further implication[J].Entrepre-neurship Theory and Practice,2005,29(3):321-339.
[15]Lee K S,et al.Family business succession:Appropriation risk and choice of successor[J].Academy of Management Re-view,2003,28(4):657-666.
[16]McConaughy D L,et al.Founding family-controlled firms:Effi-ciency,risk and value[J].Journal of Small Business Management,2001,39(1):31-49.
[17]McConaughy D L.Family CEOs vs.non-family CEOs in the family-controlled firm:An examination of the level and sensi-tivity of pay to performance[J].Family Business Review,2000,13(2):121-131.
[18]Miller D,et al.Family and lone-founder ownership and stra-tegic behavior:Social context,identity and institutional logics[J].Journal of Management Studies,2011,48(1):1-25.
[19]Miller D,et al.Family firm governance,strategic conformity,and performance:Institutional vs.strategic perspectives[J].Or-ganization Science,2012,doi:10.1287/orsc.1110.0728
[20]Mishra C S and McConaughy D L.Founding family control and capital structure:The risk of loss of control and the aver-sion to debt[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,1999,23(4):53-64.
[21]Morck R and Yeung B.Agency problems in large family business groups[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2003,27(4):367-382.
[22]Munoz-Bullon F and Sanchez-Bueno M.The impact of family involvement on the R&D intensity of publicly traded firms[J].Family Business Review,2011,24(1):62-70.
[23]Pierce J L and Jussila I.Collective psychological ownership with-in the work and organizational context:Construct introduction and elaboration[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2010,31(6):810-834.
[24]Schulze W S,et al.Toward a theory of agency and altruism in family firms[J].Journal of Business Venturing,2003,18(4):473-490.
[25]Wiseman R M and Gomez-Mejia L R.A behavioral agency model of managerial risk taking[J].Academy of Management Review,1998,22(1):133-153.
[26]Zellweger T M and Astrachan J H.On the emotional value of owning a firm[J].Family Business Review,2008,21(4):347-363.
[27]Zellweger T,et al.Family control and family firm valuation by family CEOs:The importance of intentions for transgenerational control[J].Organization Science,2012,23(3):815-868.
[2]Berrone P,et al.Socioemotional wealth in family firms:The-oretical dimensions,assessment approaches,and agenda for future research[J].Family Business Review,2012,25(3):258-279.
[3]Chen H and Hsu W.Family ownership,board independence and R&D investment[J].Family Business Review,2009,22(4):347-362.
[4]Chrisman J J and Patel P C.Variations in R&D investments of family and non-family firms:Behavioral agency and myopic loss aversion perspectives[J].Academy of Management Jour-nal,2012,55(4):976-997.
[5]Combs J G,et al.The impact of family representation on CEO compensation[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Prac-tice,2010,34(6):1125-1144.
[6]Cruz C,et al.Does family employment enhance MSEs per-formance?Integrating socioemotional wealth and family em-beddedness perspectives[J].Journal of Business Venturing,2012,27(1):62-76.
[7]Cruz C,et al.Perceptions of benevolence and the design of agency contracts:CEO-TMT relationships in family firms[J].Academy of Management Journal,2010,53(1):69-89.
[8]Gimeno J,et al.Survival of the fittest?Entrepreneurial hu-man capital and the persistence of underperforming firms[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1997,42(4):750-783.
[9]Gomez-Mejia L R,et al.The bind that ties:Socioemotional wealth preservation in family firms[J].Academy of Manage-ment Annals,2011,5(1):653-707.
[10]Gomez-Mejia L R,et al.Diversification decisions in family-controlled firms[J].Journal of Management Studies,2010,47(2):223-252.
[11]Gomez-Mejia L R,et al.Socioemotional wealth and business risks in family-controlled firms:Evidence from Spanish olive oil mills[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,2007,52(1):106-137.
[12]Gomez-Mejia L R,et al.The determinants of executive com-pensation in family-controlled public corporations[J].Acade-my of Management Journal,2003,46(2):226-237.
[13]Gomez-Mejia L R,et al.The role of family ties in agency contracts[J].Academy of Management Journal,2001,44(1):81-95.
[14]Klein S B,et al.The F-PEC scale of family influence:Con-struction,validation,and further implication[J].Entrepre-neurship Theory and Practice,2005,29(3):321-339.
[15]Lee K S,et al.Family business succession:Appropriation risk and choice of successor[J].Academy of Management Re-view,2003,28(4):657-666.
[16]McConaughy D L,et al.Founding family-controlled firms:Effi-ciency,risk and value[J].Journal of Small Business Management,2001,39(1):31-49.
[17]McConaughy D L.Family CEOs vs.non-family CEOs in the family-controlled firm:An examination of the level and sensi-tivity of pay to performance[J].Family Business Review,2000,13(2):121-131.
[18]Miller D,et al.Family and lone-founder ownership and stra-tegic behavior:Social context,identity and institutional logics[J].Journal of Management Studies,2011,48(1):1-25.
[19]Miller D,et al.Family firm governance,strategic conformity,and performance:Institutional vs.strategic perspectives[J].Or-ganization Science,2012,doi:10.1287/orsc.1110.0728
[20]Mishra C S and McConaughy D L.Founding family control and capital structure:The risk of loss of control and the aver-sion to debt[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,1999,23(4):53-64.
[21]Morck R and Yeung B.Agency problems in large family business groups[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2003,27(4):367-382.
[22]Munoz-Bullon F and Sanchez-Bueno M.The impact of family involvement on the R&D intensity of publicly traded firms[J].Family Business Review,2011,24(1):62-70.
[23]Pierce J L and Jussila I.Collective psychological ownership with-in the work and organizational context:Construct introduction and elaboration[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2010,31(6):810-834.
[24]Schulze W S,et al.Toward a theory of agency and altruism in family firms[J].Journal of Business Venturing,2003,18(4):473-490.
[25]Wiseman R M and Gomez-Mejia L R.A behavioral agency model of managerial risk taking[J].Academy of Management Review,1998,22(1):133-153.
[26]Zellweger T M and Astrachan J H.On the emotional value of owning a firm[J].Family Business Review,2008,21(4):347-363.
[27]Zellweger T,et al.Family control and family firm valuation by family CEOs:The importance of intentions for transgenerational control[J].Organization Science,2012,23(3):815-868.
朱沆, 叶琴雪, 李新春. 社会情感财富理论及其在家族企业研究中的突破[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2012, 34(12): 56–62.