外国经济与管理 2012 年 第 34 卷第 12 期, 页码:20 - 29
本文采用引文分析法、信息可视化软件CiteSpace II和Web of Science数据库收录的1990~2011年发表的以吸收能力为主题的文献,构建了吸收能力研究文献共被引和主题词混合网络,对网络中的中心主题词和关键文献进行了解读,发现了吸收能力研究的三条理论演进路径;然后通过对突现文献和热点文献的分析发掘出吸收能力研究的前沿热点——企业战略联盟和知识网络结构,并在此基础上构建了吸收能力研究相关理论演化框架,提出了吸收能力的研究维度,并为未来开展吸收能力理论和实证研究提出了若干建议。
③本文采用了美国科学情报研究所(ISI)“Web of Science”数据库(SCI-expanded,SSCI,A&HCI,CPCI-S)中搜索到的相关文献,采用以下数据检索策略:TS(主题)=absorptive capacity AND学科类别=business economics or operations research management sci-ence AND文献类型=article AND时间跨度=1990-2011,结果检索到1186条文献记录,并把数据下载的方式设定为“全纪录并且包含所引用的参考文献”,数据下载日期为2012年7月19日。
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[11]Grant R M.Toward a knowledge-based theory of the firm[J].Strategic Management Journal,1996,17(Win.S.I.):109-122.
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[16]Lane P J and Lubatkin M.Relative absorptive capacity and interorganizational learning[J].Strategic Management Jour-nal,1998,19(5):461-477.
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[18]Lane P J,et al.The reification of absorptive capacity:A critical review and rejuvenation of the construct[J].Academy of Management Review,2006,31(4):833-863.
[19]March J.Exploration and exploitation in organization learn-ing[J].Organization Science,1991,2(1):71-87.
[20]Mowery D C and Oxley J E.Inward technology transfer and competitiveness:The role of national innovation systems[J].Cambridge Journal of Economics,1995,19(1):67-94.
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[22]Nelson R and Winter S.An evolutional theory of economic change[M].Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1982.
[23]Nonaka I.A dynamic theory of organizational knowledge creation[J].Organization Science,1994,5(1):14-37.
[24]Nonaka I and Takeuchi H.The knowledge-creating compa-ny:How Japanese companies create the dynamics of innova-tion[M].New York:Oxford University Press,1995.
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[26]Powell W W,et al.Interorganizational collaboration and the lo-cus of innovation:Networks of learning in biotechnology[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1996,41(1):116-145.
[27]Szulanski G.Exploring internal stickiness:Impediments to the transfer of best practice within the firm[J].Strategic Manage-ment Journal,1996,17(Win.S.I.):27-43.
[28]Teece D J,et al.Dynamic capabilities and strategic manage-ment[J].Strategic Management Journal,1997,18(7):509-535.
[29]Tsai W.Knowledge transfer in intraorganizational networks:Effects of network position and absorptive capacity on business unit innova-tion and performance[J].Academy of Management Journal,2001,44(5):996-1004.
[30]Zahra S A and George G.Absorptive capacity:A review,reconceptualization,and extension[J].Academy of Manage-ment Review,2002,27(2):185-203.
[1]Barney J.Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage[J].Journal of Management,1991,17(1):99-120.
[2]Barton D L.Core capabilities and core rigidities:A paradox in managing new product development[J].Strategic Management Journal,1992,13(SI):111-125.
[3]Cockburn I M and Henderson R M.Absorptive capacity,co-authoring behavior,and the organization of research in drug discovery[J].The Journal of Industrial Economics,1998,6(2):157-182.
[4]Chen C M.CiteSpace II:Detecting and visualizing emerging trends and transient patterns in scientific literature[J].Jour-nal of the American Society for Information Science and Tech-nology,2006,57(3):359-377.
[5]Cohen W and Levinthal D.Innovation and learning:The twofaces of R&D[J].Economic Journal,1989,99(9):569-596.
[6]Cohen W and Levinthal D.Absorptive capacity:A new per-spective on learning and innovation[J].Administrative Sci-ence Quarterly,1990,35(1):128-152.
[7]Cohen W and Levinthal D.Fortune favors the prepared firm[J].Management Science,1994,40(2):227-251.
[8]Darr E D,et al.The acquisition,transfer,and depreciation of knowledge in service organizations:Productivity in franchi-ses[J].Management Science,1995,41(11):1750-1762.
[9]Doz L.The evolution of cooperation in strategic alliances:Ini-tial conditions or learning process[J].Strategic Management Journal,1996,17(S.I.):55-83.
[10]Dyer J H and Singh H.The relational view:Cooperative strategy and sources of interorganizational competitive advan-tage[J].Academy of Management Review,1998,23(4):660-679.
[11]Grant R M.Toward a knowledge-based theory of the firm[J].Strategic Management Journal,1996,17(Win.S.I.):109-122.
[12]Henderson R M and Cockburn I M.Scale,scope and spillo-vers:The determinants of research productivity in drug dis-covery[J].Journal of Economics,1996,27(1):32-59.
[13]Itami H and Roehl T.Mobilizing invisible assets[M].New York:Harvard University Press,1987.
[14]Kim L.Crisis construction and organizational learning:Ca-pability building in catching-up at Hyundai Motor[J].Organi-zation Science,1998,9(4):506-521.
[15]Kogut B and Zander U.Knowledge of the firm,combinative capabilities,and the replication of technology[J].Organiza-tion Science,1992,3(3):383-397.
[16]Lane P J and Lubatkin M.Relative absorptive capacity and interorganizational learning[J].Strategic Management Jour-nal,1998,19(5):461-477.
[17]Lane P J,et al.Absorptive capacity,learning,and perfor-mance in international joint ventures[J].Strategic Manage-ment Journal,2001,22(12):1139-1161.
[18]Lane P J,et al.The reification of absorptive capacity:A critical review and rejuvenation of the construct[J].Academy of Management Review,2006,31(4):833-863.
[19]March J.Exploration and exploitation in organization learn-ing[J].Organization Science,1991,2(1):71-87.
[20]Mowery D C and Oxley J E.Inward technology transfer and competitiveness:The role of national innovation systems[J].Cambridge Journal of Economics,1995,19(1):67-94.
[21]Mowery D C,et al.Strategic alliances and inter-firm knowledge transfer[J].Strategic Management Journal,1996,17(Win.S.I.):77-91.
[22]Nelson R and Winter S.An evolutional theory of economic change[M].Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1982.
[23]Nonaka I.A dynamic theory of organizational knowledge creation[J].Organization Science,1994,5(1):14-37.
[24]Nonaka I and Takeuchi H.The knowledge-creating compa-ny:How Japanese companies create the dynamics of innova-tion[M].New York:Oxford University Press,1995.
[25]Price D D.Network of scientific papers[J].Science,1965,149(7):510-515.
[26]Powell W W,et al.Interorganizational collaboration and the lo-cus of innovation:Networks of learning in biotechnology[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1996,41(1):116-145.
[27]Szulanski G.Exploring internal stickiness:Impediments to the transfer of best practice within the firm[J].Strategic Manage-ment Journal,1996,17(Win.S.I.):27-43.
[28]Teece D J,et al.Dynamic capabilities and strategic manage-ment[J].Strategic Management Journal,1997,18(7):509-535.
[29]Tsai W.Knowledge transfer in intraorganizational networks:Effects of network position and absorptive capacity on business unit innova-tion and performance[J].Academy of Management Journal,2001,44(5):996-1004.
[30]Zahra S A and George G.Absorptive capacity:A review,reconceptualization,and extension[J].Academy of Manage-ment Review,2002,27(2):185-203.
尤建新, 任斌, 邵鲁宁. 企业吸收能力研究演进脉络梳理与前沿热点探析——基于引文分析法[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2012, 34(12): 20–29.