外国经济与管理 2012 年 第 34 卷第 12 期, 页码:1 - 11
[1]Alvarez S A and Barney J B.How do entrepreneurs organize firms under conditions of uncertainty?[J].Journal of Management,2005,31(5):776-793.
[2]Ardichvili A,et al.A theory of entrepreneurial opportunity i-dentification and development[J].Journal of Business Ventu-ring,2003,18(1):105-123.
[3]Arthurs J D and Busenitz L W.Dynamic capabilities and ven-ture performance:The effects of venture capitalists[J].Jour-nal of Business Venturing,2006,21(2):195-215.
[4]Baker T and Nelson R E.Creating something from nothing:Resource construction through entrepreneurial bricolage[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,2005,50(3):329-366.
[5]Bruton G D,et al.Entrepreneurship in emerging economies:Where are we today and where should the research go in the future[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2008,32(1):1-14.
[6]Burke A E,et al.Self-employment wealth and job creation:The roles of gender,non-pecuniary motivation and entrepre-neurial ability[J].Small Business Economics,2002,19(3):255-270.
[7]Clarysse B,et al.The impact of entrepreneurial capacity,ex-perience and organizational support on academic entrepreneur-ship[J].Research Policy,2011,40(8):1084-1093.
[8]Dutta D K and Thornhill S.The evolution of growth inten-tions:Toward a cognition-based model[J].Journal of Busi-ness Venturing,2008,23(3):307-332.
[9]Gupta A K and Govindarajan V.Knowledge flows within multinational corporations[J].Strategic Management Journal,2000,21(4):473-496.
[10]Haynie J M,et al.An opportunity for me?The role of re-sources in opportunity evaluation decisions[J].Journal of Management Studies,2009,46(3):337-361.
[11]Helfat C E and Peteraf M A.The dynamic resource-based view:Capability lifecycles[J].Strategic Management Journal,2003,24(10):997-1010.
[12]Hsu Y H and Fang W.Intellectual capital and new product development performance:The mediating role of organization-al learning capability[J].Technological Forecasting and Social Change,2009,76(5):664-677.
[13]Jiao H,et al.An empirical study of mechanisms to enhance entrepreneurs’capabilities through entrepreneurial learning in an emerging market[J].Journal of Chinese Entrepreneurship,2010,2(2):196-217.
[14]Karra N,et al.Building the born global firm:Developing en-trepreneurial capabilities for international new venture success[J].Long Range Planning,2008,41(4):440-458.
[15]Li P S and Ding D H.The match between entrepreneur capabili-ties and their function[J].Economic Management,2006,23(1):13-18.
[16]Man T W Y and Lau T.Entrepreneurial competencies of SME owner/managers in the HongKong services sector:A qualitative analysis[J].Journal of Enterprising Culture,2000,8(3):235-254.
[17]Man T W Y,et al.The competitiveness of small and medium en-terprises:A conceptualization with focus on entrepreneurial compe-tencies[J].Journal of Business Venturing,2002,17(2):123-142.
[18]Man T W Y,et al.Home-grown and abroad-bred entrepre-neurs in China:A study of the influences of external context on entrepreneurial competencies[J].Journal of Enterprising Culture,2008,16(2):113-132.
[19]Muzychenko O.Cross-cultural entrepreneurial competence in identifying international business opportunities[J].European Management Journal,2008,26(6):366-377.
[20]Nelson P and Tracey P.Opportunity recognition,entrepreneurial capabilities and bricolage:Connecting institutional theory and en-trepreneurship in strategic organization[J].Strategic Organiza-tion,2007,5(3):313-320.
[21]Nicolaou N,et al.Is the tendency to engage in entrepreneurship genetic?[J].Management Science,2008,54(1):167-179.
[22]Rae D and Carswell M.Towards a conceptual understanding of entrepreneurial learning[J].Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development,2001,8(2):150-158.
[23]Rasmussen E,et al.The evolution of entrepreneurial compe-tencies:A longitudinal study of university spin-off venture e-mergence[J].Journal of Management Studies,2011,48(6):1314-1346.
[24]Rasmussen L B and Nielsen T.Entrepreneurial capabilities:Is entrepreneurship action research in disguise?[J].A.I.&Soc.,2004,18(2):100-112.
[25]Rule E G and Irwin D W.Fostering intrapreneurship:The new competitive edge[J].Journal of Business Strategy,1993,9(3):44-47.
[26]Sarasvathy S D.Entrepreneurship as a science of the artificial[J].Journal of Economic Psychology,2003,24(2):203-220.
[27]Seet P S and Seet L C.Changing entrepreneurial perceptions and developing entrepreneurial competencies through experi-ential learning:Evidence from entrepreneurship education in Singapore’s tertiary education institutions[J].Journal of Asia Entrepreneurship and Sustainability,2006,2(2):162-91.
[28]Shane S and Venkataraman S.The promise of entrepreneur-ship as a field of research[J].Academy of Management Re-view,2000,25(1):217-226.
[29]Thompson J L.The facets of the entrepreneur:Identifying entrepreneurial potential[J].Management Decision,2004,42(2):243-258.
[30]Withers M C,et al.Doing more with less:The disordinal im-plications of firm age for leveraging capabilities for innovation activity[J].Journal of Small Business Management,2011,49(4):515-536.
[31]Zahra S A,et al.Emerging multinationals venturing into developed economies:Implications for learning,unlearning,and entrepreneurial capability[J].Journal of Management Inquiry,2011,20(3):323-330.
[32]Zampetakis L A and Moustakis V.Entrepreneurial behaviour in the Greek public sector[J].International Journal of Entrepre-neurial Behaviour&Research,2007,13(1):19-38.
[33]Zhang M,et al.International entrepreneurial capability:The measurement and a comparison between born global firms and traditional exporters in China[J].Journal of Internation-al Entrepreneurship,2009,7(4):292-322.
[2]Ardichvili A,et al.A theory of entrepreneurial opportunity i-dentification and development[J].Journal of Business Ventu-ring,2003,18(1):105-123.
[3]Arthurs J D and Busenitz L W.Dynamic capabilities and ven-ture performance:The effects of venture capitalists[J].Jour-nal of Business Venturing,2006,21(2):195-215.
[4]Baker T and Nelson R E.Creating something from nothing:Resource construction through entrepreneurial bricolage[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,2005,50(3):329-366.
[5]Bruton G D,et al.Entrepreneurship in emerging economies:Where are we today and where should the research go in the future[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2008,32(1):1-14.
[6]Burke A E,et al.Self-employment wealth and job creation:The roles of gender,non-pecuniary motivation and entrepre-neurial ability[J].Small Business Economics,2002,19(3):255-270.
[7]Clarysse B,et al.The impact of entrepreneurial capacity,ex-perience and organizational support on academic entrepreneur-ship[J].Research Policy,2011,40(8):1084-1093.
[8]Dutta D K and Thornhill S.The evolution of growth inten-tions:Toward a cognition-based model[J].Journal of Busi-ness Venturing,2008,23(3):307-332.
[9]Gupta A K and Govindarajan V.Knowledge flows within multinational corporations[J].Strategic Management Journal,2000,21(4):473-496.
[10]Haynie J M,et al.An opportunity for me?The role of re-sources in opportunity evaluation decisions[J].Journal of Management Studies,2009,46(3):337-361.
[11]Helfat C E and Peteraf M A.The dynamic resource-based view:Capability lifecycles[J].Strategic Management Journal,2003,24(10):997-1010.
[12]Hsu Y H and Fang W.Intellectual capital and new product development performance:The mediating role of organization-al learning capability[J].Technological Forecasting and Social Change,2009,76(5):664-677.
[13]Jiao H,et al.An empirical study of mechanisms to enhance entrepreneurs’capabilities through entrepreneurial learning in an emerging market[J].Journal of Chinese Entrepreneurship,2010,2(2):196-217.
[14]Karra N,et al.Building the born global firm:Developing en-trepreneurial capabilities for international new venture success[J].Long Range Planning,2008,41(4):440-458.
[15]Li P S and Ding D H.The match between entrepreneur capabili-ties and their function[J].Economic Management,2006,23(1):13-18.
[16]Man T W Y and Lau T.Entrepreneurial competencies of SME owner/managers in the HongKong services sector:A qualitative analysis[J].Journal of Enterprising Culture,2000,8(3):235-254.
[17]Man T W Y,et al.The competitiveness of small and medium en-terprises:A conceptualization with focus on entrepreneurial compe-tencies[J].Journal of Business Venturing,2002,17(2):123-142.
[18]Man T W Y,et al.Home-grown and abroad-bred entrepre-neurs in China:A study of the influences of external context on entrepreneurial competencies[J].Journal of Enterprising Culture,2008,16(2):113-132.
[19]Muzychenko O.Cross-cultural entrepreneurial competence in identifying international business opportunities[J].European Management Journal,2008,26(6):366-377.
[20]Nelson P and Tracey P.Opportunity recognition,entrepreneurial capabilities and bricolage:Connecting institutional theory and en-trepreneurship in strategic organization[J].Strategic Organiza-tion,2007,5(3):313-320.
[21]Nicolaou N,et al.Is the tendency to engage in entrepreneurship genetic?[J].Management Science,2008,54(1):167-179.
[22]Rae D and Carswell M.Towards a conceptual understanding of entrepreneurial learning[J].Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development,2001,8(2):150-158.
[23]Rasmussen E,et al.The evolution of entrepreneurial compe-tencies:A longitudinal study of university spin-off venture e-mergence[J].Journal of Management Studies,2011,48(6):1314-1346.
[24]Rasmussen L B and Nielsen T.Entrepreneurial capabilities:Is entrepreneurship action research in disguise?[J].A.I.&Soc.,2004,18(2):100-112.
[25]Rule E G and Irwin D W.Fostering intrapreneurship:The new competitive edge[J].Journal of Business Strategy,1993,9(3):44-47.
[26]Sarasvathy S D.Entrepreneurship as a science of the artificial[J].Journal of Economic Psychology,2003,24(2):203-220.
[27]Seet P S and Seet L C.Changing entrepreneurial perceptions and developing entrepreneurial competencies through experi-ential learning:Evidence from entrepreneurship education in Singapore’s tertiary education institutions[J].Journal of Asia Entrepreneurship and Sustainability,2006,2(2):162-91.
[28]Shane S and Venkataraman S.The promise of entrepreneur-ship as a field of research[J].Academy of Management Re-view,2000,25(1):217-226.
[29]Thompson J L.The facets of the entrepreneur:Identifying entrepreneurial potential[J].Management Decision,2004,42(2):243-258.
[30]Withers M C,et al.Doing more with less:The disordinal im-plications of firm age for leveraging capabilities for innovation activity[J].Journal of Small Business Management,2011,49(4):515-536.
[31]Zahra S A,et al.Emerging multinationals venturing into developed economies:Implications for learning,unlearning,and entrepreneurial capability[J].Journal of Management Inquiry,2011,20(3):323-330.
[32]Zampetakis L A and Moustakis V.Entrepreneurial behaviour in the Greek public sector[J].International Journal of Entrepre-neurial Behaviour&Research,2007,13(1):19-38.
[33]Zhang M,et al.International entrepreneurial capability:The measurement and a comparison between born global firms and traditional exporters in China[J].Journal of Internation-al Entrepreneurship,2009,7(4):292-322.
尹苗苗, 蔡莉. 创业能力研究现状探析与未来展望[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2012, 34(12): 1–11.